A good example of this is a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension that found that “chiropractic upper cervical adjustments to correct the position and function of the atlas vertebra can significantly lower blood pressure in patients with [high blood pressure].” Most of you are familiar with the atlas or C1 and the profound effects of a subluxation at this level. No other single vertebra has as far-reaching an effect on your overall function. So the results of this study are not that surprising.
Another great study showed how chiropractic care greatly reduces the incidence of injuries for Australian Rules footballers. It revealed that those athletes also receiving chiropractic care had a much lower incidence of hamstring, lower leg, knee, and low back injuries. This obviously makes a lot of sense considering the mechanical effects of the pelvis and nerves from the spine.
And finally, a study published this year showed that chiropractic care for employees of a meat processing plant in Canada resulted in a 43% reduction in days of work lost due to injury. The study also showed a significant reduction of the need for surgery, a considerable savings to the company.
All in all, further evidence of the importance of a balanced spine and nervous system.
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