25 December 2015

The Best Source of Calcium

Calcium is a vital mineral for many reasons, including bone health, muscle strength, and nerve function. Like all the other minerals, these essential nutrients come from the Earth. Plants absorb these nutrients and then make it available to us, in the form of seeds, nuts, vegetables, and fruit. Most people have been misled to think the healthiest source of calcium is milk. However, many studies have confirmed that those that consume the most dairy have a higher risk of hip fractures, which is a common result of severe osteoporosis.  Despite this evidence and the increasing prevalence of osteoporosis, milk consumption around the world is increasing, yet the sale of calcium supplements is also increasing. While the consumption of dairy products has been proven to be unhealthy for humans, are calcium supplements truly effective and safe? Studies have shown that calcium supplementation actually increases the risk of hip fractures, while also increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and is now considered unsafe to supplement, as the body does not cope well with large doses of this mineral in its isolated and refined context. The best source of calcium are whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, and dark leafy greens. Those that regularly consume these foods have the lowest risk of hip fractures, along with many other health benefits, including improved nervous system function, which will also make your chiropractic care more effective.  In conclusion, there is no need to filter your calcium through animal sources, just get it directly from the plants, and enjoy a healthier, happier, and more productive life.

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11 December 2015

Seated Yoga

Since our spines thrive on motion, sitting is one of the worst things we do for our nervous systems. Unfortunately, sitting is a major part of modern living, and practically unavoidable. The best way to lessen the negative effects of over-sitting is to take frequent breaks, walk as much as possible, and proper exercise.  The above chart shows some quick, simple stretches you can also do while sitting at your desk, that will help keep your spine in motion and your nervous system flowing.


19 August 2015

You're Probably Vitamin C Deficient

While most people put so much emphasis on getting enough macronutrients, such as protein and fat, they end up missing out on the thousands of micronutrients, such as Vitamin C. Studies on populations in developed countries found that between 85-90% of people are not consuming enough of this essential vitamin.  While most people know that vitamin C is important for optimal immune system function, studies are revealing that this important nutrient also helps to fight inflammation, keep you slim, and even reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are just ten foods high in vitamin C that you should add to your lifestyle: yellow bell peppers, guavas, dark green leafy vegetables, kiwi, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas, and papayas.  Also, remember that since vitamin C is extremely unstable and temperature sensitive, you must eat these foods raw and as fresh as possible to experience the many benefits of this essential nutrient. And as a bonus, you will also be getting over a thousand other micronutrients which science has yet to discover and name, but fortunately your body's innate wisdom will already put them to good use making you healthier, happier, and more alive.

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11 June 2015

Looking At Nature Improves Brain Function

Blyde River Canyon: The 3rd largest canyon in the
world, as seen from Adjusting Room 4.
The flat walls and ceilings of our buildings and homes simply cannot be good for our pscyhe. This is why you find pictures of nature throughout my office. A new study has shown that simply looking at nature for just 40 seconds improves brain function, with study subjects showing superior concentration levels. Apparently, it also works with pictures. So it turns out that all the pictures and murals we have in the office also improve the function of your brain. But to get the most benefit, be sure to spend some time every day enjoying the natural beauty around us, even if it's just for less than a minute.

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04 June 2015

The Most Effective Way To Save Water

As we struggle with an energy shortage, another more serious shortage is looming. We are quickly running out of our most essential resource: drinkable water. For most of us, water is easily taken for granted, because it seems so freely available. In reality, South Africa is the 15th driest country, receiving nearly half the amount of rainfall as the rest of the world. By 2025, South Africa's demand for water is expected to exceed its supply. Water is essential for proper functioning of nearly every physiological process in our body. Without sufficient clean water, our health suffers quickly. Many efforts are being made to save water, but they all focus on reducing household consumption. However, household use only accounts for about 11% of total water consumption. The majority of our water is being used for agriculture. And more specifically, animal agriculture, both directly and indirectly. Meat and dairy production is a highly water-intensive industry, using 70% of global freshwater, according to the United Nations. For example, to produce just one hamburger, requires 2500 liters of water. If you shortened your shower by 2 minutes a day, it would take you four months to save the same amount of water. But if you don't eat any meat or dairy for just one day, you would save more than 2000 liters of water. Another bonus is that your health will also benefit as a result. Most people believe that meat and dairy consumption are essential for healthy living, so the extra water being used is seemingly justified. In reality, many studies are showing that consuming more plant foods and minimal to no animal foods, is much healthier.  According to the American Journal of Medicine in 2014, "A whole foods, plant-based diet low in refined carbohydrates and animal products has been proven to reverse coronary heart disease and confer potent protection against type 2 diabetes and cancer." While these diseases are three of the world's leading killers, this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the benefits of a plant-based diet. So in effect, we are using up our most precious resource simply for our enjoyment, but to the detriment of not only our environment, but also our health. Fortunately, you can still enjoy your meals, while improving your health and well-being, and also conserve water. While it may sound challenging, the potential consequences are life threatening for all life on Earth. In nearly 17 years of not consuming meat and almost no dairy, I have indirectly saved over 10 million liters of water and enjoyed the health benefits along the way. Fortunately, more and more people around the world are following this same path. All it takes is an open mind and a more compassionate way of thinking and living, before it's too late.

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19 May 2015

Nuts: Nature's Little Gifts

While so many are in search of man-made pills and potions to maintain and improve health, nature has already provided just that, in the form of all the amazing nutrient-rich plant foods. One great example is nuts. Studies have shown that regular nut consumption can help with a wide variety of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A recent study of over 100,000 people found that daily nut consumption prolonged lifespan by about 2 years, regardless of other lifestyle factors. All you need is about 1 to 2 handfuls per day to enjoy the benefits. Many studies have also shown that eating too many nuts won't make you fat. In fact, it may actually help you to lose weight. So as long as you are not allergic to nuts, be sure to eat a variety of raw nuts every day and enjoy the long-lasting benefits of nature's little gifts.

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15 May 2015

Chiropractic Also Improves Mental Health

Many of my clients often comment about how chiropractic helps them feel happier, more optimistic, less stressed, and calmer. So it is not surprising to see recent studies which show that chiropractic care also improves mental and emotional health.  According to the Nobel prize-winning neurobiologist, Roger W. Sperry, PhD., "90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine," so it's no wonder that chiropractic has a long history of helping those with mental illness. In 2007, a review of 129 randomised controlled trial studies found that chiropractic care was at least as effective as verbal interventions for improving mental health.  Various studies have also shown that chiropractic care can also help with addiction, depression, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and learning disabilities. This is quite amazing to consider as these results were actually inadvertant, simply resulting from improved brain and nervous system function with the help of specific chiropractic care. While most people come to us for relief from an ache or pain, improved mental health is often a welcome bonus to help you manage your busy life.

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12 May 2015

"Good Thoughts"

Those same good thoughts will also help your health to shine,
so choose your thoughts wisely.

14 March 2015

"The Lie We Live"

"We've mastered the art of killing. Now let's master the art of living."
- Spencer Cathcart

02 February 2015

Are Cell Phones Killing Us Slowly?

The Atlas or C1 subluxation is one of the
most common subluxations I find. Due to the intimate connection with the brain stem, however, this problem can lead to a wide range of health problems, including headaches, neck pain, vertigo, poor posture, low energy, and various dysfunctions of the brain and nervous system. One of the major causes of this subluxation is the microtruama of simply spending prolonged periods with the neck flexed or bent down. Bending your head forward by just 15 degrees, effectively doubles the pressure on your neck. Bending your head down by 60 degrees, increases the weight on your neck by up to 600%. Unfortunately, with the increasing prevalence of smartphones these days, this problem is only getting worse. Studies have also shown that cell phones can disturb sleep patterns, contribute to depression, and, according to the World Health Organization, even increase your risk of brain cancer.  Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments can help improve the resilience of your spine and the overall function of your nervous system, but spending less time on your phone will help even more.

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31 January 2015

Fiber: The Missing Link

With so much emphasis on getting enough protein, and now fat, in our diet, little to no attention is being placed on what most people don't get nearly enough of: fiber. The only source of fiber is plants. Studies have shown that simply increasing your fiber intake can prolong your life, reduce heart disease, diabetes, various cancers, colon problems, skin problems, immune system problems, and many others, including obesity. So be sure to eat at least 8-9 servings of vegetables and fruit every day, choose whole grains wherever possible, and avoid any refined foods. Eating healthy is the first step to living healthy. As the nutritionist Heather Morgan once said, "Every time you eat or drink, you're either feeding disease or fighting it." The choice is yours.

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Watch the video below by Michael Greger, M.D. about the link between low fiber intake and the diseases that kill most people in modern society.  He also mentions toward the end why the health care industry seldom encourages people to eat more fiber: