15 May 2015

Chiropractic Also Improves Mental Health

Many of my clients often comment about how chiropractic helps them feel happier, more optimistic, less stressed, and calmer. So it is not surprising to see recent studies which show that chiropractic care also improves mental and emotional health.  According to the Nobel prize-winning neurobiologist, Roger W. Sperry, PhD., "90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine," so it's no wonder that chiropractic has a long history of helping those with mental illness. In 2007, a review of 129 randomised controlled trial studies found that chiropractic care was at least as effective as verbal interventions for improving mental health.  Various studies have also shown that chiropractic care can also help with addiction, depression, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and learning disabilities. This is quite amazing to consider as these results were actually inadvertant, simply resulting from improved brain and nervous system function with the help of specific chiropractic care. While most people come to us for relief from an ache or pain, improved mental health is often a welcome bonus to help you manage your busy life.

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