29 May 2009


I am often asked what is the best exercise for the spine. Without hesitation, I always say walking. In modern life, we simply do not walk enough, and sit more than is healthy. My patients that walk a lot, especially those that don’t own cars or computers, always recover faster and stay better longer. Even for those that struggle with neck problems, walking is essential. When you walk it involves your entire spine and not just your lower back. As one of my patients described it, the spine functions as a kinetic chain. To give you an illustration, when we are examining your spine, movements of your neck can elicit changes in your leg length. This shows the interconnectedness of your body.

If finding a place to walk is a challenge, a nice place that is available to most of us is a shopping mall. Just make sure it's a fast walk, so no stopping or slowing down. You should be taking 3-4 brisk walks for 20-30 minutes every week. Your whole body, including your spine and nervous system will reward you for it. Also remember, that no matter what sort of exercise you prefer, you must include walking in your regimen as well.

28 May 2009


Our perception is that getting older leads to more health problems, but this is not necessarily the case. For instance, most people associate back problems with age. However, a recent survey of centenarians (people still living over the age of 100) found that the prevalence of bothersome back or neck pain was about the same (27%) as in younger populations. Even our older patients do feel and function better with chiropractic care, despite not actually getting younger. So like these 800 year old baobab trees pictured here, with a healthy lifestyle, you too can age more comfortably.

25 May 2009


Yesterday, one of my patients said that she always seems to play better golf after she’s had her spine adjusted. For avid golfers, they are always pleased with anything that can improve their performance out on the greens. It’s not surprising that a 2008 survey revealed that 47% of golfers have had chiropractic care. It not only helps to restore function, but also improves performance and prevents injuries. A 2007 study from Brazil also showed improved driving swing range and distance after chiropractic care. With better understanding of spinal biomechanics, the way in which golf is played today is less harmful on the back. However, it is essential that you use the right technique, so I always recommend my patients get formal golf coaching whenever possible. Another telling study showed that amateur golfers tend to complain more of back pain, while professional golfers tend to have more problems with wrist pain. So if you do swing properly, you will lessen the ill effects on your spine and nervous system.

19 May 2009


Almost 10 years ago, before coming back to South Africa, my father told me a wonderful story that encapsulated my mindset while pondering leaving the U.S. It's a story about two shoe salesmen from rival manufacturers. They both arrive in a remote village and find that none of its inhabitants are wearing shoes. So the first salesman calls his head office and tells them to stop all shipments to this village, as "no one is wearing shoes." In contrast, the other salesman calls his suppliers and excitedly tells them to increase production and send all their stock to this village, because "no one is wearing shoes!" It's all a matter of your perspective.

Studies have shown that a very small percentage of the population have been to a chiropractor; about 15-20%. In South Africa, this percentage is even lower, because the vast majority of this country have not even heard of such a profession. What's even more rare in this country is the Activator Method. When I arrived here, it was a completely new concept. But to this day, it seems to attract a broad spectrum of people, most of whom have never been and would probably never even attempt to go to a chiropractor.

I have come across other doctors who don't feel like there is much opportunity here and feel the need to go to more developed countries. From my experience, it boggles my mind, because since starting in Louis Trichardt and later in Centurion, we've never had a shortage of people that need help. Today, we actually get more patients than we can accomodate. I wish I could see everyone, but keeping my life in balance helps to make me a better chiropractor, husband, and father. And I am grateful that my perspective was more like the second shoe salesman.

14 May 2009


The purpose of chiropractic care is to detect and correct vertebral subluxations, which are slight misalignments and fixations, that compromise the function of your nervous system. While that is the more technical meaning, when you break down the word sub-lux-a-tion, you arrive at a meaning that is quite profound. The word sub- is a prefix meaning "less than." Lux is the Latin word for light. And -tion is a suffix that means "the state of." If you put that all together, the word subluxation literlally means "a state of less light." I often see people coming in for the first time looking dull and as they improve they seem to brighten. It's always a wonderful thing to witness.

13 May 2009


Here are a few quick and simple healthy habits that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle that will help you live a more healthy, productive, and happy life:
1. Stretch out: Remaining supple is essential for staying healthy. One reason children recover so quickly from injury and illness is because they are very flexible. We can lose this as we age, but only if we don’t stretch regularly.
2. Fruit & Nuts: Your daily diet should be varied and must include a rainbow-variety of fresh fruit and nuts, as they are packed with vitamins, essential fats, and minerals, in a natural and easily absorbed form.
3. Regular sleep: Your body heals and regenerates when you sleep. This is essential for your nervous system as well, and will help you function much better when you are awake.
4. Hug your loved ones: Without loving relationships, life is not as meaningful. Showing how much you care, will help you, your loved ones, and the health of all those involved.
5. Listen to your body: Your body is always sending you signals to help you through life. Rather than ignore or suppress these messages, listen to your body’s innate intelligence.
6. Walk more, sit less: With the increasing prevalence of cars and computers, we sit much more than our ancestors. It is no wonder that spine problems are more prevalent today than ever before.
7. Stay balanced: Maintaining your spinal balance, like these other healthy habits, also optimizes the way your brain and nervous system function, making you more healthy and effective. Life is much easier when you function better.

(Previouly published in Healthy Habits Update, Summer 2007)

12 May 2009


Our bodies are interconnected in ways we have yet to fully comprehend. Now scientists are also verifying this. One example is a 2004 study published in The Journal of Neuroscience that found a link between chronic back pain and premature brain degeneration.

This landmark study revealed that those who suffered from chronic back pain for one year were more likely to experience a reduction of the brain's gray matter equivalent to the amount lost by the average person in 10-20 years of normal aging. Gray matter is the darker-coloured tissue of the brain, which is responsible for memory and information processing.

The reseachers concluded that "chronic back pain is accompanied by abnormal brain chemistry." They were not sure of the exact mechanism, but from a chiropractic perspective this is not surprising. The entire nervous system functions as one unit, so irritation in one region is bound to compromise the whole. Subluxations alter neuronal function and in particular, subluxations in the pelvis (sacro-iliac joints) hinders the rhythmic flow of the fluid that protects and nourishes the entire spinal cord and brain. So living with back problems not only causes pain, but also brain drain. Fortunately, we can help you feel and think better.

(Previously published in Healthy Habits Update, Spring 2005)

07 May 2009


Just before the birth of our first child, almost 5 years ago, while browsing through the baby section at a book shop, I came across what turned out to be one of the most useful books I have ever read. It's called Baby Bliss by Dr. Harvey Karp. Prior to the birth of our first child, I had never spent even a minute with a baby alone. I really didn't have the slightest idea about how to take care of a baby, let alone calm them if they started crying or fussing. This book empowered me and allowed me to play an active role in the lives of both my children from the time they were born. For this, I am forever grateful to Dr Karp. In short, this book explains how to replicate the environment from which the baby developed (the womb), and it's benefits for the first three months, and even more for some babies. He calls it the 5 S's: Swaddling, Side/stomach lying, Shhhhhing, Swinging, and Sucking. If you want to learn more about this, you must read this book. I recommend it to all new parents, especially the fathers. However, this book does not include what I call the 6th S: Subluxation Correction. Dr. Karp does mention chiropractic in his book, but he says that he has found that it does not help. In my personal and professional experience, I have found the effects of chiropractic care on babies to be very effective in helping them deal with all of sorts of ailments, including colic. It simply helps them to function better, by releasing interference in their nervous systems. So it is essential to have all babies checked as soon as possible to make sure that their nervous systems are working well. In the end, it makes the start to their lives much easier, and gets your relationship with your kids off to a great start.

05 May 2009


About a year ago, I had a patient who was improving slower than he had hoped. On one of his follow-up visits, while waiting in reception, another patient sensed his disappointment and told him that if he has faith, he will get better. When he told me what he heard, I explained that he will improve regardless of whether he has faith in chiropractic or not. You see, it’s sort of like gravity. It works whether you believe in it or not. While in chiropractic school, one of our lecturers told us a story about a time when a cab driver told him he didn’t believe in chiropractic. So he told the driver if he went to the top of a tall building and before jumping, said he didn’t believe in gravity, would he still plummet to the ground? This is the same in chiropractic. I see this regularly in my office, as I come across many skeptical patients. After the first visit, many people often wonder if something so non-invasive and gentle can actually do anything, let alone help them to feel better. When they come back on subsequent visits, they often say, “You know, Doc, I think I actually feel better!” Like gravity, chiropractic is also based on very basic natural laws. Once the flow of life energy from your spine is maximized your body will work better, with or without faith.
(Previously published in Healthy Habits Update, Spring 2006)

04 May 2009


One of the most common questions I’m asked by patients is “What is the best mattress to buy?” Most people spend more than 60 hours a week sleeping, so it goes without saying that it is essential to provide your body with the right support. I had a first-hand experience last year while visiting my parents in the U.S., realizing that sleeping on a very soft mattress severely disrupted my recovery to an injury. A 2006 study from a chiropractic journal also showed that people with back complaints reported a 63% improvement in their symptoms with a new mattress.
Here are some tips to remember when choosing a mattress:
1. Your bed should be more firm than soft. Mattresses can be too firm for some people, however. A recent study found that the heavier you are, the more firm your mattress should be.
2. When shopping, lie down on your final choices for at least 5 to 10 minutes to get a good idea of its comfort level. If you cannot find a comfortable position, you probably have the wrong mattress.
3. Be sure to rotate and flip your mattress 3-4 times per year.
4. It should last you about 8-10 years, so be sure to buy one from a reputable manufacturer. And remember, simply because a mattress is endorsed by a medical or chiropractic association, does not mean it is necessarily better.
The pillow you sleep on is also just as important as the mattress. The latest research has found that the best sleeping position for your spine is on your side, and not your back as was previously thought. The ideal pillow varies greatly from person to person. It’s simply a matter of trial and error, until you find one that works for you. Be sure to take note of whether you end up sleeping on your arm tucked underneath or on your pillow. If this happens when you’re lying on your side, it’s a good indication that your pillow is not providing the proper support.
Proper sleep allows your body to recover and heal. The world is always more enjoyable when you sleep properly.