19 August 2015

You're Probably Vitamin C Deficient

While most people put so much emphasis on getting enough macronutrients, such as protein and fat, they end up missing out on the thousands of micronutrients, such as Vitamin C. Studies on populations in developed countries found that between 85-90% of people are not consuming enough of this essential vitamin.  While most people know that vitamin C is important for optimal immune system function, studies are revealing that this important nutrient also helps to fight inflammation, keep you slim, and even reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are just ten foods high in vitamin C that you should add to your lifestyle: yellow bell peppers, guavas, dark green leafy vegetables, kiwi, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas, and papayas.  Also, remember that since vitamin C is extremely unstable and temperature sensitive, you must eat these foods raw and as fresh as possible to experience the many benefits of this essential nutrient. And as a bonus, you will also be getting over a thousand other micronutrients which science has yet to discover and name, but fortunately your body's innate wisdom will already put them to good use making you healthier, happier, and more alive.

For more information:

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