13 June 2013

Healthy Video: Got A Meeting? Walk and Talk

Before the mass production of cars, people were forced to walk to their destinations.  Today, most people sit more hours in the day than they sleep.  As a result, most people are becoming "chair-shaped," which inevitably leads to spinal problems and eventually the rest of your body will suffer as well.  If you think about it, I'm sure you can find time to walk.  This is a nice video about someone who discovered that "getting out of the box helped her to think out of the box" as well.

11 June 2013

The Love For What I Do

In the last three days, I've spoken to two different people who, while earning good salaries, said they need a career change.  It reminded me once again how fortunate I am.  When I decided against attending medical school, realizing that I simply could not see myself prescribing drugs or doing surgery for the rest of my life, I was fortunate enough to stumble upon this unique and often misunderstood profession called chiropractic.  In fact, my studies began exactly 20 years ago.  Little did I know that these studies would not only allow me to help people while earning a comfortable living, but I would also learn about a whole new way of looking at the body and the world in general.  There's a quote by B.J. Palmer, one of the founding fathers of our profession, that comes to mind, and only truly makes sense to me now:  "Medicine is the study of disease and what causes man to die. Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes man to live."  I am eternally grateful for choosing the path less traveled, as it has not only helped me to live a more fulfilling and productive life, but also helped to improve the lives of my loved ones.  My wife never knew what a chiropractor does, despite attending one of the best medical schools in the world.  Today, she is my biggest supporter, often referring her own patients because she's seen the benefits first-hand.  My two kids have been adjusted since shortly after their birth, and both my wife and I have often been amazed at the effects.  We also live a simple life that is as close to the natural order as possible, by staying active, resting when necessary, and eating as naturally as possible all the time.  And while I've had my fair share of ups and downs in my career thus far, the one constant I'm grateful for is the love for what I do.  As the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

10 June 2013

Chiropractic for the Growing Years

Chiropractic care only began for me at the age of 21, and it changed my life in many ways, as my whole body seemed to function better.  My concentration and memory also improved, and my immune system became more resilient.  Also, I was then able to drive for more than an hour without back pain.  And I simply felt better overall: more centered, balanced, and in-tune with my body's needs.  My growing years could have been better if I had been to a chiropractor when I was a kid.  I'm convinced that many "childhood illnesses" would have been prevented or resolved quicker.  At that time, my parents had not even heard of a chiropractor, so the option of taking us to a chiropractor to make sure our nervous system was functioning properly was never considered.  This hasn't changed even today for most parents.  But slowly, more parents are seeking a more natural approach to helping their kids.  I have seen many childhood ailments often resolve with chiropractic care, including ear infections, infantile colic, breathing difficulties, bed-wetting, digestive problems, and even persistent warts.  Studies have also shown positive outcomes with many conditions, but chiropractic is merely a means of improving the function of the nervous system, to allow your inner doctor to do what it knows best.  So it is essential that all children be checked at least once a year, and more often if they have any trauma or illnesses that are not resolving quickly.  A well-adjusted child can enjoy growing up to be a balanced and content adult.

For more information: