25 November 2020

The Many Proven Benefits of Earthing

The purpose of chiropractic is to improve the function of the nervous system.  Many other lifestyle habits are also essential.  Earthing is one of the most overlooked and beneficial, yet simple steps you can also take to maximize the efficiency of your nervous system.  All you have to do is be in direct contract with the Earth, without shoes, for 30-45 minutes per day.  With our lives revolving around technology, simply being in contact with the Earth seems too simple to have any major benefits.  However, these benefits have been verified by published studies.  According to the Earthing Institute

To date, we've performed over 20 peer-reviewed studies that show the positive effects of grounding the human body.  In one example, doctors at the Pennsylvania State University Children's Hospital in Hershey reported that grounding produced immediate and significant improvements in measurements of the autonomic nervous system, the function of the vagus nerve, and improved measures in heart rate variability.  The vagus nerve is the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is vital for keeping our bodies healthy, and free from disease by regulating our immune systems, controlling stress levels, and reducing inflammation.  In addition, the offshoots of the vagus nerve supplies and regulates key organs, including the stomach, lungs, heart, spleen, intestines, liver, and kidneys.  Take a minute to check out all systems that being grounded helps, which we now know after 20 years of research:

Click on image to enlarge.

For more information:

05 November 2020

Why Are Nervous System Diseases On The Rise?

Judging by the events and restrictions that have defined 2020, you would think that the greatest threat to our health and well-being is a virus.  Fortunately, we have an innate defense mechanism, which is quite efficient when it comes to most infectious diseases.  Meanwhile, countless other health problems are being essentially ignored or downplayed.  One very important example is the fact that for over 30 years now, diseases of the nervous system have been on a steady rise, especially in developed countries.  This includes debilitating and chronic conditions, such as Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, and motor neuron disease.  Some would argue that this is due to an ageing population, but many of these diseases are now also affecting people in their forties and fifties.  One study found that the highest incidence of disability resulting from neurological disease was in people less than 49 years of age.

So what could be causing this disturbing trend and what can we do about it?  While no single cause can be blamed on almost all diseases, it is quite clear that lifestyle and environmental factors are playing a major, synergistic role.  According to a review published last year in the journal Medical Hypotheses, "Evidence comes from studies that point towards multiple-interactive-environmental factors.  A number of occupational groups have been associated with raised ALS (Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis).  With similar associations in regard to occupations and exposure to a range of chemicals and solvents in regard to Parkinson's Disease.  Also, there have been indications of background Electro-Magnetic Fields being associated with various neurological conditions."  While the conveniences of our modern lifestyles have become an essential part of our normal activities of daily living, it seems that limiting our exposure to these things, wherever possible, is vital.  There are many other lifestyle habits which must also be incorportated, lessening the effects of this stress on the nervous system, many of which we've covered in this blog in the past.  I encourage you to make these changes a part of your new normal, as the future health and longevity of your brain and nervous system appears to be at stake.

by Dr SJ Nana



19 August 2020

Chiropractic Can Help With Anxiety & Depression

As the way of life we used to know seems to be melting away, are we ready for the world that is apparently upon us? While the world's economy has collectively crashed, the World Economic Forum is currently orchestrating what they have termed The Great Reset.  One of the hallmarks of this new economy is the fourth industrial revolution, which is a life that essentially revolves around devices, artificial intelligence, and multiple sources of electrosmog.  Unfortunately, this is a lifestyle that we are not biologically equipped to thrive in, especially if we continue with our current habits.  Many studies have shown that overexposing any biological organism to unnatural electromagnetic frequencies (beyond the natural resonance of 7.83 hertz from the Earth) has a well-documented harmful effect.  A study published last month in the Journal of Occupational Health, found a higher risk of burnout and depression among workers in a power plant, as opposed to administrative workers in a hospital. Similar findings have been shown repeatedly in studies of electrical workers, clearly showing a higher incidence of depression and anxiety, among other neurodegenerative problems.  In recent years, I have had an ever-increasing number of patients that suffer from both depression and anxiety, many already resorting to psychotropic drugs, prescribed by doctors that are not aware of any other option to deal with this growing problem.  I have seen many patients improve with these conditions, some even to the extent that they were able cease their dependence on the medication.  Many case studies (see links below) have also shown the effectiveness of specific and gentle chiropractic for these life-disrupting conditions.  Anxiety, depression, and chronic medication do not have to be a part of our new normal.

by Dr SJ Nana


05 August 2020

What Does It Mean To Test Positive?

Many doctors and health officials have openly admitted that the PCR test used to determine an infection with the virus SARS-CoV-2 is quite inaccurate, especially because a "gold standard" was never established before the mass testing began.  According to an article published in May from the British Medical Journal"No test gives a 100% accurate result; tests need to be evaluated to determine their sensitivity and specificity, ideally by comparison with a "gold standard."  The lack of such a clear-cut "gold standard" for covid-19 makes evaluation of test accuracy challenging."

Despite the uncertainty of the true meaning of a positive test, studies are showing that more people than previously thought are immune to this new coronavirus.  When the pandemic was declared early this year, we were told that this is a new virus, thus naming it the "Novel Coronvirus," so people are not immune.  Fortunately, the data and more recent studies have shown that is not true.  A recent study has shown that up to 60% are immune to the novel coronavirus, from previous exposures to other coronaviri, concluding that "we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ~ 40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting crossreactive T cell recognition between circulating ‘‘common cold’’ coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2."  A very similar finding was found by another study published this month, with the researchers saying, "We knew there was  pre-existing reactivity, and this study provides very strong direct molecular evidence that memory T cell can 'see' sequences that are very similar between common cold coronviruses and SARS-CoV-2."

This explains the findings of vaccine researchers who are trying to find people who have not been previously exposed to the virus.  According to a news report in July: "To their surprise, the researchers identified a much higher-than-anticipated percentage of people who have been infected by the virus but who were asymptomatic.  [Dr Mahdi] said between 50% and 66% of adults who are infected with covid-19 are completely asymptomatic.  In children, this is even higher - around 80% of all children who are infected are asymptomatic."  While this is bad news for the researchers trying to find eligible participants in their vaccine trial, this shows that most people are likely already immune to this virus, even the vast majority that test positive.

Unfortunately, as more and more people are tested, more people will test positive and then labelled as a "case," causing the levels of fear to rise even more.  In my opinion, this fear is not justified, and will only suppress the body's innate ability to stay healthy.  Avoiding the mainstream media will alone help to lessen the fear and allow you to focus on living.
by Dr SJ Nana


08 July 2020

Cell Phone Radiation Can Damage DNA

Human sperm exposed to cell phone radiation (labeled 1) clearly show
DNA fragmentation, while unexposed sperm (labeled 2) do not.
With the advent of the lockdown, people are now using their wireless devices more than ever.  As people are trying to avoid being infected by what is turning out to be no more harmful than other seasonal viruses, more and more people are now using their devices for nearly everything, from shopping to exercising to learning.  Unfortunately, the overexposure to the frequencies used by these devices can definitely have a harmful effect, especially in the long term.  One very concerning effect is on DNA, essentially the very foundation of life, and found in nearly every cell of the body.  A recent laboratory study found DNA damage in the brain of rats exposed to cell phone radiation frequencies, as opposed to those not exposed.  Another study showed DNA damage in human placentas and umbilical cords from mothers who used cell phones in combination with WiFi. Another study published in 2014, showed clear evidence of DNA damage in human sperm.  The image above shows human sperm that are exposed to direct cell phone radiation, resulting in DNA fragmentation (labeled 1), as compared to unexposed sperm (labeled 2).  As the chart below shows, this effect begins within just 1 hour of exposure.

Sperm DNA fragmentation begins within 1 hour of exposure (labeled B),
with minimal change seen in unexposed sperm (labeled A).
This may partly explain why sperm counts have been dropping worldwide for over 50 years now, as electromagnetic radiation has increased.  According to Professor Denis L. Henshaw from the UK:

"The idea that since cell phone radio waves do not have the quantam energy to damage DNA and therefore cannot cause ill health is a fallacy.  It is flawed at a number of levels, from the very physics upon which it is supposedly based, to chemistry and biology.  Most of all, the idea is not born out by the tens of thousands of peer-reviewed studies reporting biological effects from exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation, including those associated with radio wave frequencies used by cell phones."

The radiation emitted by these devices must be treated with respect.  Limiting your exposure is not only in your best interest, but for future generations, as well.

 by Dr SJ Nana


12 May 2020

The Ignored Efficiency of the Immune System

With the help of the Killer T Cells (seen on the right), worldwide data has
shown that the survival rate from COVID-19 is between 99.59% and 99.9%.
When most medical doctors and health organizations say that there is "no cure," what they actually mean is that there is "no pharmaceutical cure."  This is especially the case for seasonal viruses that come and go every year.  This is also the case for COVID-19, where the vast majority of people are recovering naturally, with no medical intervention.  In fact, most people never even develop any symptoms and don't even realize that they even had the virus.  According to the British Medical Journal, 80% of those that are positive are asymptomatic.  Even for 70-79 year olds, 60% remain symptom-free, with 95% of all ages developing no more than mild symptoms.

Studies from the U.S., Japan, DenmarkIran, and Germany have demonstrated that much more people than previously thought are already immune to the COVID-19 virus, showing that up to 15% of the population already have produced antibodies, likely already protecting them from this virus.

Accumulated data from around the world has shown that COVID-19 has an infection-fatality ratio (IFR) similar to the seasonal flu.  According to the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine: "Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate of IFR somewhere between 0.1% and 0.41%."  This means that the survival rate from this infection is between 99.59% and 99.9%.

This is all made possible by your amazing and highly efficient immune system, which gets no credit from the main stream media  A short video from the University of Cambridge (see link below) demonstrates how cells from the immune system, in this case specifically the Cytotoxic T Cells (also known as Killer T Cells), target and destroy harmful viruses and cancer cells.  According to Professor Gillian Griffiths:

"Inside all of us lurks an army of serial killers whose primary function is to kill and kill again.  These cells patrol our bodies, identifying and destorying virally infected and cancer cells and the do so with remarkable precision and efficiency.  There  are billions of T cells within our blood - one teaspoon full of blood alone is believed to have around 5 million T cells, each measuring around 10 micrometers in length, about a tenth of the width of a human hair.  Each cell is engaged in the ferocious and unrelenting battle to keep us healthy."

It's important to note that the immune system is controlled and coordinated by the nervous system.  Studies have shown that there are neurotransmitter receptor sites on white blood cells, which includes the Killer T cells.  I also believe that these white blood cells are also controlled by extremely low frequency electromagnetic signals from the nervous system.  In his book "The Body Electric," Dr. Robert O. Becker explains how they discoverd that red blood cells respond to similar signals, so it's very likely that white blood cells also do the same.

Improving the function of the nervous system will undoubtedly also improve the efficiency of the immune system, allowing your army of T cells to inconpicuously keep you safe and going strong.

- Dr SJ Nana


20 April 2020

The True Fatality of COVID-19 May Never Be Known

In early April, the World Health Organization (WHO) informed doctors and hospitals that a COVID-19 diagnosis code can be used on cases even when the virus was not identified.  Shortly thereafter, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the US, also instructed doctors to identify "suspected" cases as COVID-19 deaths, even for patients where the virus was not detected.  This was verified in interviews with Minnesota Senator, Dr Scott Jensen, who is also a medical doctor.

Early studies have shown that the mortality rate for COVID-19 is no worse than the flu.  However, the mortality rate will likely rise now that this virus can be blamed on deaths even on patients who have not tested positive.

On 14 April, the New York Times reported the following:

"New York City, already the world epicenter of the coronvirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it."

It's also important to note that many of the fatalities are being blamed on the coronavirus, despite most patients having 2 or more pre-existing chronic diseases, and already-low life expectancies.  According to Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, a German microbiologist and researcher, stated:

"... the mistake is being made worldwide to report virus-related deaths as soon as it is established that the virus was present at the time of death - regardless of other factors.  This violates a basic principle of infectionology: only when it is certain that an agent has played a significant role in the disease or death may a diagnosis be made."

Dr Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, also said that regardless of pre-existing chronic diseases, "when someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as COVID-19 deaths."

As the WHO and CDC allows this diagnosis be made freely, even without positive blood tests, this mistake, as Dr Bhakdi calls it, will become even more commonplace.  Apart from being unethical and unscientific, this has significant short-term and long-term ramifications.  While the skewed mortality rate and sensationalist journalism only increases the already-high levels of fear, these statistics will be used to make future health and social policies, affecting civil liberties and human rights, which, until now, we've all taken for granted.


Emergency use ICD codes for COVID-19 disease outbreak

Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)

The WHO Announces "Suspected" Cases of COVID-19 Should Be Written As COVID-19 Deaths (No Virus Test Required)

How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count ? Dr. Scott Jensen is a Physician & Minnesota State Senator.

Deborah Birx: If Someone Dies w/ COVID-19, We Are Counting That As a COVID-19 Death

"COVID Deaths" Are Not Accurate -- No Virus Testing, Only "Suspected" Cause

The US Gov. Health Statistics Agency Directs Hospitals to Confirm Suspected COVID-19 Deaths As Confirmed

N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count

Open Letter from Prof Sucharit Bhakdi to Chancellor Merkel

Italian Government Study: 99% of their Coronavirus Fatalities Were Already Sick; Half Diagnosed with 3 or More Diseases

8 MORE Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear

10 April 2020

COVID-19: Is The Treatment Worse Than The Disease?

We are currently amid a nearly world-wide human lockdown, as never seen before in the history of the world;  all in the aim of avoiding a virus, which has been called "deadly," but statistics are now showing to be less deadly than the flu virus.   As the virus spreads, confirmed cases are rising daily, with actual cases believed to be ten times more.  As the general public are watching the number of "confirmed cases" rising, people become even more fearful.  Is this fear truly warranted?  Should we be more concerned with this virus, than other seasonal viruses?  Was it truly necessary to shut down the economy to prevent a small percentage of deaths?  The decisions made by leaders around the world have not been easy.  In my opinion, the lockdowns have been an overly drastic response to a virus, which would probably have gone unnoticed in most years.  Why this has happened is hard to say.  For now, we can only hope that the economic and social fallout of these draconian measures of locking down the country will not be worse than the deaths we have been trying to prevent.

A study published recently in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, titled "SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data," concluded the following:

"SARS-CoV-2 [also known as COVID-19] does not seem to be deadlier than other circulating viruses.  In addition to coronaviruses, there are 16 endemic viruses in common circulation in developed countries and 2.6 million deaths from respiratory infections (excluding tuberculosis) per year have been noted in recent years worldwide.  There is little chance that the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 could change this statistic significantly.  Fear could have a larger impact that the virus itself;..."

From an environmental perspective, Mother Nature will only benefit from less human activity.  From a spiritual perspective, 3 weeks of self-reflection and isolation can also be beneficial.  However, for the majority of the population of the world, who live hand to mouth, more than 3 weeks of no income can be devestating.  The world will never be the same with the decisions which were made by the governments and health organizations around the world.  Hopefully, in the long run, it will be for the best.

The following comments are from David Katz, MD, the founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center:

"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic, and public health consequences of this near-total meltdown of normal life - schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned - will be long-lasting and calamitous, possibly graver that the direct toll of the virus itself.  The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will.  The unemployment, impoverishment, and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of the first order."  

Dr. Katz is one of many scientists, researchers, and doctors who have publicly questioned the strategy to deal with this virus (see links below).  In the meantime, I encourage you to follow the lockdown guidelines and hygiene protocol, while maintaining the same habits we always prescribe, including eating 9-10 raw fruit and veggies per day, connecting with the Earth, sleeping well, staying active, and making sure that your nervous system is flowing optimally.  Doing so will also make you less fearful, and less likely to panic unnecessarily.

For more information:

“Think deep, do good science and do not panic!”

SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data

Corona virus COVID-19- hype and hysteria? Demystification of the nightmare!

Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19

10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted

10 March 2020

How To Catch The Coronavirus

Eat a poor diet:  Make sure your body lacks the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients needed for optimal health.

Avoid adequate rest:  Stay up late and rely on sugar, tobacco, coffee, and energy drinks as neeed.

Become dehydrated:  Reduce the effectiveness of your natural defense mechanisms by shunning adequate water.

Stop exercising:  Reduce the efficiency of your lymphatic system, which depends on movement to circulate this vital germ-fighting fluid.

Rarely wash your hands:  Use dirty hands and fingers to rub your eyes, pick your nose, or wipe your lips.

Think negative thoughts:  Worry that you'll be a victim.  Closely monitor news
reports about outbreaks, fearing a pandemic.

Skip your chiropractic adjustments:  Handicap your nervous system, the master system that controls your entire body.  Wait until symptoms are present before doing anything.

The only way to catch anything is to make yourself a hospitable host.

by Willaim D. Esteb

04 March 2020

Chiropractic Is Essential For Concussions

While everyone can beneft from chiropractic care, it is more essential for some.  One very good example is anyone who has suffered from a concussion.  A concussion, also known as a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), is "caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.  This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells."  A concussion will also likely cause a severe Vertebral Subluxation Complex, especially in the upper neck, making chiropractic care especially important for improved recovery.  Over the years, we've helped many patients to speed up the healing process after a concussion.  Case studies published last year, also show the effectiveness of specific chiropractic care with concussions.  In both cases, these patients were previously under traditional chiropracic care, but only recovered fully after receiving more specific, upper neck spinal adjustments.  For anyone that has suffered from a concussion, specific chiropractic care can help restore proper brain and nervous system healing, allowing you to lead an active and productive life once again.
- Dr SJ Nana

For more information:
CDC: What Is A Concussion?
Improvement in Post-Concussion Syndrome in Two Females Using Low-Force Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Series & Review of the Literature