11 November 2011

Healthy Exercise: Jumping Rope

When you think of a jumping rope, it either conjures an image of a child or a boxer (made most famous by Rocky as seen here).  One thing both these groups have in common is that they are both in excellent physical condition.  So it goes without saying that this simple, often over-looked exercise is a great option, even if your time is limited.  Inexpensive, quick and efficient in improving the function of your body and mind, this exercise is also good for your posture and improves your spinal strength and balance.  Unfortunately, for those of you with any joint problems, this exercise should be avoided.  For others, this active exercise will strengthen all major muscle groups, as well as bones and joints.  Just remember to warm up and stretch beforehand and first make sure that your spine is in sync and subluxation-free.  So start jumping and feel younger as you get fighting fit, and ready to take on life! 


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