30 November 2016

Earthing Improves Blood Flow

Spending more time in direct contact with the Earth makes sense to most people.  Only a few, however, will actually make the effort to do so, thinking something so simple is probably not so effective.  The immediate health effects for most people are subtle, so they won't notice an obvious difference after spending thirty or so minutes standing barefoot on the grass.  Those that make this simple act a habit will eventually realize the importance. And for those that need objective proof of Earthing's effectiveness, scientific studies are also verifying the physiological effects, as independent scientists around the world are studying and researching the influence of the Earth's energies on the way our bodies function. One remarkable effect is on red blood cells, which carry oxygen to every part of the body.  The flow of blood is essential for overall health and vitality. One of the most effective ways of improving your blood flow is by "earthing" or "grounding."  In fact, it's so effective you'd wonder why more people, especially doctors, don't know about this. According to researchers, "Grounding increases the surface charge on red blood cells and thereby reduces blood viscosity and clumping."  (see image above)   In the smallest blood vessels, called capillaries, where the oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the various tissues in the body, the space
is so narrow that the red blood cells have to move through in single file (see image on left).  I believe that this is one of the underlying causes of the many chronic inflammatory diseases.  This blood flow is important for every part of your body, including the function of your brain, nerves, joints, and muscles.  Another study also demonstrated improved blood flow to the face after just 20 minutes of earthing.  This indicates that earthing would also improve blood flow to the brain, reducing your risk of strokes and possibly even dementia.  Improved blood flow is just one of the many effects of directly reconnecting the body with the Earth.  If these effects could be patented and sold as a drug, you would certainly have found out about this long ago. Unfortunately, in our profit-driven, corporation-based, and mass media-controlled society, these simple measures are overlooked and under-appreciated. Make Earthing a part of your daily habits and allow the benefits to develop.
-   by Dr. Shailen J. Nana

Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes of grounding, as documented by a
Speckle Contrast Laser Imager (dark blue = lowest circulation; dark red = highest circulation).

Please see my previous article regarding "Earthing:"
Get Grounded and Feel Human Again

For more information:
Beauty: “The Earthing Facelift”
Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease
Earthing the human body influences physiologic processes.
The neuromodulative role of earthing.

17 November 2016

The 6 Daily 3's

Incorporating these under-appreciated essentials into your life can prevent and reverse disease, while helping to make your life more enjoyable and fulfilling.  

Click on the image to enlarge.

For more information:

03 November 2016

Is Heart Disease Naturally Curable?

The many misconceptions about diet are ingrained in most of us from a young age. One example is the belief that consuming animal protein is essential. Just last week, my fifth grade daughter showed us a life skills handout she received in school, which falsely stated that "fruits and vegetables contain no protein," implicitly misleading the next generation to believe that consuming animal foods is necessary for our survival. My ancestors also began consuming meat during the time of the British occupation of India. Many Indians believed that eating meat was the solution to gaining independence. Even Gandhi comments in his autobiography that, "It began to grow on me that meat-eating was good, that it would make me strong and daring, and that, if the whole country took to meat-eating, the English could be overcome."  Fortunately, his experiment in meat-eating only lasted a year; and long before he led India to finally and peacefully overcome British rule.

Unfortunately, my forefathers continued to consume meat and we have experienced the consequences. My grandfather died of a fatal heart attack at age 40, leaving my then 13-year-old father to quit school and begin working to support his mother and 6 other siblings. My father's older brother also died at 45 of a fatal heart attack. More recently, one of my younger cousins suffered a near-fatal heart attack in his 30's. Another cousin had his first bypass in his 40's. Based on this family history, you would assume that heart disease is simply genetic, and drugs and surgery are the only way to defend yourself. My father has been using cholesterol-lowering drugs for more than 30 years. While he has lived longer than anyone in his family, I strongly believe that this is not because of the drugs, but because my wise mother began cooking less meat dishes for the entire family ever since I stopped consuming meat nearly 20 years ago. Personally, my cholesterol has never been high, unlike most of my family members.  I also happen to be the only one in my entire family who consumes a strictly plant-based diet.  As a result, I have never shown any sign of heart disease.

"Coronary angiograms of the distal left anterior descending artery before (left
bracket) and after (right bracket) 32 months of a plant-based diet without
cholesterol-lowering medication, showing profound improvement."
- Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
In his book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has explained how he helped reverse heart disease in more than 20 individuals whose heart disease was even too severe for surgery. He meticulously followed each individual, documenting their improvement, including before and after angiograms, objectively showing the arteries which were no longer blocked (see one example to the left).  His study was done more than 25 years ago and was even published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, but sadly, most people are still unaware of this breakthrough study, even most doctors. This is a book that everyone should read, especially if you think that heart disease runs in your family. With simple lifestyle changes, heart disease can be prevented and reversed. There is really no logical excuse for heart disease to be the number one killer in the developed world.


For more information, please be sure to watch an excellent report from 2012 by CNN's health reporter, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, at the link below:
The Last Heart Attack by Dr. Sanjay Gupta


30 October 2016

Cell Phone Safety Tips from AAP

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently released guidelines on reducing exposure of electromagnectic radiation from cell phones, especially for children. These guidelines are a good start to reducing your exposure to this seemingly harmless radiation, which has been proven to damage DNA, lower sperm count, and disrupt brain function.

For more information:
American Academy Of Pediatrics Issues New Recommendations To “Reduce Exposure To Cell Phones”

Please see my previous articles relating to the health effects of mobile phones and Wi-Fi:
Possible Dangers Of Cell Phones
Are Cell Phones Killing Us Slowly?
How Cell Phones and WiFi Harm Your Brain
Limit Your Electro-Smog Exposure
Videos Showing Wireless Radiation Effects

09 September 2016

Videos Showing Wireless Radiation Effects

Most people today are constantly surrounded by microwave frequency radiation emitted by wireless devices, such as cell phones, cordless phones, and Wi-Fi transmitters.  While this seemingly harmless radiation is not obvious, the radiation we are exposed to in our modern lives is significant, and billions of times more than ever in the history of mankind.  The following short videos shows the objective, measured effects of this wireless technology, to show you that this radiation is real and harmful.  

In the first video, Bill Farr shows the amount of radiation produced by a typical Wi-Fi transmitter using a Tri-Field Meter, which measures electromagnetic fields.

This second video by Andrea Fabry, shows the radiation produced by a DECT cordless phone, with the help of a Cornet Electrosmog Meter, which clearly measures the microwave frequency radiation produced by these devices even when not being used for a telephone call.

The final video, by Dr. Magda Havas, eloquently shows the effects of this microwave frequency radiation on red blood cells.  Remember, this is just one of the countless and alarming ways in which our complex electromagnetic bodies physiologically react to this radiation.

You cannot be at your best in the presence of this radiation, so limit your exposure as much as possible and please share this information with your friends and loved ones.

Please see my previous articles relating to the health effects of mobile phones and Wi-Fi:
Possible Dangers Of Cell Phones
Are Cell Phones Killing Us Slowly?
How Cell Phones and WiFi Harm Your Brain
Limit Your Electro-Smog Exposure

13 August 2016

Limit Your Electro-Smog Exposure

More than 30 years ago, preliminary studies revealed that the chemical element lead is harmful to human health. Before long, lead was removed from common household products, such as paint and pencils. Lead was also classified by the World Health Organization as a Class 2b carcinogen (possibly causes cancer). Not surprisingly and for good reason, the general public now has limited exposure to lead, as a concerted effort was made to reduce and eliminate contact with this toxin.

Five years ago, the World Health Organization also classified electromagnetic radiation (which is emitted by cell phones and Wi-Fi transmitters) as a Class 2b carcinogen.  Thousands of studies have also verified many other negative biological effects of this radiation, long before cancer has a chance to develop. Alarmingly, despite this information, cell phone use and Wi-Fi hotspots have become even more prevalent. Most people today are exposed to cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just standing at the mall exposes you to at least 10 different Wi-Fi signals at any given moment. Most restaurants offer free Wi-Fi while you eat. And today, it's nearly impossible to find a hotel without Wi-Fi signals even in the rooms.  As a result, living and sleeping in an "electrosmog" created by the constant exposure to electromagnetic fields has become the norm. People no longer know what it feels like to not be surrounded by electromagnetic radiation. Since we cannot see it, feel it, taste it, or hear it, we assume we are not being affected.  However, the wide-ranging health effects have been verified by countless independent studies, including damage to DNA, the genetic material in every cell of our bodies.  According to Dr. Devra Davis in her book Disconnect, "More than a dozen different studies from highly respected researchers showed that radio frequency signals could damage DNA, alter the ability of cells to repair themselves, or cause them to die off at unusual rates."

As people have become accustomed to this modern convenience, replacing wireless communication is not as simple as removing lead from common everyday products. However, in the meantime, there are steps you can take to at least limit your exposure. The one place where you do have control is in your home.  The long-term dangers are real, so it's important that you give your body a break from the constant daily exposure, especially while you are sleeping.  Even if you are skeptical of the health hazards, there is no practical need for these devices to be active while you are sleeping.  The following measures will likely improve the quality of your sleep:
  1. Switch Off your Wi-Fi at night.  The device comes with a built-in setting allowing you to set a time span during which the wireless signal is inactive.
  2. Keep your cell phone off, enable "flight mode," or place it at least 2 meters away from your body while sleeping.  
  3. Keep cordless phones out of your bedroom.  Cordless phones, especially the DECT phones, also emit microwave radiation, as they are constantly in wireless contact with the base.
On a personal note, I have noticed a significant improvement in the quality of my sleep since implementing these measures more than 6 months ago.  I no longer wake up with "brain fog" or grogginess, and have much more energy during the day, despite being busier than ever. I only wish I had done this sooner. I encourage you to try as well for at least a week and please let me know if you experience a difference.
- by Dr. Shailen J. Nana

Please see my previous articles relating to the health effects of cell phones and Wi-Fi:
Possible Dangers Of Cell Phones
Are Cell Phones Killing Us Slowly?
How Cell Phones and WiFi Harm Your Brain

For more information about how electromagnetic fields affect sleep:

22 June 2016

"Where Do You Get Your Protein?"

Ads like this have falsely influenced and
harmed generations. In 2015, red meat was 
classified as a class 2A carcinogen by the WHO.
When people find out that I have not eaten meat in nearly 20 years, the most common statement I hear is: "Where do you get your protein!"  The fact that people reflexively ask this question is a testament to the power of marketing and not science.  When most people hear the word "protein" the first thing that comes to mind is meat.  The common belief is that eating the flesh or muscles of an animal is essential for building your own muscles.  Why then do we not associate becoming smarter with eating the brains of animals?  Or building strong bones with eating the bones of animals?  I believe the answer is simple: these products have never been marketed that way.  The meat and fast food industry literally spends billions to promote their products, as there are no independent scientific studies that have proven the need for animal protein in order to be healthy.  The flawed studies that are often quoted promoting animal protein are always funded by the meat industry.  This was a tactic also used successfully by the tobacco industry, while millions of people suffer needlessly.  The following is what independent, unbiased scientific studies tells us about protein:

Firstly, we can be strong without consuming animal protein.  Many athletes have proven this and continue to do so.  In 1991, Olympic sprinter, Carl Lewis, had his "best year as an athlete ever" while consuming a completely plant-based diet.  Ultramarathon runner Scott Jurek has achieved numerous records also without any animal protein for the last 17 years (watch the video at the end of this article to learn more).  One of the strongest men in the world, Patrik Baboumian, hasn't consumed meat in over 10 years, and continues to compete in strong man competitions, while shattering the protein myth.  Heavyweight boxer David Haye came out of retirement, more muscular than ever, and recently knocked out his undefeated opponent, all after adopting a vegan diet more than two years ago (see image below).

Secondly, not consuming meat does not lead to a protein deficiency. A landmark study published in 2013 compared the protein intake of meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans, and found that all three groups more than exceeded their daily protein requirments.  Moreover, the need for protein in our diet is vastly exaggerated as we don't need that much protein to grow and stay healthy.  For example, human breast milk only contains about 6% protein, which allows us to more than triple our birth weight in the first year of our lives.

Thirdly, protein does not have to be "complete" with every meal.  Another myth driving the perceived need for animal protein is the notion that we need to consume a "complete protein."  All the building blocks to make protein do not have to come from one source at every meal in order for our body's innate intelligence to put everything together.  A well-balanced diet gives you all that you need.

And finally, animal protein is actually unhealthy.  While the meat industry has literally spent billions over the last 60+ years to encourage us to eat meat for health, the science has shown that eating meat may be good for their business, but definitely not for your health.  Studies have linked the consumption of animal protein with the development of a wide range of chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease,  multiple sclerosis, and even Alzheimer's.

So where do I get my protein from?  As vegan natural bodybuilder Robert Cheeke says, "... from the same place your protein gets it's protein from."  The plant kingdom has everything we need.  Simply eat as much whole, unrefined, unprocessed veggies as possible, along with fruit, whole grains, legumes, lentils, seeds, and some nuts; and let your body do what is knows best.
-by Dr. Shailen J. Nana

For more information:
This is why you crave beef: Inside secrets of Big Meat’s billion-dollar ad and lobbying campaigns
Meat Industry Advertising
Low Protein Intake Is Associated with a Major Reduction in IGF-1, Cancer, and Overall Mortality in the 65 and Younger but Not Older Population
Professional Vegan Arm Wrestler Proves Plant-Based Diet Can Equal Strength
Raw Vegetarian. Professional Arm Wrestler. Oh, and Also Olympic Bobsledder
Adverse Effects Associated with Protein Intake above the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Adults
Do Vegetarians Get Enough Protein?
The Protein Combining Myth
Why is Meat a Risk Factor for Diabetes?
The composition of human milk.
How to Optimize the “Whole” in a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet

15 June 2016

A Strong Spine Begins With Strong Feet

Most people spend nearly an entire lifetime wearing shoes. While this is more practical in modern times, are shoes actually bad for our health? The shoe industry has convinced us that our lives and athletic endeavours are better off while wearing their products, but I believe that we are harming the health of our feet and this has a negative impact on the rest of the body.  To understand the importance of motion in your feet, it's important to remember that when joints, muscles, and bones in your body are under-used, they start to degenerate and atrophy.  This is especially true for joints, which rely on motion to stay healthy, and muscles, which must be challenged to stay strong.  Both feet contain 52 bones in total, making up a quarter of the bones of your entire body.  Adjacent to these bones, are 33 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments, making the feet one of the most complex biomechanical structures in the body.

Another important reason to spend more time barefoot is to stimulate the more than 100,000 nerve endings in each foot.  I believe that this extremely high concentration of nerve receptors serves a greater purpose than simply feeling the ground.  With the recent re-discovery of the importance of Earthing, it has become apparent that we absorb free electrons from the ground, and since our feet touch the ground the most, it only makes sense that the soles of our feet are so densely innervated. Unfortunately, most people imprison their feet in tight-fitting, hard-soled shoes the entire day, which effectively insulates them from the Earth's energy.  In fact, the only time most people spend without shoes is in bed, when their feet are passive and not even touching the ground.

As it has become socially unacceptable in modern society to walk around barefoot, there is one place where you can strengthen your feet, by simply doing as much of your exercise as possible while barefoot.  Many exercise programs require bare feet, such as Pilates, yoga, martial arts, and kettlebell strength training, as engaging the ground with your feet is essential for balance, coordination, and whole-body strength. Bodybuilders have historically appreciated the importance of barefoot training, as part of their quest to build as much muscle as possible.  Once you spend more time barefoot, especially while you exercise, you will also realize the importance.  

For more information:

11 May 2016

How Cell Phones and WiFi Harm Your Brain

Figure 1: This study definitively demonstrated why children should not be
using cell phones.  While the effect seen on adults is less, the radiation
is still significant enough to limit your exposure.
While the cell phone was invented 43 year ago, it has only been widely used for about 10-15 years. Today, they have become an integral part of modern living. For many people, their lives literally revolve around these devices. The microwave radiation generated by cell phones and WiFi transmitters is supposedly safe, according to government agencies and the telecommunications industry, stating there is no conclusive evidence of health risks, despite warnings which can be found in the device's "Legal Information." In 2011, the World Health Organization, classified cell phone radiation, along with WiFi, as "possibly causes cancer" (See Figure 2 below).  Over 5,000 studies have been published in scientific, peer-reviewed journals, demonstrating the negative biological effects of the electromagnetic fields created by these devices. One effect of extreme concern is on the brain and nervous system.

Figure 2: The World Health Organization classified cell phone radiation as a
Group 2B cancer-causing agent 5 years ago.  This is the same category
as pesticides, lead, and engine exhaust.
As the master controller in your body, the brain is arguably the most important organ.  As a result, nature has provided extra protection, even from your own blood, by what is called the Blood-Brain Barrier.  This protective structure keeps toxins and pathogens from entering the brain, allowing you to function at your best.  Fortunately, this is one of the toughest structures in your body, consisting of high density cells, protecting the brain and the spinal cord.  Alarmingly, studies have shown that man-made electromagnetic fields increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, allowing leakage of harmful substances into the brain.

Figure 3: As compared to rats, the human blood-brain barrier 
is sufficiently similar to consider these findings a warning.  
A similar study on humans would likely lead to similar results.  
In 1975, Dr. Allan Frey published a study which demonstrated "that exposure to very weak microwave radiation (as from a cell phone) opens the blood-brain barrier, after exposure for as little as five minutes."  His work has subsequently been replicated by 13 other laboratories, including Swedish neurosurgeon, Dr. Leif Salford, who calls our current overexposure to cell phones and WiFi "the largest biological experiment ever."  Alarmingly, his research also showed that the weaker the radiation, the greater the leakage through the blood-brain barrier. (See Figure 3)  Hundreds of other independent scientists have also publicly condemned the mass overindulgence of cell phones, like Dr. Martin Blank, from Columbia University.  In his insightful and well-referenced book, Overpowered, he warns that "Cell phones generate electromagnetic fields (EMF), and emit electromagnetic radiation.... The many potential negative health effects from EMF exposure (including many cancers and Alzheimer's disease) can take decades to develop. So we won't know the results of this experiment for many years -- possibly decades.  But by then, it may be too late for billions of people."

For more information:

27 March 2016

The Overlooked Cause of Spinal Degeneration

Figure 1: An illustration of disc degeneration, which
was previously thought to be primarily due to
mechanical factors and aging.
Figure 2: The blood supply to the spine is extensive,
with numerous tiny vessels that get narrowed and
blocked long before the main arteries of the heart.
    Spinal degeneration is assumed to be an inevitable part of aging.  However, many studies have discovered that there are definite lifestyle factors that accelerate the decay of the spine.  While chiropractic care can help to slow this progression by maintaining proper nerve supply, motion, and balance of the spine, the effects are limited.  A sedentary lifestyle is a major factor, as the discs of the spine are dependent on motion and resistance to stay healthy.  Another seldom-mentioned cause is what you eat, which ultimately affects the blood supply to the spine. The blood supply to the various tissues and organs of the body is essential.  Without adequate blood supply, the cells are starved of proper nutrition and slowly wither and die.  The blood supply to the spinal column is especially extensive (see Figure 2) and vital to the health of the vertebrae, muscles, and nerves. Just as arteries in the heart and brain can become hardened and filled with plaques (atherosclerosis), so to does the vast arterial network that feeds the vertebral column.  The resulting decreased blood supply leads to premature degeneration of the vertebrae, which is usually preceded by deterioration of the discs (as seen in Figure 1).  Numerous studies have shown the link between clogged arteries and spinal degeneration (see Figure 3 below).  One study from 2004, for example, found that nearly 80% of patients with back pain had occluded arteries leading to the spine, concluding that "smoking and high blood cholesterol levels were found to have the most consistent associations with degenerative discs and low back pain."  While severe degeneration did not necessarily lead to more pain, it was noted that those with higher levels of cholesterol experienced more nerve pain.  Another study from 1997 found that those "with one or more occluded/narrowed arteries were 8.5 times more likely to have suffered from chronic low back pain at some point during their life."
     In conclusion, this evidence clearly shows that eating healthier and not smoking, is not only good for your heart, but also for your spine. This is one of the reasons that we ask our new patients to rate the percentage of their diet which comes from whole, unrefined plant foods.  Not surprisingly, the vast majority of people we see admit that at least 50% of their diet comes from animal products and refined foods.  Ideally, this number should be no higher than 5-10%.  In fact, the less the better.  At least 90% of your food should come from whole, unrefined, and unprocessed vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, fruit, and nuts. For many, the solution may seem challenging and unrealistic, but the rewards are many, including a healthy spine for a productive and enjoyable life.
~ by Dr. S. J. Nana

Figure 3: The picture on the left shows a normal aortic artery, along with
normal spinal arteries (indicated by the arrows).  On the right, 
atherosclerosis is clearly evident, leading to diminished blood supply, 
which leads to premature degeneration of the spine and discs.

For more information:
Cause-Effect: Vascular Disease and LBP Atherosclerosis contributes to low back pain and spinal degeneration.
Causes of Premature Aging of the Spine
Good Nutrition is Good for your Back
The collateral network concept: a reassessment of the anatomy of spinal cord perfusion.
MR Aortography and Serum Cholesterol Levels in Patients With Long-Term Nonspecific Lower Back Pain
Atherosclerosis and Disc Degeneration/Low-Back Pain – A Systematic Review
Prevalence of stenotic changes in arteries supplying the lumbar spine. A postmortem angiographic study on 140 subjects
The Cause of Atherosclerosis

29 February 2016

The Lesser Known Causes of Subluxations

When it comes to the physical causes of subluxations, most people only think of accidents or falls.  However, I've found the following causes to be oftentimes even more hazardous to your spine, nervous system, and overall health:

1. Surgical trauma:  When a person is under general anaesthesia, their muscular system is no longer protecting the spine. Surgery often places people is odd positions and in many cases are quite prolonged.  Both instances prove to be extremetly traumatic on the spine and I've seen many people develop strange and sometimes severe problems after surgery.  I believe that surgical trauma can be even worse than injuries sustained in car accidents, simply because your mind is not able to protect the integrity of your spine and nervous system.  Chiropractic care should be essential especially following major surgery.

2. Driving on bumpy roads:  While working in the Limpopo Province, I came across several people who were diagnosed with "bakkie neck," by orthopaedic surgeons, resulting from regular driving on bumpy, gravel roads in bakkies. The minor trauma over the years can lead to early degeneration and if the spine is not balanced and functioning properly, can lead to severe neurological symptoms.  So while spending time in the bush viewing our wildlife friends is relaxing and energizing, be sure to have your spine checked and adjusted afterwards.

3. Airplane trips: Sitting on an airplane for hours is traumatic in itself, but compounded by having to sleep in an upright position.  Unless you're fortunate enough to fly business class, sleeping upright is a major strain on your spine, as it's not able to rest properly.  Also, every time you nod off and suddently jerk back to keep your head from ending up in your neighbour's lap, you give yourself a minor whiplash. Since the pineal gland receives it's direct nerve supply from the upper neck (via the superior cervical ganglion), chiropractic care can also help you to recover faster from the effects of jet lag, allowing you to enjoy the memories of your trip.

4. Pregnancy:  I have seen countless mothers that have begun to have spinal problems since having their children.  As a result of the hormonal changes during pregnancy, the ligaments around the spine become more lax, to allow for the child birth.  This is one reason that many woman who have neck or back pain before conceiving, often feel better while pregnant.  Unfortunately, the spine does not always balance out and stablize properly following the birth of their child.  So while many women often bring their newborn babies for chiropractic care, it is even more important for the mommy.  Due to the close link between the nervous and endocrine systems, chiropractic care will also help with post-partum depression and simply balancing the hormones again.

While there are many reasons for seeking chiropractic care, everyone should have their spines checked and adjusted on a regular basis, so when life does take you to one of the above-mentioned adventures, you will handle it much better.

For more information:

03 February 2016

Why We Planted 28 Indigenous Trees

In South Africa, we take for granted the flurry of chattering birds that marks the beginning of a new day. Whenever I visit the USA, the early morning silence always alarms me. While most people enjoy the peace and quiet, the lack of bird life in the U.S. is actually a warning. Most Americans don't know what they're missing, because they've grown accustomed to the quiet mornings, assuming that's normal. There are some nice things about life in America, but this is one path that the rest of the world must not follow. One of the reasons for the lack of wildlife in the U.S. is the urban growth without any regard to preserving and planting the native plant life. As University of Delaware professor Douglas Tallamy writes in his book, Bringing Nature Home, "We were taught from childhood that gardens are for beauty; they are a chance to express our artistic talents, to have fun with and relax in. And, whether we like it or not, the way we landscape our properties is taken by our neighbors as a statement of our wealth and social status. But no one has taught us that we have forced the plants and animals that evolved in North America (our nation's biodiversity) to depend more and more on human-dominated landscapes for their continued existence." He goes on to explain, "Since we have taken 95% of the U.S. from nature we can expect to lose 95% of the species that once lived here unless we learn how to share our living, working, and agricultural spaces with biodiversity." His solution is quite simple: fill your garden with only native plants wherever possible.

Ever since I returned to South Africa, I've been drawn to the local native or indigenous plants. As a result, other than some herbs, I have managed to populate our garden with indigenous trees and shrubs, and I've seen first-hand the benefits of these plants. I see more wildlife at home in just a few minutes than I did on a recent visit to a so-called wildlife refuge in the U.S last year.  Last week, we planted 28 young indigenous trees along a road next our estate, providing homes to countless insects and animals, while also improving the atmosphere of our corner of this concrete jungle. Planting indigenous trees, as Tallamy has found in his research, supports 29 times more biodiversity than exotic trees.

For most people, preserving the environment is not a priority, as simply making ends meet takes up all their time and energy.  However, to insure a bright future for those that follow us, it should be a priority. As Dr. Guy McPherson says, "If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while you count your money."  I encourage you to visit some of our indigenous nurseries and botanical gardens, which I've linked below, so you can see that these plants are not only beautiful but useful as well.  The health of our environment, our animal friends, and ourselves is dependent on the plant life we choose, so choose carefully.

The following short videos, taken just before sunrise, show the stark contrast in bird sounds from Centurion, South Africa in the first one and Florida, USA in the second ( be sure to increase your speaker volume):

Incidentally, the faint sounds you hear in the second one are actually some sort of insect.  Both were captured last year in September, about 3 days apart.  What is even more alarming is that the one taken in the USA was about 100 metres away from a pristine lake, where you would normally find abundant bird life.  The sounds you hear in the first are a typical morning in suburban South Africa. We must do our best to keep it this way.

For more information:

28 January 2016

Sleeping With Gratitude

Sleeping is essential for your well-being, allowing your mind and body to heal from the day and recharge for the next. What you do just before you sleep is of vital importance and so is your mindset.  The following exercise is a great way to relax the mind and sets a healing tone for a nurturing night's sleep:

"Before you go to sleep tonight, lie comfortably in your bed and begin giving thanks inwardly. Remember everyone who helped you today. Call up their image in your mind's eye and thank them for their support or challenge, niceness or meanness, or simply their presence in your life.  Identify what they were teaching you and how and what they were balancing. Continue until you feel great gratitude for your day - until you see that both sides are perfectly balanced and both are love. Going to sleep with a grateful, open heart is a powerful healing practice. Your dreams will become more inspiring, and you will awaken in the morning with a lighter state of mind."

- Dr. John F. DeMartini

20 January 2016

Healthy Reading: "The Starch Solution" by Dr. John McDougall

The Starch Solution is the culmination of over 40 years of successfully treating thousands of people simply with diet, by one of the first modern-day medical doctors to prove that food is truly more powerful than medicine. While this book has some limited popularity overseas, the pervasive and ingrained myths about our protein, calcium, and B12 needs, along with an outright addiction to animal fats, will keep most people from ever reading this book. With so many South Africans jumping onto the "low-carb, high animal fat" highway to chronic disease, they are lumping the refined, simple carbohydrates with the unrefined, complex carbohydrates (starches), but to the detriment of their long-term health. Starches are like rocket fuel for our bodies, providing usable energy and longevity. As Dr. McDougall discusses, every major culture around the world based their diet on some sort of unrefined starch. In recent decades, an overemphasis has been placed on protein and fat, leading to an explosion of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and many other chronic diseases. There is a good reason why we start breaking down starches in our mouths (unlike proteins and fats) via the enzyme amylase found in our saliva: we not only survive on starches, but thrive. If you would like to save money on future medical bills, while enjoying life to its fullest, I highly recommend reading this important book.

15 January 2016

How To Avoid Becoming Chair-Shaped

As we get farther and farther away from our natural movements and positions in our increasingly motorized and computerized modern life, our bodies are adapting, but in a way that is not healthy. The optimal health of our bodies is directly dependent on a supple, strong, flexible, and balanced spinal column.  As Joseph Pilates once said, "A man is as healthy as his spinal column."  While prolonged sitting is practically unavoidable, there are some simple steps you can take to help prevent your body from literally becoming "chair-shaped:"

1. Walk regularly:  Our bodies evolved to walk several kilometers a day.  Just as you make the time to eat and sleep, walking must also become an essential component of your life.  Be sure to keep your chin up to improve your posture, and you'll enjoy walking even more.

2. Squat every day:  Before chairs became the norm for sitting, our anscestors were squating.  Since we no longer have to squat whatsoever, it is essential that you make this simple exercise a part of your daily routine. If you can't squat, like all too many people, don't squat lower than your comfort level. As you get stronger and more flexible, you can slowly work toward achieving a full squat.

3. Don't sit when you exercise:  To strengthen your body for your natural upright posture, you should avoid doing most of your excercising while sitting.  Since most sitting exercises never simultaneously involve both your arms and legs, sitting disengages your core and back muscles and effectively disconnects your upper and lower body.

4. Enjoy the present moment:  Keep your mind from focusing on tension, stress, worry and fear about the future. When you think about the future, you subconsciously lean forward slightly, which over time, will change your posture.  As Eckhart Tolle so consicely put it, "You create a good future by creating a good present."

5. Keep your nervous system flowing freely:  Your brain is in constant communication with the billions of nerve receptors in every joint, muscle, and tendon of your body, called proprioceptors. However, subluxations interfere with this communication, making you less aware of poor postural habits. Regular chiropractic care keeps these messages flowing freely, allowing you to have more control of your posture, and enabling you to feel and look human once again.
