01 December 2014

Get Grounded and Feel Human Again

"When you are linked to the Earth and involved in the electrical
exchanges, you start feeling like a human being again."
-Matteo Taverra
One comment I often hear from my new clients is that they feel human once again, as chiropractic care restores the vital connection between the mind and body. I've recently realized that there is another disconnection that most of us are experiencing, which also keeps us from being at our best: our connection with the Earth. This may sound simplistic, but when you consider that most of us rarely if ever come into contact with the bare ground, especially with our rubber-soled shoes, this may be a missing link in your life. In the book Earthing by Clinton Ober et al., a compelling case is made for why it is so important to spend as much time as possible in direct contact with the Earth. It all makes perfect sense when you understand the strikingly similar electrical properties of the Earth and our bodies. As we distance ourselves from this simple act of touching the Earth, our bodies malfunction, leading to poor health, which is so prevalent in modern life. We were meant to be in constant contact with the Earth, but since we started wearing thick-soled shoes and living within insulated buildings, we have deprived our bodies of the energies from the Earth, arguably affecting our health as a result.  As Clinton Ober writes in his book, "You are plugging yourself into an energy source that humans have evolved with for millions of years.  It is part of Nature's design  Your body's electrical system - that controls every cellular function - will function better when you supply it routinely with what it evolved on."  Studies described in this book have shown that Earthing can help in many ways, including decreased inflammation, improved nervous system function, more effective sleep, and healing faster.  Another benefit is that Earthing can have a shielding effect from the countless electromagnetic fields that surround us.  Since most people only walk barefoot on the Earth when they are at the beach, this may explain why people almost always feel better and more alive during these short breaks from their normal lives. Fortunately, you don't have to be on holiday to feel this way. Simply standing, sitting, or lying on the bare ground for at least 30-40 minutes a day can make a difference. The more the better, it seems. So reconnect with the Earth, and start feeling human again.

18 September 2014

There's Always Time To Get Fit

The main excuse for many who don't exercise is lack of time. This, however, is based on the misconception that you need a lot of time to exercise. The fact is that your body will respond better to less, but more focused exercise, requiring less time, but more intense effort and concentration.  A good example is the "7 Minute Workout," seen in the image here. While the main effort part of this program takes only about seven minutes, if you add a pre-workout warm-up and then cool-down and stretching afterward, you can get a full-body workout in less than 30 minutes, without any equipment or having to leave your home. This program is also good for strengthening the heart and lungs, because it involves short bursts of intense effort, sandwiched between brief rest periods.  It's also very good for the mind and your nervous system, because all the movements use your own body weight, requiring you to be very mindful of your movements and position.  If you have not exercised in a long time, you must ease into this, possibly by lengthening the rest periods and taking it easier during the effort phase. You can also modify the exercises to your abilities and fitness level.  I also recommend changing the routine every 3-4 weeks, to keep your mind more active and prevent injury from microtrauma, or repeatedly doing the same thing for too long.  If you are very unfit, you should also consult a biokineticist or personal trainer to make sure you do these exercises properly.  This is just one example of the many options available to us and will not only improve the stability of your spine, but will also get you ready for life's never-ending challenges.

For more information:

12 September 2014

The Six Best Doctors Anywhere

"The six best doctors anywhere,
And no can deny it,
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air,
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend,
If only you are willing,
Your mind they'll ease,
Your will they'll mend,
And charge you not a shilling."
(Old English Nursery Rhyme)

16 May 2014

My Humble Bid To Help Save Our Future

The largest land mammals also only eat plants.
Whenever I get a chance, I love reading classic science fiction novels. They are not usually cheerful, but always philosophical and though-provoking. In many of these books, the authors portray a bleak future for life on this planet. Unfortunately, it seems that reality is turning out to be stranger than fiction. More and more evidence is showing that the world is slowly changing because of decisions we make as a society. Unfortunately, the most significant change is to our atmosphere, and it's not for the better. For instance, the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii has been measuring the rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere for over 60 years. This year, these levels have increased to levels never seen since the age of dinosaurs, long before humans even existed. Just yesterday, newspapers reported irreversible melting of glaciers in the antarctic. Global warming is happening slowly but surely. While we are all busy in our lives, there are many ways that we could at least slow down global warming. The best way to decrease our impact on our environment is by avoiding consumption of animal products, since the meat and dairy industry directly and indirectly create more greenhouse gases than the entire transport industry. Contrary to what we've been led to believe, meat, milk, eggs and cheese are not essential for a healthy diet.  In fact, many studies continue to show that by avoiding these you will be healthier, happier, and even live longer. Much of this information has been known for a long time. As part of our nutrition course during my chiropractic studies about 20 years ago, we were required to read the book "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins, which convinced me to stop eating meat 4 years later. For convenience sake, I continued to consume some dairy until last week, when I finally decided to eliminate all forms of animal products from my diet. Frankly, I don't know why it took me 16 years to give up dairy as well, but it's been a conscience-clearing decision. It will be inconvenient, but as I told my wife, doing the right thing is not always convenient. I have no doubt in my mind that by eating only a plant-based diet, the world will be a better place, not just for us, but for all life on Earth.  As Albert Einstein once said, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."

For more information:

12 May 2014

Healthy Exercise: Squats

Long before we became civilized, the squat was the ideal way to sit.  Today, most people spend over 9 hours a day in a chair. As a result, many have lost the ability to sit the way in which we are meant to. Before relying on chairs, a person would go down into and up from the squatting position many times during the course of the day.  In modern life, however, most people never squat, because there's no need for it. I believe this is one of the reasons that back problems have also reached epidemic proportions. The movement required to squat is essential for the strength and mobility of your pelvis, hips, and lower spine, thus providing a strong and stable foundation for your entire spinal column. The health benefits apparently go even further, including improvements in bowel function, among others. Since modern living does not require us to squat, the bodyweight squat is an essential exercise that everyone should do at least 3 times per week.  If you are not able to do this simple exercise, you should consult with a professional fitness instructor, such as a biokineticist, personal trainer, Pilates instructor, or yoga instructor, to re-learn this very important movement and sitting position.  So keep squatting while you still can, and your whole body will reward you.

If you haven't been able to squat in a long time, the following is great article how to regain the mobility:

For more information:

You can also watch this video describing the proper form for a bodyweight squat:

06 May 2014

Avoid Aspartame and Other Artificial Sweeteners

Apparently, even ants avoid aspartame
Since sugar is harmful to your health, the chemical industry has come up with artificial versions of sugar, which are probably even more harmful.  While there is some controversy regarding the safety of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, many independent studies have shown these sugar substitutes to be harmful, especially in the long term.  One recent study of almost 60,000 woman found a 50% increased death risk from the regular consumption of aspartame, which can be considered a neurotoxin (harmful to your nervous system).  So instead of waiting for studies to prove its safety or danger, remember that your body will not like any unnatural substance.  We actually do not require sugar in our diet, so it goes without saying that we simply do not need fake sugar, either.

For more information:

27 March 2014

Stay Connected and Maximize Your Potential

     Most people come to me for the "treatment" of some ache or pain. While 90% of these people do achieve relief, many don't realize that I never actually treated their ache or pain. This is one of the many idiosyncrasies of chiropractic care that sets it apart from mainstream health care of today, by not treating the symptoms, but addressing the underlying dysfunction. The purpose of chiropractic care is to simply reconnect your mind and body, by correcting spinal subluxations, thus allowing your body to function properly and heal itself.  So the true healer is not me, but your life energy that flows along your nervous system.  Most people liken the nervous system to a communication network, sending messages back and forth between the brain and the trillions of cells in your body.  But this is only one purpose of your nervous system, as it is also a conduit for the flow of vital electrical energy that flows from your brain to the rest of your body.  Without this energy flowing properly, it's like having a light with a dimmer switch turned down.  So your nervous system is like Telkom and Eskom, all in one.  Chiropractic helps to keep the communication and energy flowing, allowing you to reach your full potential.

04 February 2014

Are Your Emotions Affecting Your Body?

     Considering how connected our bodies are, in ways that we are still trying to understand, it is not far-fetched to think that consistent thought patterns could be contributing to physical symptoms.  Most people resort to taking a pill to cover up the symptom, while others seek professional help, such as chiropractic care, to address these problems.  I've found there is usually a mechanical problem resulting in improper nervous system function, which can contribute to recurrent mental patterns that in turn perpetuates subluxation patterns. This is especially apparent in the spine due to its intimate connection with the central nervous system.    By adjusting the spine and improving nerve flow, I have seen people change in ways much deeper than their physical being.  Also, feeling better changes the way you view the world, thus changing the way you think, feel, and react.  However, addressing these emotions and thoughts, may often be the key to allowing your body to function properly and heal. The above chart has a brief description of emotions that may be related to problems you may be experiencing.  While it is not based on scientific studies, if it can help you to function and feel better, it's worth a try.  As Eckhart Tolle says in his book The Power of Now, "Emotion arises at the place where mind and body meet.  It is the body's reaction to your mind - or you might say a reflection of your mind in the body."  Simply put, controlling your emotions will control your mind, which will ultimately put you back in control of your body.

For more information: