28 January 2016

Sleeping With Gratitude

Sleeping is essential for your well-being, allowing your mind and body to heal from the day and recharge for the next. What you do just before you sleep is of vital importance and so is your mindset.  The following exercise is a great way to relax the mind and sets a healing tone for a nurturing night's sleep:

"Before you go to sleep tonight, lie comfortably in your bed and begin giving thanks inwardly. Remember everyone who helped you today. Call up their image in your mind's eye and thank them for their support or challenge, niceness or meanness, or simply their presence in your life.  Identify what they were teaching you and how and what they were balancing. Continue until you feel great gratitude for your day - until you see that both sides are perfectly balanced and both are love. Going to sleep with a grateful, open heart is a powerful healing practice. Your dreams will become more inspiring, and you will awaken in the morning with a lighter state of mind."

- Dr. John F. DeMartini

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