13 August 2016

Limit Your Electro-Smog Exposure

More than 30 years ago, preliminary studies revealed that the chemical element lead is harmful to human health. Before long, lead was removed from common household products, such as paint and pencils. Lead was also classified by the World Health Organization as a Class 2b carcinogen (possibly causes cancer). Not surprisingly and for good reason, the general public now has limited exposure to lead, as a concerted effort was made to reduce and eliminate contact with this toxin.

Five years ago, the World Health Organization also classified electromagnetic radiation (which is emitted by cell phones and Wi-Fi transmitters) as a Class 2b carcinogen.  Thousands of studies have also verified many other negative biological effects of this radiation, long before cancer has a chance to develop. Alarmingly, despite this information, cell phone use and Wi-Fi hotspots have become even more prevalent. Most people today are exposed to cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just standing at the mall exposes you to at least 10 different Wi-Fi signals at any given moment. Most restaurants offer free Wi-Fi while you eat. And today, it's nearly impossible to find a hotel without Wi-Fi signals even in the rooms.  As a result, living and sleeping in an "electrosmog" created by the constant exposure to electromagnetic fields has become the norm. People no longer know what it feels like to not be surrounded by electromagnetic radiation. Since we cannot see it, feel it, taste it, or hear it, we assume we are not being affected.  However, the wide-ranging health effects have been verified by countless independent studies, including damage to DNA, the genetic material in every cell of our bodies.  According to Dr. Devra Davis in her book Disconnect, "More than a dozen different studies from highly respected researchers showed that radio frequency signals could damage DNA, alter the ability of cells to repair themselves, or cause them to die off at unusual rates."

As people have become accustomed to this modern convenience, replacing wireless communication is not as simple as removing lead from common everyday products. However, in the meantime, there are steps you can take to at least limit your exposure. The one place where you do have control is in your home.  The long-term dangers are real, so it's important that you give your body a break from the constant daily exposure, especially while you are sleeping.  Even if you are skeptical of the health hazards, there is no practical need for these devices to be active while you are sleeping.  The following measures will likely improve the quality of your sleep:
  1. Switch Off your Wi-Fi at night.  The device comes with a built-in setting allowing you to set a time span during which the wireless signal is inactive.
  2. Keep your cell phone off, enable "flight mode," or place it at least 2 meters away from your body while sleeping.  
  3. Keep cordless phones out of your bedroom.  Cordless phones, especially the DECT phones, also emit microwave radiation, as they are constantly in wireless contact with the base.
On a personal note, I have noticed a significant improvement in the quality of my sleep since implementing these measures more than 6 months ago.  I no longer wake up with "brain fog" or grogginess, and have much more energy during the day, despite being busier than ever. I only wish I had done this sooner. I encourage you to try as well for at least a week and please let me know if you experience a difference.
- by Dr. Shailen J. Nana

Please see my previous articles relating to the health effects of cell phones and Wi-Fi:
Possible Dangers Of Cell Phones
Are Cell Phones Killing Us Slowly?
How Cell Phones and WiFi Harm Your Brain

For more information about how electromagnetic fields affect sleep: