"And in the woods, two roads diverged. And I -
I took the one less traveled. And that has made all the difference."|
~"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
In forty years of my life, I've often found myself off the beaten path, as my major decisions were not always popular or mainstream. There are many, but a few stand out in my memory. For one, I chose the sometimes controversial, but often under-appreciated profession of chiropractic to help people, while most of my friends went to medical school. Also, unlike most of my fellow humans, I have enjoyed a more eco-friendly vegetarian diet since 1998, and haven't looked back since. Furthermore, I decided to return to my country of birth, while many South Africans leave for the seemingly greener pastures overseas. And finally, I use a gentle and vitalistic method to empower my patients, while most chiropractors here and abroad tend toward a more aggressive and mechanistic approach. These choices were never made for the sake of being different; I simply followed my heart and instinct. It simply made more sense and just happens to be the road less traveled. And it has truly made all the difference, for which I am truly blessed.