20 April 2020

The True Fatality of COVID-19 May Never Be Known

In early April, the World Health Organization (WHO) informed doctors and hospitals that a COVID-19 diagnosis code can be used on cases even when the virus was not identified.  Shortly thereafter, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the US, also instructed doctors to identify "suspected" cases as COVID-19 deaths, even for patients where the virus was not detected.  This was verified in interviews with Minnesota Senator, Dr Scott Jensen, who is also a medical doctor.

Early studies have shown that the mortality rate for COVID-19 is no worse than the flu.  However, the mortality rate will likely rise now that this virus can be blamed on deaths even on patients who have not tested positive.

On 14 April, the New York Times reported the following:

"New York City, already the world epicenter of the coronvirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it."

It's also important to note that many of the fatalities are being blamed on the coronavirus, despite most patients having 2 or more pre-existing chronic diseases, and already-low life expectancies.  According to Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, a German microbiologist and researcher, stated:

"... the mistake is being made worldwide to report virus-related deaths as soon as it is established that the virus was present at the time of death - regardless of other factors.  This violates a basic principle of infectionology: only when it is certain that an agent has played a significant role in the disease or death may a diagnosis be made."

Dr Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, also said that regardless of pre-existing chronic diseases, "when someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as COVID-19 deaths."

As the WHO and CDC allows this diagnosis be made freely, even without positive blood tests, this mistake, as Dr Bhakdi calls it, will become even more commonplace.  Apart from being unethical and unscientific, this has significant short-term and long-term ramifications.  While the skewed mortality rate and sensationalist journalism only increases the already-high levels of fear, these statistics will be used to make future health and social policies, affecting civil liberties and human rights, which, until now, we've all taken for granted.


Emergency use ICD codes for COVID-19 disease outbreak

Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)

The WHO Announces "Suspected" Cases of COVID-19 Should Be Written As COVID-19 Deaths (No Virus Test Required)

How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count ? Dr. Scott Jensen is a Physician & Minnesota State Senator.

Deborah Birx: If Someone Dies w/ COVID-19, We Are Counting That As a COVID-19 Death

"COVID Deaths" Are Not Accurate -- No Virus Testing, Only "Suspected" Cause

The US Gov. Health Statistics Agency Directs Hospitals to Confirm Suspected COVID-19 Deaths As Confirmed

N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count

Open Letter from Prof Sucharit Bhakdi to Chancellor Merkel

Italian Government Study: 99% of their Coronavirus Fatalities Were Already Sick; Half Diagnosed with 3 or More Diseases

8 MORE Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear

10 April 2020

COVID-19: Is The Treatment Worse Than The Disease?

We are currently amid a nearly world-wide human lockdown, as never seen before in the history of the world;  all in the aim of avoiding a virus, which has been called "deadly," but statistics are now showing to be less deadly than the flu virus.   As the virus spreads, confirmed cases are rising daily, with actual cases believed to be ten times more.  As the general public are watching the number of "confirmed cases" rising, people become even more fearful.  Is this fear truly warranted?  Should we be more concerned with this virus, than other seasonal viruses?  Was it truly necessary to shut down the economy to prevent a small percentage of deaths?  The decisions made by leaders around the world have not been easy.  In my opinion, the lockdowns have been an overly drastic response to a virus, which would probably have gone unnoticed in most years.  Why this has happened is hard to say.  For now, we can only hope that the economic and social fallout of these draconian measures of locking down the country will not be worse than the deaths we have been trying to prevent.

A study published recently in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, titled "SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data," concluded the following:

"SARS-CoV-2 [also known as COVID-19] does not seem to be deadlier than other circulating viruses.  In addition to coronaviruses, there are 16 endemic viruses in common circulation in developed countries and 2.6 million deaths from respiratory infections (excluding tuberculosis) per year have been noted in recent years worldwide.  There is little chance that the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 could change this statistic significantly.  Fear could have a larger impact that the virus itself;..."

From an environmental perspective, Mother Nature will only benefit from less human activity.  From a spiritual perspective, 3 weeks of self-reflection and isolation can also be beneficial.  However, for the majority of the population of the world, who live hand to mouth, more than 3 weeks of no income can be devestating.  The world will never be the same with the decisions which were made by the governments and health organizations around the world.  Hopefully, in the long run, it will be for the best.

The following comments are from David Katz, MD, the founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center:

"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic, and public health consequences of this near-total meltdown of normal life - schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned - will be long-lasting and calamitous, possibly graver that the direct toll of the virus itself.  The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will.  The unemployment, impoverishment, and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of the first order."  

Dr. Katz is one of many scientists, researchers, and doctors who have publicly questioned the strategy to deal with this virus (see links below).  In the meantime, I encourage you to follow the lockdown guidelines and hygiene protocol, while maintaining the same habits we always prescribe, including eating 9-10 raw fruit and veggies per day, connecting with the Earth, sleeping well, staying active, and making sure that your nervous system is flowing optimally.  Doing so will also make you less fearful, and less likely to panic unnecessarily.

For more information:

“Think deep, do good science and do not panic!”

SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data

Corona virus COVID-19- hype and hysteria? Demystification of the nightmare!

Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19

10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted