08 December 2010


While most people treat migraine headaches with medication, I have seen many patients get relief naturally with chiropractic care.  A recent clinical trial of chronic migraine sufferers found that 72% of them had "substantial or noticeable improvement after a period of chiropractic treatment."  Migraine headaches are thought to be a neurological disorder which interferes with the flow of blood within the brain, so these results are not surprising. From my experience, people that struggle with migraines generally require a series of visits, and eventually routine maintenance care, in order to get the best results. The cause of migraines is certainly multifaceted, but there is little doubt that chiropractic can be a part of the solution.

07 December 2010


"As long as you are in conscious contact with your inner body, you are like a tree that is deeply rooted in the earth, or a building with a deep and solid foundation."

-- Eckart Tolle, from The Power of Now

(Chiropractic helps you to regain and maintain this conscious contact, by releasing interference in your nervous system.)

06 November 2010


As the rate of cancer seems to be increasing, scientists have realized that this often fatal disease is mostly "man-made."  Upon reviewing data and fossils of people from ancient civilizations, it was found that cancer was practically non-existent until the industrial revolution, when the incidence of cancer, particularly in children, seemed to explode.  According to Professor Rosalie David, "In industrialized societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare. There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle."  So it goes without saying, the more natural your lifestyle, the healthier you will be.  And more emphasis should be put on eliminating the causes of cancer from our lifestyle, thus preventing it, rather than only trying to cure the disease.

04 November 2010


One downside of being called "doctor" is that people think they should only see you when they are not feeling well.  In reality, chiropractic care can help even when you feel fine.  It's very much like keeping a musical instrument fine-tuned; the more it's used, the more it has to be tuned.  This is very much the case for your spine and nervous system.  Unlike a musical instrument, our body does fine-tune itself most of the time.  The chiropractic adjustments we make are more of a reminder, if you will.  Most of the people we see come initially for the treatment of some sort of ailment and discontinue care once they are feeling better.  About a third of our patients, continue with maintenance care even if they are feeling fine.  Maintenance can often mean the difference between getting healthier, rather than just staying well.

26 August 2010


Here is a nice video about the story of where Activator Methods comes from, as told by one of the co-founders, Dr. Arlan Fuhr.  He has also been one of my greatest inspirations.  Whenever I receive a compliment about my work from a patient, I often say I just had great teachers, including Dr. Fuhr.

24 August 2010


This ad is from 1952, when the dangers of smoking weren't out in the open yet.  Even more amazing, there are still many health care practitioners that still smoke, despite the risks and stigma of being a bad example.

23 August 2010


With the right conditions, it seems almost anything can grow in your body.  When an American man was suffering with lung problems, he feared that he was developing cancer.  But when he was examined by his doctors, they were surprised to find that a pea had sprouted in his lungs, growing to about 1.25cm in length.  It was removed surgically and the 75 year old man was just relieved that it wasn't cancer. (Read more.)

17 August 2010


It's always interesting to see where different people put their health on their list of priorities. I recently had two patients who seemed to be on different ends of the spectrum. The first was in severe pain and discomfort for years, consulted many different doctors, with many ultimately recommending surgery. When we spoke, he seemed desperate, saying that he really hopes that I can help him. However his actions said something completely different. He missed his first appointment, was more than 30 minutes late for his second, and didn't even show for his third. It's obvious he was not willing to go out of his way to be healthy. In contrast, another patient who returned after 2 years of being well, shows what happens when your health is a priority. This man has always been at our office early for every appointment -- and I don't think he even owns a car. He got great results two years ago and has already experienced great results this year, prompting him to refer his nephew. As these two examples show, time management plays a very strong part in health management, and thus life management.  The choice is yours.


During my growing years, my ambition was usually to become a "doctor."  The part about helping people always appealed to me.  But then at the age of about 20, I realized the part about prescribing drugs or doing surgery simply was not part of my belief system.  I then began my brief search for my true calling.  This was before the days of our very efficient internet of today, but the public library proved to be very useful.  After doing some reading about health professions and then reading a more detailed book about chiropractic, something seemed to click in my head and I knew my destiny awaited me:  to be a chiropractor.  That was about 19 years ago.  Much has happened since then, including more than 13 years of professional practice, in the U.S and mostly here in South Africa.  I have been blessed beyond my ambitions and continue to enjoy helping people live better lives.  Just as I had dreamed of doing when I was only a child.

13 August 2010


A review of several studies published this year from the U.K. found that using calcium supplements increased the risk of heart attacks by about 30%.  According to the researchers, "given that calcium supplements only modestly improve bone density and prevent fracture, their role in the management of osteoporosis should be re-assessed."  If you eat properly, you can get enough usable calcium from a well-rounded diet.  Make sure that you exercise and have some sort of green, leafy vegetable every day, as this is nature's best source of minerals, including calcium, in a form that your body can and will be able to utilize. 

10 August 2010


A recent study found that having a purpose in life keeps you healthier. In particular, scientists discovered that among 900 elderly people, those that had a "greater purpose in life" had a much lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease and mental impairment. While this study only focused on the elderly, I'm sure the results would be similar for all people, from children to adults.  From a personal standpoint, my purpose is to empower you to function better, through chiropractic and information, and serves as the driving force in my professional life. So whether your aim in life is your work, your family, your garden, your hobby, a charitable cause, or a combination of several things, make sure you have a clear purpose. Everything that you say, think, or do affects others and the planet that sustains us. Remember, no matter what you do, lives are always at stake.

20 July 2010


One unique trait we enjoy in contrast to most of the animal kingdom is our ability to see in bright, vivid colour. Unfortunately, this is a trait that the processed food industry uses to it's full advantage, by adding the most cost-effective food colourings, in order to attract our attention. A recent study has conclusively shown a strong link between the chemicals in food dyes and childhood cancer, hyperactivity, and allergies. Some countries are already considering a complete ban on these synthetic additives that are commonly found in processed foods such as cereals, soft drinks, sweets, etc. Alternative food-derived dyes are available and commonly used, but instead of waiting for the food industry to take action, it's best to just avoid processed foods as much as possible. The closer food is to its natural form, the safer and healthier it will be.

09 July 2010


Whenever a patient tells me that they've stopped using pain pills, I always tell them that their stomach, liver, and kidneys will also be grateful. Surprisingly, it turns out that less pain pills will also help preserve your hearing. A study published recently in the American Journal of Medicine found an association between regular use of over the counter pain killers and hearing loss. The researchers from Harvard and Vanderbilt in the U.S. concluded that "regular use of aspirin, NSAIDs, or acetaminophen increases the risk of hearing loss in men, and the impact is larger on younger individuals." For men that were taking more than 2 pain pills every week the risk of hearing loss was much greater than those taking less than 2 per week. Remember, that covering up symptoms like pain may help you feel better temporarily, but you are potentially creating other long-term problems. Specific chiropractic care helps you function and feel better, which often results in less pain, naturally.

14 June 2010


It appears that there is "a growing pile of evidence that the central nervous system is far more involved in the control of essential metabolic processes than we once thought." One example is the formation of cholesterol in our bodies, which is produced by the liver. It has been thought that cholesterol levels are mainly reliant on diet and liver function, but a new study has found "for the first time that cholesterol is also under direct 'remote control' by specific neurocircuitry in the central nervous system." So it turns out that by improving the function of your spinal cord and brain, chiropractic care may help to keep your cholesterol levels in check.

13 May 2010


Music is a universal language that unites people and apparently also makes us healthier. Since starting in professional practice, music has always been an essential element in my consulting rooms. It just made sense to create a more relaxing environment, away from the fast pace of city life, which will help you to get better faster. Many research studies are now also showing the benefits of music. One study found that listening to music while exercising improved the function of the brain. Another study found that "joyful music has a healthy effect on blood vessel function." And finally, a study of the elderly with sleep problems "reported a 35 percent improvement after they started listening to 45 minutes of soft music before bedtime." So whether it's in the car, while you're exercising, or part of your bedtime routine, make sure you're making music an integral part of your life.

04 May 2010


Ever since beginning practice, I have almost always introduced myself by my first name. I have never seen the need to say "I'm Dr. Nana." For most of the 20th century, doctors have appeared elitist and superior because of their education. However, we are merely specialists in a specific field of study like everyone else in society today. We know more and more about less and less, as I once read somewhere. Health care today is meant to be empowering, because the true healing comes from within and not from a doctor, healer, medicine, scalpel or adjustment. Whenever my patients give me credit for making them better, I always remind them that their own innate intelligence deserves the real credit, I merely helped. So remember, you are actually your own doctor and healer.


In a book I read recently, one of the characters complained about how flat and square our indoor spaces tend to be, making her feel very uncomfortable. For most of us city-dwellers, we spend most of our time in the unnatural surroundings of houses, offices, cars, shops, etc. But it turns out that a small dose of being in nature is good for your overall health. A review of 10 studies done in the UK showed that spending only five minutes a day in a natural environment improved people's mood, self-esteem, mental and physical health. Activities included things such as gardening, hiking, biking, etc. And apparently the strongest effect was around water, such as lakes, ponds, or streams. So if you're not getting your regular dose of nature, you owe it to your mind and body.

(The panoramic picture as seen above was taken in November 2009 on the way to the Drakensberg, overlooking the Sterkfontein Dam. We were only there for about 15 minutes, but it was peaceful and relaxing. And as this study shows, that short stop on our journey was actually good for our health, too. )

30 April 2010


A few months ago, a study of 50,000 people revealed that eating a bar of chocolate a week decreased the risk of having a stroke. But remember that eating too much chocolate can definitely have a negative effect. This was shown recently in a study that showed that the more chocolate you eat, the more depressed you get. So chocolate seems to be a good addition to your diet, but only in controlled moderation.

07 April 2010


Multivitamin pills have been around since the 1930's, growing in popularity ever since to become a huge multi-billion dollar industry in itself. While these nutritional supplements make sense in theory, there is little evidence that they are actually necessary. In fact with a third to half of Americans using them, people certainly haven't become healthier as a population. A few recent studies have shown that they don't prevent diseases such as cancer and heart disease. One such study from 2009 "found no significant differences in risk of cancer, heart disease or death between the multivitamin users and non-users." Another study found that men who took more than one multivitamin a day "were 32% are more likely to develop advanced prostate cancer and 98% more likely to die from the disease." And most recently, research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition "found a link between taking multivitamins and increased risk of breast cancer." With all this in mind, it seems that multivitamins are not necessarily good for you and could potentially be harmful. Just remember, nature has already provided us with the best way to get your essential vitamins and minerals: a balanced diet, with a wide variety of whole foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

31 March 2010


After climbing down from the adjusting table the other day, one of my patients said with a big smile on his face, "Thanks. That was fun!" It's a common sentiment from many patients who seem to appreciate the experience they get here. I'm very grateful, because most people tend not to like going to doctors of any kind. I'm quite familiar with that fearful, apprehensive look that many people have on their first visit. But after going through the procedure, they are pleasantly surprised by the gentle nature of Activator Methods and the resulting effects of functioning better. On the same day, another patient marveled at how her eyesight seemed to improve right after the adjustments. So I'm glad that it is a fun experience for most people and always refreshing to hear so.

17 March 2010


In the last few years, I have seen more and more patients being referred to me by their general medical practitioners. While most medical doctors still don't refer, this trend seems to be slowly changing. This is mostly a result of patients telling their doctors about their positive chiropractic experiences. As a profession, we don't have an army of sales reps that call on the doctors, as do the pharmaceutical companies. So the only way that they can possibly learn about your positive results with chiropractic is if you tell them. Many patients suffer with debilitating symptoms for years before finally discovering chiropractic, saying that their doctor never told them about this option. Your story could help keep someone from struggling when simple chiropractic care can make all the difference.

05 March 2010


Many people "crack" or "pop" their knuckles or even their back and neck. It usually provides some relief from tension, but only temporarily. One misconception is that this practice leads to more wear and tear and can lead to arthritis. As you can see in the video below, this is not true. However, if you have to "crack" your own joints often, it does show that there is dysfunction in the way the joints are moving and the way the nerves are functioning. One of our goals is to restore proper spinal joint and nerve function. Once your spine is subluxation-free, the need to do this becomes less and your body will be able to correct any joint fixations in a much quieter and comfortable way.

(Click here to watch the video.)

04 March 2010


While studying chiropractic during my student years, I was uncertain of how much we could actually help elderly patients. After getting out into the real world, I was pleasantly surprised to see that we truly can make a big difference. The results are often very heart-warming as these patients greatly appreciate feeling and functioning better. In a recent survey of elderly patients in the U.S. that received treatment under the government funded Medicare program, 87% were very satisfied with chiropractic care, with 56% giving their chiropractor a perfect 10 out of 10. In fact, 60% percent said they received "complete" or "a lot of relief." I'm sure that the results would have been even better with trained and certified Activator chiropractors, since most chiropractors do treat their elderly patients with the Activator instrument, but seldom do the proper analysis. Making the right adjustment at the right place is essential.

(Click here to read more.)

02 March 2010


With more and more research, it appears that meditation improves your overall health. If you don't know how, a good start is a "walking meditation." All you need is a nice place to walk and you're all set. According to wikihow.com, follow these simple steps:
1. Set time aside for this particular kind of walking.
2. Choose a place to walk.
3. Pace your breathing with your steps.
4. Live in the moment.
5. Little by little, incorporate this practice into your daily life - taking three or four slow, mindful steps whenever you remember to.

Click on the link below to read more about it and watch the video:
How to Do Walking Meditation

18 February 2010


In a study of 1,739 healthy men and women, it was found that people with more positive emotions, such as happiness and enthusiasm, had a lower risk of experiencing a heart attack. This shows the effect that your nervous system has on the function of your whole body, including the heart as shown in this example. Remember that whether you are happy or not is always a decision you make. Life has its ups and downs, but how you choose to react is up to you. And when you have less irritation coming from your spine, it is much easier to be happy. So make sure that your spine and nervous system are functioning optimally, as subluxations in the upper neck, upper back, and pelvis can affect the function of your heart.

(Click here to read more.)

17 February 2010


This morning while examining patients I was reminded of how much I love to help people to function better. Yesterday, one lady told me she appreciated my "attitude toward patients." I suppose that if you enjoy what you're doing, you can't help but have a nice attitude. People come here often desperate and hopeless, many resigned to living a life with dysfunction and often pain. When they start to function better and then feel better, they are always very appreciative, which makes my job that much more gratifying.

15 February 2010


About four years ago, after having our first child, I realized that I didn't spend as much time with my family as I'd like. So I stopped working on Saturdays, every other week. Three years later when our second little girl was born, I decided to take the bold step of not working on Saturdays at all. It wasn't a popular decision with many patients, who relied on that time, but many of them made an effort to come during the week. It has turned out to be one of the best moves I've made, as I've been able to develop a strong bond with my kids and give my wife a helping hand with the ever demanding task of raising two very energetic kids. The weekend is a very important time for all of us to rest, spend time with loved ones, do something different, and recharge for the next week. A recent study found that people are generally happier on the weekend, regardless of how much they earn or how satisfied they are with their jobs. They called this the "weekend effect." So if you are denying yourself of that essential rest and relaxation time, you may be compromising your happiness and health.

11 February 2010


One of the worst culprits in the modern diet are the sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages which are often called soft drinks or sodas. They are commonly consumed without any regard to its ill effects, with many people drinking more than two glasses on a daily basis. A study published this month found that people drinking only two glasses per week doubled their risk of developing pancreatic cancer. So the less soft drinks you drink, the better.

(Click here to read more.)

10 February 2010


We know that smoking is bad for the smoker and the people that inhale the second-hand smoke, but a new study has shown that "third-hand smoke" is just as bad. Researchers found that "tobacco smoke residues found on everyday surfaces react with molecules in indoor air to form potent cancer causing chemicals." Third-hand smoke is due to nicotine that has been absorbed by indoor materials, surfaces, floors, furniture, and clothing. So it turns out that smokers not only pollute their own bodies and those around them, but also the environment they live in. Just another reason not to smoke.

29 January 2010


For centuries our ancestors ran and walked barefoot or with minimal shoes. And then in the 1970's, the sport shoe was invented. Today, it has become the norm to wear these type of shoes when participating in almost any type of sport. But are these shoes actually causing more harm? A study published this month in Nature found that these specialized shoes change the way our feet strike the ground, increasing the impact by two to three times our body weight. This of course has a detrimental effect on the feet, joints, and very likely the spine as well. While shoes may be more stylish and seem more comfortable, it is important to be barefoot as much as possible. Try to wear shoes that compliment the shape of your feet, which fortunately seems to be the trend these days. Even the athletic shoes now seem to have changed to allow the foot to assume a more natural function.

28 January 2010


Yet another study has shown how intimately connected your mind is with the rest of your body. Researchers found that when people think about the past they sway back, while when they think about the future, they sway forward. This shows the effect that your thoughts have on your posture, especially when you're not focused on the present. Poor posture leads to spinal subluxations and eventually will hinder your health. This is just another reason to leave the past behind, not worry about the future, and make the most of the present.

25 January 2010


Married men tend to be healthier than their single counterparts, and also generally have a better sex life. A new study has now specifically found that regular sex is actually good for men's hearts. Published in the American Journal of Cardiology, this study of over 1,000 men found that those that had sex only once a month or less had a 45% greater risk of cardiovascular disease, compared to the men who were intimate 2-3 times per week. This study shows yet another health benefit of being in a faithful, monogamous relationship. From a chiropractic perspective, it's important to make sure that your nervous system is free of interference, because nerve irritation can lead to sexual dysfunction.

19 January 2010


If a recent study that compared the health of the Amish community to the rest of America is anything to go by, it turns out that living a modern lifestyle is quite likely bad for us. The Amish have maintained a simple lifestyle since the 1700's, rejecting the modern conveniences of electricity, cars, telephones, TVs, supermarkets, and even modern medicine. The researchers found that the Amish had a much lower rate of cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes, which they believe was due mostly to living a more physically active lifestyle and growing all their own organic food. While the modern lifestyle is here to stay for most of us, we are ultimately in control of how we live our lives.

(Click here to read more.)


Sweetened desserts and junk food are often referred to as "feel good" food. It might make you feel good right after eating it, but turns out it is more likely to cause depression later on down the road. A study published in The British Journal of Psychiatry found that people who ate more junk food than those that ate healthy food, were much more likely to be depressed. The researcher said that "our finding shows a strong association between diet and depressive symptoms." So remember to eat more fresh fruits, vegetable, nuts, etc. and less refined foods. You will be much happier for it later on.


According to a recent Harvard study, "60% of all bankruptcies in the United States were driven by sickness and related medical bills." Most health problems are the result of poor lifestyle choices, such as not eating properly, not exercising regularly, sitting too much, not getting good rest, and compromised nerve flow. These things keep you from functioning optimally, and eventually leads to illness, which leads to decreased work production and eventually missing work. The choice is ultimately yours.

14 January 2010


A survey done in 2008 found that the average American watches more than 5 hours of TV every day. It turns out that this unfortunate lifestyle habit is contributing to poor health and leading to life-threatening disease, even for people who exercise regularly. In a new study from Australia, researchers found that watching more than 4 hours of TV per day significantly increased your risk of dying from any cause, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. What's more interesting is that the people in this study were exercising an average of 30-45 minutes a day. So live a more active and productive life, watch as little TV as possible (less than 2 hours a day), and you will be healthier and happier.

(Click here to read more.)