05 July 2018

Chiropractic Can Help Resolve Frozen Shoulder

Limited shoulder function is often a sign of long-standing
cervical subluxations.  If you are not able to move your
arm through these full ranges of motion, your spine and
nervous system probably need some fine-tuning.  
Are your shoulders free to move?  Did you know that the function of the shoulder is dependent on a properly functioning spine and nervous system?  Several studies have shown that chiropractic care can play a strong role in alleviating this debilitating and painful condition.  In one case series of 50 patients with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (also known as Adhesive Capsulitis), 98% of patients experienced significant improvement in their symptoms.  Another case study of a 53 year old woman with a frozen shoulder for 6 months, experienced complete resolution of her condition while under chiropractic care.  Three other recent case studies also showed similar positive results. It's important to note that in all these case studies, the primary dysfunction in the spinal column was in the upper neck, which most people, including doctors, would not associate with shoulder problems.  What is also clear from these case studies, and from my experience of helping patients with this painful condition, is that since this is more a nerve problem, rather than a joint problem, healing often takes time.  Symptomatic relief can take up to 2-3 months of regular care, however most people begin to experience some relief within 4-6 visits.  While frozen shoulder is more rare, many people are experiencing mild shoulder discomfort and reduced range of motion, which can be alleviated with chiropractic care.  It's just another reason why specific chiropractic care should be a regular part of a healthy lifestyle.

For more information and the studies mentioned above:
Chiropractic management of frozen shoulder syndrome using a novel technique: a retrospective case series of 50 patients
Chiropractic treatment of frozen shoulder syndrome (adhesive capsulitis) utilizing mechanical force, manually assisted short lever adjusting procedures.
Resolution of Frozen Shoulder Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation
Upper Cervical Care of Patients with Chronic Shoulder Pain and Restriction in Motion: A Case Series
Resolution of Adhesive Capsulitis Following Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care: A Case Series & Selective Review of the Literature