03 June 2009


Winter is meant to be a time of resting and rejuvenating. This is evident when you look at the animals and trees around us. Some of them hibernate, some go into a dormant state, and most simply slow down. As humans, we try to defy the laws of nature and often continue as normal, even though our environment tells us to relax a bit. Here are a few simple things you can do to improve your innate healing powers during the cold months:

Sleep more: When we sleep, the parasympathetic nervous system is most active. This is the portion of our nervous system that heals and rejuvenates us from the up and downs of our daily living. Try to sleep about 30 to 60 minutes extra in the winter to give your body more time to heal.
Enjoy the fruits of winter: Nature provides us the proper nutrition when we need it most and winter fruits are a perfect example. Papinos, oranges, and guavas among others, contain high amounts of vitamin C and minerals, in a form that is easily digested and readily absorbed, which we need to boost the function of our immune system.
Exercise in moderation: In a survey we did of our patients a few years ago, most people tend to exercise less during the colder months. However, moderate and regular exercise has been shown time and again to have immune-boosting effects. Enjoy our normally sunny winter days by taking a brisk 30 minute walk about 3 times a week. But remember, too much exercise does suppress the immune system. Also, remember to stretch every day, which is even more important during this season.
Laugh a lot: Laughing makes us feel good and this has a positive effect on our immune system. So watch a funny movie or read a witty book. We tend to take life too seriously and laughing always puts things into perspective and will make you healthier.
Stay social: In our modern world, we are so wary of being exposed to “germs,” when in reality, the people who are more exposed, with more physical contact to other people, tend to get sick less often. Many studies have shown this. So allow your immune system to strengthen by meeting more people and connect with your friends more often.
Optimize your nervous system function: In an article in the June issue of Shape magazine, they mentioned that chiropractic adjustments can help to boost your gland functions, which nurtures your immune system. Also, your nervous system does directly control your immune system, so maintaining proper spinal balance and function will help give your immune system a big advantage this winter.
These simple steps will help you to make winter work for you, so by the time spring comes around, you will be ready to take on the world.

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