10 March 2020

How To Catch The Coronavirus

Eat a poor diet:  Make sure your body lacks the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients needed for optimal health.

Avoid adequate rest:  Stay up late and rely on sugar, tobacco, coffee, and energy drinks as neeed.

Become dehydrated:  Reduce the effectiveness of your natural defense mechanisms by shunning adequate water.

Stop exercising:  Reduce the efficiency of your lymphatic system, which depends on movement to circulate this vital germ-fighting fluid.

Rarely wash your hands:  Use dirty hands and fingers to rub your eyes, pick your nose, or wipe your lips.

Think negative thoughts:  Worry that you'll be a victim.  Closely monitor news
reports about outbreaks, fearing a pandemic.

Skip your chiropractic adjustments:  Handicap your nervous system, the master system that controls your entire body.  Wait until symptoms are present before doing anything.

The only way to catch anything is to make yourself a hospitable host.

by Willaim D. Esteb

04 March 2020

Chiropractic Is Essential For Concussions

While everyone can beneft from chiropractic care, it is more essential for some.  One very good example is anyone who has suffered from a concussion.  A concussion, also known as a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), is "caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.  This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells."  A concussion will also likely cause a severe Vertebral Subluxation Complex, especially in the upper neck, making chiropractic care especially important for improved recovery.  Over the years, we've helped many patients to speed up the healing process after a concussion.  Case studies published last year, also show the effectiveness of specific chiropractic care with concussions.  In both cases, these patients were previously under traditional chiropracic care, but only recovered fully after receiving more specific, upper neck spinal adjustments.  For anyone that has suffered from a concussion, specific chiropractic care can help restore proper brain and nervous system healing, allowing you to lead an active and productive life once again.
- Dr SJ Nana

For more information:
CDC: What Is A Concussion?
Improvement in Post-Concussion Syndrome in Two Females Using Low-Force Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Series & Review of the Literature