18 February 2010


In a study of 1,739 healthy men and women, it was found that people with more positive emotions, such as happiness and enthusiasm, had a lower risk of experiencing a heart attack. This shows the effect that your nervous system has on the function of your whole body, including the heart as shown in this example. Remember that whether you are happy or not is always a decision you make. Life has its ups and downs, but how you choose to react is up to you. And when you have less irritation coming from your spine, it is much easier to be happy. So make sure that your spine and nervous system are functioning optimally, as subluxations in the upper neck, upper back, and pelvis can affect the function of your heart.

(Click here to read more.)

17 February 2010


This morning while examining patients I was reminded of how much I love to help people to function better. Yesterday, one lady told me she appreciated my "attitude toward patients." I suppose that if you enjoy what you're doing, you can't help but have a nice attitude. People come here often desperate and hopeless, many resigned to living a life with dysfunction and often pain. When they start to function better and then feel better, they are always very appreciative, which makes my job that much more gratifying.

15 February 2010


About four years ago, after having our first child, I realized that I didn't spend as much time with my family as I'd like. So I stopped working on Saturdays, every other week. Three years later when our second little girl was born, I decided to take the bold step of not working on Saturdays at all. It wasn't a popular decision with many patients, who relied on that time, but many of them made an effort to come during the week. It has turned out to be one of the best moves I've made, as I've been able to develop a strong bond with my kids and give my wife a helping hand with the ever demanding task of raising two very energetic kids. The weekend is a very important time for all of us to rest, spend time with loved ones, do something different, and recharge for the next week. A recent study found that people are generally happier on the weekend, regardless of how much they earn or how satisfied they are with their jobs. They called this the "weekend effect." So if you are denying yourself of that essential rest and relaxation time, you may be compromising your happiness and health.

11 February 2010


One of the worst culprits in the modern diet are the sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages which are often called soft drinks or sodas. They are commonly consumed without any regard to its ill effects, with many people drinking more than two glasses on a daily basis. A study published this month found that people drinking only two glasses per week doubled their risk of developing pancreatic cancer. So the less soft drinks you drink, the better.

(Click here to read more.)

10 February 2010


We know that smoking is bad for the smoker and the people that inhale the second-hand smoke, but a new study has shown that "third-hand smoke" is just as bad. Researchers found that "tobacco smoke residues found on everyday surfaces react with molecules in indoor air to form potent cancer causing chemicals." Third-hand smoke is due to nicotine that has been absorbed by indoor materials, surfaces, floors, furniture, and clothing. So it turns out that smokers not only pollute their own bodies and those around them, but also the environment they live in. Just another reason not to smoke.