27 January 2021

Can Chiropractic Help Prevent and Improve Recovery from COVID?

The nervous system plays a strong role with the development of nearly all disease processes, and it appears that this is the case for infectious diseases, including COVID.  A recent article by a group of German doctors explains that the hyper-inflammatory response, also called the cytokine storm, which is characteristic of severe covid cases, is linked to a poorly functioning vagus nerve, thus complicating any other co-morbidities.  They explain that "all these predisposing medical conditions have an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system in common." They conclude saying that "the modulation of impaired vagus nerve activity due to pre-existing conditions seems to be worth exploring further in covid-19 patients."  

One way that vagus nerve dysfunction can be diagnosed is by measuring heart rate variability, which chiropractic care has consistently been shown to improve, and we see this every day in our practice, as well.  A recent published case study showed improvement in low heart rate in a 74-year-old woman who had been struggling for 4 months. This positive health outcome was achieved using upper cervical adjustments, which has been shown to improve vagus nerve function.  Another case study showed improved vagus nerve function in a 43-year-old recovering from breast cancer.

We have helped many of our patients to prevent getting ill, despite other pre-existing conditions, during this stressful time.  We have also helped some patients recover from covid-related complications.  These recent findings help to explain why chiropractic can help, even with covid.  In my opinion, severe and chronic subluxations are a co-morbidity that is being overlooked and specific chiropractic care should be required, especially during times like this.

by Dr SJ Nana ( DrNana.co.za )

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