02 August 2018

How It All Began: The First Adjustment

Considering that most people think you only need to see a chiropractor when you have back pain, many would be surprised to hear about how the chiropractic profession began.  It all started 123 years ago in a small American town.  The founder of chiropractic, D.D Palmer, was practicing as a magnetic healer, when he came upon a janitor working in his office building.  In his own words, he describes what followed:

"Harvey Lillard, a janitor in the Ryan Block where I had my office, has been so deaf for 17 years that he could not hear the racket of a wagon on the street or the ticking of a watch.  I made inquiry as to the cause of his deafness and was informed that when he was exerting himself in a cramped, stooping position, he felt something give way in his back and immediately became deaf.  An examination showed a vertebra racked from its normal position.  I reasoned that if that vertebra was replaced, the man's hearing should be restored.  With this object in view, a half-hour's talk persuaded Mr. Lillard to allow me to replace it.  I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever and soon the man could hear as before.  There was nothing 'accidental' about this, as it was accomplished with an object in view, and the result expected was obtained..."

From this one adjustment, chiropractic has grown to be the largest drug-free health profession, safely performing millions of revitalizing spinal adjustments every day around the world.  Without any industry support and funding, this growth has occurred as a result of word of mouth, simply because the positive results of chiropractic care inspires patients to refer their friends and family.  Studies have also shown clear benefits of chiropractic care well beyond symptoms such as back and neck pain.  The world has changed dramatically since that fateful first adjustment 123 years ago.  We are now living in a nearly completely man-made world, which has created man-made diseases never even heard of when chiropractic first began.  An optimally functioning spine and nervous system is more essential now than ever before, as it helps you to cope and mitigate the effects of our modern life... allowing you to reconnect with your true self.

by Dr S J Nana

05 July 2018

Chiropractic Can Help Resolve Frozen Shoulder

Limited shoulder function is often a sign of long-standing
cervical subluxations.  If you are not able to move your
arm through these full ranges of motion, your spine and
nervous system probably need some fine-tuning.  
Are your shoulders free to move?  Did you know that the function of the shoulder is dependent on a properly functioning spine and nervous system?  Several studies have shown that chiropractic care can play a strong role in alleviating this debilitating and painful condition.  In one case series of 50 patients with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (also known as Adhesive Capsulitis), 98% of patients experienced significant improvement in their symptoms.  Another case study of a 53 year old woman with a frozen shoulder for 6 months, experienced complete resolution of her condition while under chiropractic care.  Three other recent case studies also showed similar positive results. It's important to note that in all these case studies, the primary dysfunction in the spinal column was in the upper neck, which most people, including doctors, would not associate with shoulder problems.  What is also clear from these case studies, and from my experience of helping patients with this painful condition, is that since this is more a nerve problem, rather than a joint problem, healing often takes time.  Symptomatic relief can take up to 2-3 months of regular care, however most people begin to experience some relief within 4-6 visits.  While frozen shoulder is more rare, many people are experiencing mild shoulder discomfort and reduced range of motion, which can be alleviated with chiropractic care.  It's just another reason why specific chiropractic care should be a regular part of a healthy lifestyle.

For more information and the studies mentioned above:
Chiropractic management of frozen shoulder syndrome using a novel technique: a retrospective case series of 50 patients
Chiropractic treatment of frozen shoulder syndrome (adhesive capsulitis) utilizing mechanical force, manually assisted short lever adjusting procedures.
Resolution of Frozen Shoulder Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation
Upper Cervical Care of Patients with Chronic Shoulder Pain and Restriction in Motion: A Case Series
Resolution of Adhesive Capsulitis Following Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care: A Case Series & Selective Review of the Literature

01 March 2018

Why Are Sperm Counts Dropping?

One of the most alarming recent studies published found that since the 1970's, sperm counts have dropped by over 50% in developed countries.  In fact, previous studies show that this trend began in the 1950's, with the greatest decrease in the last 20 years. While a lower sperm count has a significant effect on fertility, this is just a symptom of a deeper, underlying problem, which has broad implications, as testosterone levels and overall heatlh can also be affected.  There are many theories as to why this is happening.  It's unlikely that there is a single cause, as with most health issues, but a combination of several factors, including endocrine disrupting chemicals found in plastics, alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar, and saturated fat.  Another environmental toxin which is often overlooked is the increasing amounts of electromagnetic pollution.  Numerous studies have shown a link between the wireless frequencies and decreased sperm counts, sperm motility, and even fertility.  Today, nearly everyone is constantly in close proximity to a microwave-emitting device, such as a cell phone and WiFi is now literally everywhere.  A recent study has shown that even the rate of testicular cancer is rising in teenage boys.  Some scientists believe that this is likely because nearly every teenage boy carries a cell phone in their front pockets.  Another factor which I believe has contributed to the decrease in sperm counts is the altererd nerve supply to the reproductive organs.  The proper nerve supply to any part of the body is essential.  Pelvic and lumbar subluxations are present in nearly every male today, which directly disturbs the nerve and blood supply to the testes.  This results, in part, due to the lack of motion in the pelvis, as life now revolves around sitting and most men hardly walk.  Chiropractic plays an important role in restoring proper function of the spine and pelvis, thereby improving nerve and blood flow to the reproductive and endocrine systems.

-  By Dr S J Nana         
Image result for nerve supply of testis and epididymis
The male reproductive organs have an extensive nerve
 and blood supply.  Chiropractic care
can improve the function of these organs,
helping with sexual dysfunction and fertility.

The short video below discusses the studies showing the effect of cell phones and male sexual dysfunction:

For more information:
Why Do Men Have Fewer Sperm Than They Did 50 Years Ago?
The increasing toll of adolescent cancer incidence in the US
Cell Phones, Wireless Sperm & Men’s Reproductive Health
Male fertility and its association with occupational and mobile phone towers hazards: An analytic study
New Research Sheds Light on Chiropractic and Erectile Dysfunction
Optimizing Fertility by Realigning Body Structure with Chiropractic Care