02 March 2022

Are EMFs Contributing To Severe COVID-19?

(Click on image to enlarge)
While many neurological problems are being blamed on the covid virus, the evidence to support this theory is circumstantial at best, considering that the test used to diagnose an infection has been proven to be inaccurate.  According to a paper published in 2020, "More than a third of cases displayed neurological involvement, and many severely ill patients developed multiple organ infection and injury.  However, less than 1% of patients had a detectable level of SARS- CoV-2 in the blood, raising a question of how the virus spreads throughout the body."  Considering that many people are now overexposed to wireless radiation, it is not far-fetched to see that this additional stress on the body can compromise health and even weaken the nervous and immune systems.  In a paper published last year, the researchers "identified several mechanisms by which wireless communication radiation may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor."  While the wireless industry and governments claim this radiation is safe, independent scientists that have been warning us for decades.  I have also seen many patients report positive effects when they do limit their exposure.  Unfortunately, most people today are unable to eliminate this radiation, but there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure (see infographic).  Chiropractic care also reduces dysfunction in the nervous system, allowing your body to withstand this stress much more effectively.
by SJ NANA, DC, DrNana.co.za


Please see my previous articles related to this topic:

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