11 November 2011

Healthy Exercise: Jumping Rope

When you think of a jumping rope, it either conjures an image of a child or a boxer (made most famous by Rocky as seen here).  One thing both these groups have in common is that they are both in excellent physical condition.  So it goes without saying that this simple, often over-looked exercise is a great option, even if your time is limited.  Inexpensive, quick and efficient in improving the function of your body and mind, this exercise is also good for your posture and improves your spinal strength and balance.  Unfortunately, for those of you with any joint problems, this exercise should be avoided.  For others, this active exercise will strengthen all major muscle groups, as well as bones and joints.  Just remember to warm up and stretch beforehand and first make sure that your spine is in sync and subluxation-free.  So start jumping and feel younger as you get fighting fit, and ready to take on life! 


The Power That Made The Body

"The power that made the body, heals the body."
- B. J. Palmer, D.C., the "developer" of chiropractic

Did you know that the first system to develop shortly after we are conceived is the nervous system?  Before the development of any organs, guided by the power of our innate intelligence, the cells unite to form the early stages of our brain and spinal cord.  From the nervous system, all other systems follow.  And through our nervous system, this same power protects and heals us.  This is yet another reason why it is so important for our nervous system to function optimally:  it allows the power that made us to do what it knows best.  This is even more essential in early stages of our lives, as subluxation patterns are often inherited.  Most people also don't realize that chiropractic care is also effective for babies and children.  While we do not treat specific diseases or conditions, many studies have shown that spinal adjustments can help with a wide variety of childhood ailments.  All children should be checked at least once a year, and more often after bad falls or unresolved health problems.  Chiropractic care simply helps to maximize the power that made the body.

30 September 2011

Watching TV Shortens Life

My father always referred to the TV as the "dumb box," a sentiment that I agree with wholeheartedly.  According to a new study, it may be even more appropriately called the "death box."  Researchers found that watching one hour of TV can shorten lifespan by 22 minutes.  So a person watching 6 hours per day is likely to decrease their lifespan by 5 years!  Remember to minimize your TV viewing to specific programs, avoid channel surfing, stay more active and get out and enjoy the world first hand.


28 September 2011

Yawning Helps The Brain

Our nervous system performs numerous mysterious acts, which we may not understand, but accept and appreciate nonetheless.  One example is yawning.  We do know that this happens more when we are tired and appears to be contagious, so to speak, but new research has found that it may also play a role in temperature regulation of the brain.  It seems that this innate behavior, which is found in all animals with a spine, has a multifaceted purpose.  So the next time you yawn, remember not to stifle or block it, like we seem obligated to do, and allow your body to do what it knows best.


07 September 2011

Life On The Road Less Traveled

"And in the woods, two roads diverged.  And I -
I took the one less traveled.  And that has made all the difference."|   
~"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost

In forty years of my life, I've often found myself off the beaten path, as my major decisions were not always popular or mainstream.  There are many, but a few stand out in my memory.  For one, I chose the sometimes controversial, but often under-appreciated profession of chiropractic to help people, while most of my friends went to medical school.  Also, unlike most of my fellow humans, I have enjoyed a more eco-friendly vegetarian diet since 1998, and haven't looked back since.  Furthermore, I decided to return to my country of birth, while many South Africans leave for the seemingly greener pastures overseas.  And finally, I use a gentle and vitalistic method to empower my patients, while most chiropractors here and abroad tend toward a more aggressive and mechanistic approach.  These choices were never made for the sake of being different; I simply followed my heart and instinct.  It simply made more sense and just happens to be the road less traveled.  And it has truly made all the difference, for which I am truly blessed.

06 September 2011

Healthy Reading: "Jane's Delicious Garden"

“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”   ~Mahatma Gandhi

One of the best things about Winter, is feeling reawakened when Spring finally arrives.  Every year, I find myself yearning to visit our many wonderful nurseries and digging in the garden.  While I seldom have the time and energy to play in our home garden as I would like, I've found that the more you know, the more you can maximize limited time and space.  A couple of years ago, I discovered a wonderful local book by Jane Griffiths, titled "Jane's Delicious Garden" that teaches you how to grow a healthful, edible, organic South African-style garden.  While very informative, it also proves to be entertaining with interesting background information on the various herbs and vegetables.  Gardening is a wonderful way to get in touch with the Earth, soothes the soul, provides a great source of exercise, and is always relaxing.  Just remember, before any intensive gardening, it's always a good idea to warm up and stretch just as you would before any major exercise routine.  Also, be sure not to carry your cell phone with you. This book just shows us more ways that we can live and thrive with nature. 


26 August 2011


The World Health Organization (WHO) has finally admitted that cell phones can possibly cause cancer, placing the risk factor in the the same group as pesticides.  Many studies have shown this risk, but the cell phone industry has downplayed any potential health hazards.  What is even more disturbing is that the WHO panel that determined the health risks of cell phones included a doctor with a vested interest in the telecommunications industry; a conflict of interest which he failed to disclose.  Once this was revealed, he was removed from the panel, and the research panel evaluating the dangers of cell phones finally admitted that cell phones do indeed pose a risk of cancer.  So minimize your exposure to less than an hour a day, if possible, especially for children, as they are more vulnerable to any type of radiation.


25 May 2011


A recent small study found that the perception of pain can be reduced simply by crossing your limbs over the other, thus "confusing" the brain.  For instance, if you have pain in your hand, by simply crossing your arms over the midline, you can reduce the severity of the pain.  In this study, the participants found "that their sensation of pain was considerably weaker with crossed arms."  Considering that from a psychological perspective, crossing your arms is a sign of discomfort or insecurity, it appears that our innate intelligence is way ahead of science.

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24 May 2011


Scientists have discovered a mechanism whereby our immune system is able to target invading bacteria and induce them to commit suicide.  This is just another example of our amazing ability to protect and heal ourselves.  While this study is promising for the researchers in their quest to develop more drugs in the "war on germs," it also shows that our immune system works in ways we are only beginning to understand.  Fortunately, our innate intelligence already knows how to take care of us.  And by improving the function of your nervous system, your immune system also becomes more efficient.

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20 May 2011


According to a 2008 US government survey, 38% of adults and 12% of children utilize some sort of "complementary or alternative" health care.  It seems that this percentage seems to be growing, despite the continued growth of the pharmaceutical industry.  The most common reason for seeking a more natural form of health care is for the management of pain.  Studies have shown positive results with many different forms of care, including chiropractic, meditation, acupuncture, massage, yoga, and Tai-chi.  While all these can help with pain management, this result is more like a side effect, if you will.  These different modalities are vitalistic by nature, and simply improve the way you function, helping your body to deal with the symptoms the way it knows best.  So while you may have come here to get rid of pain, that is just the beginning of the benefits you will realize. 

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26 March 2011


As we shelter ourselves more and more from the elements, we often miss the nurturing effects of nature.  A good example is sunshine, as many of us shy away from its harshness and potential damage from UV rays.  While too much sun exposure is definitely bad for us, just as the plants need sunshine to live, so do we.  One essential purpose of sunshine is to help our bodies to produce Vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones and proper nerve function.  Furthermore, many studies are also now showing a possible link between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other chronic diseases, including osteoporosis.  While we can get this vitamin from our diet, our best source is from exposure of our skin to sunlight, which fuels our body's innate process that produces Vitamin D naturally.  So be sure to expose your skin to about 15 minutes of direct sunlight every day.  Living on the highveld of South Africa we are also fortunate during the winter time, as we are blessed with sunshine nearly every day.  So be sure to enjoy some daily sun in moderation.

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16 February 2011


With over 800 species of birds in South Africa, it seems that this abundance of birds is also good for our health.  The mayor of a desert city in California has proposed that the recorded sound of birds should be broadcast through the city, saying that "scientific studies have shown that bird sounds improve happiness, and that piping them through speakers will ultimately improve residents' health."  Fortunately, we have the real thing.  So be sure to spend as much time outdoors as possible, enjoying nature's music and getting healthier as well.


11 February 2011


One of the many possible side effects of chemotherapy is nerve dysfunction, resulting in pain particularly in the hands and feet.  An Activator chiropractor working at the Eastern Region of Cancer Treatment Centers of America found that chiropractic care was able to help these patients.   Chiropractic adjustments release irritation of spinal nerves, resulting in better function and helping the body to deal with the toxic effects of chemotherapy.  A study is being designed by Activator Methods to quantify this finding, so I'll keep you posted.

04 February 2011


Apparently, most of health care today is based on flawed, unscientific studies.  According the Dr. John Ioannidis, a medical researcher and expert statistician, 90% of studies in peer-reviewed health journals are inconclusive and often incorrect.  With this in mind, it is important to make sure that you are in charge of your health.  The health care industry does not always have your best interest in mind, as it depends on your poor lifestyle choices for its very survival.  And making people healthier does not necessarily make good business sense, especially if you are a multinational, publicly-listed corporation.   If you live a healthy lifestyle and take care of your body, mind, and soul, you can prevent and cure most ailments naturally.  Your body's own innate intelligence just needs a chance to function properly, and that is all up to you.

(Read more.)

26 January 2011


As we continue to get bombarded with this seemingly never-ending rain, remember to take it slowly when you're out and about.  In an experiment I saw a few years ago, it was found that you get more wet when you run, rather than walk in the rain.  So be sure to walk calmly and carefully.  You will not only get less wet, but you are also less likely to fall, and less likely to require the services of someone like me.

25 January 2011


The other day, as I was adjusting one of my patients, her husband seemed intrigued by the Activator Method and remarked that it's amazing what sort of technology scientists come up with.  While this is true, scientists could not have come up with anything without the most powerful technology already within you:  the life force emanating from your nervous system.  And the great results we see only happens because of your body's innate intelligence.  Chiropractic care helps you to harness this power; it's up to you to use it wisely.

18 January 2011


Most people tend to use recreational drugs, such as those found in cigarettes, to feel better and relieve tension.  It turns out that one study found that people are actually happier and less depressed when they quit smoking.  And several studies have shown a link between smoking and depression.  The reason most drugs work in the first place is because we have receptors in our bodies that respond to the chemicals in drugs.  This also means that our bodies produce similar chemicals that have a similar effect as synthetic drugs.  So the physiological effects that drugs have on you can be elicited by similar natural messengers and transmitters created by your own body.  The greatest pharmacy is already within you, so there's no point in polluting yourself and the world around you.
