The Starch Solution is the culmination of over 40 years of successfully treating thousands of people simply with diet, by one of the first modern-day medical doctors to prove that food is truly more powerful than medicine. While this book has some limited popularity overseas, the pervasive and ingrained myths about our protein, calcium, and B12 needs, along with an outright addiction to animal fats, will keep most people from ever reading this book. With so many South Africans jumping onto the "low-carb, high animal fat" highway to chronic disease, they are lumping the refined, simple carbohydrates with the unrefined, complex carbohydrates (starches), but to the detriment of their long-term health. Starches are like rocket fuel for our bodies, providing usable energy and longevity. As Dr. McDougall discusses, every major culture around the world based their diet on some sort of unrefined starch. In recent decades, an overemphasis has been placed on protein and fat, leading to an explosion of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and many other chronic diseases. There is a good reason why we start breaking down starches in our mouths (unlike proteins and fats) via the enzyme amylase found in our saliva: we not only survive on starches, but thrive. If you would like to save money on future medical bills, while enjoying life to its fullest, I highly recommend reading this important book.
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