29 January 2010


For centuries our ancestors ran and walked barefoot or with minimal shoes. And then in the 1970's, the sport shoe was invented. Today, it has become the norm to wear these type of shoes when participating in almost any type of sport. But are these shoes actually causing more harm? A study published this month in Nature found that these specialized shoes change the way our feet strike the ground, increasing the impact by two to three times our body weight. This of course has a detrimental effect on the feet, joints, and very likely the spine as well. While shoes may be more stylish and seem more comfortable, it is important to be barefoot as much as possible. Try to wear shoes that compliment the shape of your feet, which fortunately seems to be the trend these days. Even the athletic shoes now seem to have changed to allow the foot to assume a more natural function.

28 January 2010


Yet another study has shown how intimately connected your mind is with the rest of your body. Researchers found that when people think about the past they sway back, while when they think about the future, they sway forward. This shows the effect that your thoughts have on your posture, especially when you're not focused on the present. Poor posture leads to spinal subluxations and eventually will hinder your health. This is just another reason to leave the past behind, not worry about the future, and make the most of the present.

25 January 2010


Married men tend to be healthier than their single counterparts, and also generally have a better sex life. A new study has now specifically found that regular sex is actually good for men's hearts. Published in the American Journal of Cardiology, this study of over 1,000 men found that those that had sex only once a month or less had a 45% greater risk of cardiovascular disease, compared to the men who were intimate 2-3 times per week. This study shows yet another health benefit of being in a faithful, monogamous relationship. From a chiropractic perspective, it's important to make sure that your nervous system is free of interference, because nerve irritation can lead to sexual dysfunction.

19 January 2010


If a recent study that compared the health of the Amish community to the rest of America is anything to go by, it turns out that living a modern lifestyle is quite likely bad for us. The Amish have maintained a simple lifestyle since the 1700's, rejecting the modern conveniences of electricity, cars, telephones, TVs, supermarkets, and even modern medicine. The researchers found that the Amish had a much lower rate of cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes, which they believe was due mostly to living a more physically active lifestyle and growing all their own organic food. While the modern lifestyle is here to stay for most of us, we are ultimately in control of how we live our lives.

(Click here to read more.)


Sweetened desserts and junk food are often referred to as "feel good" food. It might make you feel good right after eating it, but turns out it is more likely to cause depression later on down the road. A study published in The British Journal of Psychiatry found that people who ate more junk food than those that ate healthy food, were much more likely to be depressed. The researcher said that "our finding shows a strong association between diet and depressive symptoms." So remember to eat more fresh fruits, vegetable, nuts, etc. and less refined foods. You will be much happier for it later on.


According to a recent Harvard study, "60% of all bankruptcies in the United States were driven by sickness and related medical bills." Most health problems are the result of poor lifestyle choices, such as not eating properly, not exercising regularly, sitting too much, not getting good rest, and compromised nerve flow. These things keep you from functioning optimally, and eventually leads to illness, which leads to decreased work production and eventually missing work. The choice is ultimately yours.

14 January 2010


A survey done in 2008 found that the average American watches more than 5 hours of TV every day. It turns out that this unfortunate lifestyle habit is contributing to poor health and leading to life-threatening disease, even for people who exercise regularly. In a new study from Australia, researchers found that watching more than 4 hours of TV per day significantly increased your risk of dying from any cause, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. What's more interesting is that the people in this study were exercising an average of 30-45 minutes a day. So live a more active and productive life, watch as little TV as possible (less than 2 hours a day), and you will be healthier and happier.

(Click here to read more.)