02 December 2021

Vertigo: Specific Chiropractic Can Be Effective

     As vertigo seems to be getting more common, traditional medical care often falls short when dealing with this condition.  According to WebMD, "vertigo is a sensation of feeling off balance.  If you have dizzy spells, you might feel like you are spinning or that the world around you is spinning." The causes can be quite varied for most people, including head or neck trauma, vaccine or medication side effects, or overexposure to electromagnetic radiation.  While this condition is not life threatening by itself, the consequences of falling as a result of vertigo can be devestating.  Over the years, we've helped many people with this problem, as improving the function of the nervous system can often help the patient to recover naturally and much faster.  Many case studies have also been published verifying this positive outcome (see list below).  In one study of 60 patients that were diagnosed with various types of vertigo, 80% became symptom-free under specific upper cervical chiropractic care, with the remaining 20% experiencing fewer and less severe episodes.  It's important to note that nearly all the case studies were of people that were struggling with vertigo for years and nearly all were under very specific and gentle chiropractic care.  While this can be a life-limiting condition, we can likely help in a non-invasive, non-toxic, and effective way.

by SJ NANA, DC, DrNana.co.za

For more information:

See my previous articles related to this topic:

15 November 2021

Healthy Reading: "Into The Forest" by Dr Qing Li

     As most people these days are spending all their time indoors and away from nature, the effects on their health becomes quite pronounced.  For many people, spending time with trees seems too simple an intervention in our high-tech modern world to have any significant effect.  Dr Qing Li, from the Nippon Medical School, has been practicing Forest Medicine for over 30 years and performed some excellent studies verifying the benefits, including improved sleep, mood, and immune function to fight off infections and cancer (see links and chart below).  I highly recommend his book, "Into The Forest," for everyone, as he also provides many ways that you can bring the practice of Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing, into your own home or office.  With so many people spending more time indoors in front of a device, reconnecting with forests and trees is essential now more than ever before.

by Dr SJ NANA, DrNana.co.za

For more information:

(Click on image to enlarge)

One of the highlights this year was our visit to the home of a
giant tree that's over a thousand years old. 
(The Big Tree, Tsitsikamma National Park.)

25 October 2021

Why 95% Effective is Misleading

     About a year ago, we all heard news reports of a new vaccine that is "95% effective."  However, the media failed to mention that this number is misleading, as it is the relative risk reduction and a tactic used often by industries to promote a product.  What's more significant and more relevant, and hardly ever mentioned, is the absolute risk reduction.  I've linked articles and videos below explaining the difference between relative and absolute risk reduction.  This issue has been raised by researchers in The Lancet and even the associate editor of the British Medical Journal, in November 2020, where he stated:

"Let’s put this in perspective. First, a relative risk reduction is being reported, not absolute risk reduction, which appears to be less than 1%. Second, these results refer to the trials’ primary endpoint of covid-19 of essentially any severity, and importantly not the vaccine’s ability to save lives, nor the ability to prevent infection, nor the efficacy in important subgroups (e.g. frail elderly). Those still remain unknown. Third, these results reflect a time point relatively soon after vaccination, and we know nothing about vaccine performance at 3, 6, or 12 months, so cannot compare these efficacy numbers against other vaccines like influenza vaccines (which are judged over a season). Fourth, children, adolescents, and immunocompromised individuals were largely excluded from the trials, so we still lack any data on these important populations."

Recent studies and reviews have revealed that the countries and regions with the highest vaccination rates has not resulted in lower COVID-19 rates.  Many have actually shown the opposite.  According to one study from the European Journal of Epidemiology, they state that:

"At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days.  In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.  Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per million people in the last 7 days.  The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal.  Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated."

While the absolute effectiveness of this campaign is questionable, adverse reactions are being reported worldwide, including more than 2.8 million thus far in the U.S. and U.K. alone.  I have also seen and heard of numerous vaccine adverse reactions in my practice, including a lady the other day that had skin lesions on her legs, but said her doctor told her, "it's just an autoimmune reaction to the vaccine."  Fortunately, over 60 studies have already been published verifying the robust effectiveness of natural immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.   This seems to be just another example of how medical science has always downplayed the innate recuperative powers of the body, in favour of prevention and treatment measures that are much more invasive, toxic, and less effective.  Is it maybe because there's not much profit in natural recovery or immunity?   

by SJ NANA, D.C., DrNana.co.za

For more information:

11 October 2021

Your Perception Creates Your Reality

Over a thousand years ago, the Persian physician and philosopher, Ibn Sina, said, "The power of thoughts can cause you either illness or recovery."  Despite our modern conveniences and technology, it seems that things haven't changed.  In fact, our thoughts seem to be at the whim of the ever-present media more than ever before.  As the efficiency of our immune system is being downplayed and ignored on a global scale, there seems to be no end to the fear-mongering.  Fortunately, improving your health and well-being can change your perception of the world around you.  Over the years, I've heard many patients say that with chiropractic care, they feel more at ease, more confident, and more optimistic about the world around them.  This allows them to be less sensitive to the things that go wrong, and allowing them to focus on what's going right.  We have much to be appreciative of.  This includes our innate ability to fight infections.  In fact, our immune systems are so efficient that we often fight off invaders without even realizing it.  Improving your health, will change your perception, which will inevitably change the way you react and adapt, empowering you to make yourself happier, stronger, and more resilient. 

For more information to help empower you:

29 September 2021

"The Mistreatment of Acute Disease"

The events of the last year or so have clearly shown that our health care system is dysfunctional, and likely creating even more problems.  One example is the overly aggressive treatment of acute illnesses.  Dr. Thomas Cowan is one of the few medical doctors who have realized that modern medicine, like most of our health care system, is not designed to make people healthier.  The country that spends the most on health care is also arguably the unhealthiest.  I read his book, entitled "Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness,"  while my body was detoxing.  Most doctors would have called it the flu or covid.  I was due for a good detox, as I hadn't had a prolonged fever in about 10 years.  This book made what I was experiencing make even more sense and also made me appreciate that I haven't had any vaccines or taken any medication in over 20 years.  The wisdom of our innate intelligence is far superior to anything that is designed in a lab or a board room.

 According to Dr Cowan, on page 21, "Whatever it was needed to be flushed out of the body.  The "flushing" is what we today call "acute illness."  We (modern doctors), however, have forgotten (or never learned) that acute disease - disease that is typically self-limiting and usually accompanied by fever, rash, and pus - is the primary way the body rids itself of unwanted toxins or other substances.... The mistreatment of acute disease is a fundamental mechanism for chronic disease.  In order for a disease to become chronic, there needs to be an insult, often a toxic exposure, and then a suppression of the body's attempt to detoxify."  We have all recently seen the mistreatment of acute disease on a global scale, fueling the irrational fear of millions of people, and creating distrust of our body's innate ability to keep us safe and well.  It is very sad to see, because millions more will likely suffer needlessly...

by DR SJ NANA, DrNana.co.za

For more information:

22 September 2021

Chiropractic is 126 Years Old

On 18 September, the chiropractic profession celebrated its 126th birthday.  The following is an article by Dr Frank M. Painter, describing the beginning of a profession that is helping millions of people around the world to function better naturally:

"The year was 1895, the same year that x-rays were discovered.  At that time, Health Care was provided by a diverse group of unregulated and unlicensed professions, including osteopaths, magnetic healers, and "medical" doctors.  In those days most medical education consisted of working as an "apprentice" for a medical doctor. and learning the craft by observation. 

D.D. Palmer the Father of Chiropractic, was a magnetic healer, with a huge practice in Davenport, Iowa.  He had doubts about the "germ theory" as the complete explanation of all disease.  After all, if germs kill... shouldn't we all be dead?  He asked "how it was that 2 brothers could work in the same shop, eat the same food, sleep in the same bed, and that one would sucumb to a disease while the other wouldn't?"

His answer was that it was not the "seed" (or germ) which was the cause of dis-ease.  He felt that the "soil," or the recuperative power of the body (which he later referred to as "innate intelligence," and we now call homeostasis) was the missing component of the health equation, which defines the conitinuum between health and "death."

One day, D.D. was talking with Harvey Lillard, the man who owned the janitor service in his building.  Harvey was deaf.  He mentioned to D.D. that years before, while lifting a heavy weight, he felt something "snap" at the base of his neck.  Shortly thereafter his hearing started to fade.

D.D. was intrigued, and asked Harvey if he could have permission to examine his back.  What D.D. "felt" (we refer to this art as "palpation") was that one of the upper thoracic bones was sticking out much more that the one above or below it.  He explained to Harvey that he felt that this "bone out of place" could be causing pressure on his spinal cord, and that this could be the reason that Harvey was now deaf.  He convinced him to lie down on the couch, and placed his hands on the transverse processes of  the bone, as D.D. explained, "wracked it back into position."  When Harvey got up, he stated he could hear a horse drawn cart down in the street!  This was the first thing he had heard clearly in 17 years!

Although D.D. thought he had found (one of) the causes for deafness, what he found over time was that when he corrected mis-alignments in the spine (what he termed "subluxations"), where they happened to be, it improved the nerve supply, thus the function, of whatever tissues and organs that nerve supplied.

What an auspicious way for a profession to be born.  Our "no drugs, no surgery" approach has remained true to D.D.'s philosophy of the "seed and the soil."  What a chiropractor accomplishes with the adjustment of the spine, is to remove the impediment to the brain's control of the body.  We call that impediment, which impinges the nerves, a spinal subluxation."

For more information:


23 July 2021

Are Masks Creating More Problems?

(Click on image to enlarge.)
When comparing places around the world that required masks to places that did not require them, it's quite clear that mask mandates failed to have a positive effect.  In fact, one could argue that the overuse of masks may have made things worse, with most places showing increases in cases and mortality after masks were required.  A CDC study showed that 80% of people that developed COVID-19 said they were "often or always wearing masks."  Obstructing the air passageways is far from natural and has well-documented harmful effects.  Recent studies have confirmed this, including one from the Journal of the American Medical Association, that conducted a randomized clinical trial and found dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide, a waste product of lung respiration, that is being inhaled, leading to hypercapnia, which "can cause effects such as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue, as well as serious complications such as seizures or loss of consciousness."  According to one review that found 65 studies documenting the harmful effects of masks, it was concluded: "Extended mask-wearing by the general population could lead to relevant effects and consequences in many medical fields."  A study published this year also found high levels of microscopic heavy metals, including lead, in disposable masks (see image below), with the researchers concluding that "The toxicity of some of the chemicals found raises the question of whether face masks are safe to be used on a daily basis."  Even inhalation of natural fibres, including cotton, can lead to narrowing of air passageways, causing a condition known as byssinosis, as "prolonged exposure to cotton dust increases the frequency of symptoms (wheezing, chest tightness) and leads to permanent lung disease, which can sometimes be disabling."  So it seems that like most medical interventions, we are trying to prevent one thing, while creating many potentially more harmful future problems.  

"The toxicity of some of the chemicals found and the postulated risks of the rest of
the present particles and molecules, raises the question of whether [masks] are safe
to be used on a daily basis and what consequences are to be
expected after their disposal into the environment."

(Click on image to enlarge)
Source: Water Research

For more information:

"Extended mask-wearing by the general population could lead to
relevant effects and consequences in many medical fields."

Source: International Journal of Environmental Research 
and Public Health

02 July 2021

The Vitamin D Deficiency - COVID Link

      As people shelter themselves more and more from the elements, we often miss the nurturing effects of nature.  A good example is sunshine, as many of us shy away from its harshness and potential damage from UV rays.  Just as the plants need sunshine to live, so do we.  One essential purpose of sunshine is to help our skin to produce Vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones and optimal nerve function.  Furthermore, many studies are also now showing a possible link between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other chronic diseases, including osteoporosis.  More recent studies have even shown a link with increased mortality and covid-19 (see graph to the right).  While we can get this vitamin from our diet, our best source is from exposure of our skin to sunlight, which fuels our body's innate process that produces Vitamin D naturally.  So be sure to expose your skin to about 15 minutes of direct sunlight every day.  Living on the highveld of South Africa we are also fortunate during the winter time, as we are blessed with sunshine nearly every day.  So be sure to enjoy some daily sun in moderation.

For more information:

06 June 2021

Corticosteroids Weaken The Whole Body

     Corticosteroids are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the medical world, because it can yield quick short-term symptomatic relief.  However, it's important to remember that this is also one of the most toxic drugs used today, as these drugs deplete the body of many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and folic acid.  According to Dr Deepak Chopra, in his book Quantum Healing

"When I give steroids to an arthritis patients, trillions of molecules and receptor sites are involved.  That is why the blood vessels, skin, brain, fat cells, and so on all exhibit their different responses.  If I go to my desk reference, the long term consequences of staying on steroids include diabetes, osteoporosis, suppression of the immune system (making a person more susceptible to infections and cancer), peptic ulcers, internal bleeding, elevated cholesterol, and much more.  One might even include death among these side effects, because taking steroids for a long period causes the adrenal cortex to shrivel (an example of how an organ will atrophy if not used).  If the steroid is withdrawn too quickly, the adrenal gland does not have time to regenerate.  The patient is left with inadequate defenses against stress, which adrenal hormones help to buffer.  He can go to the dentist to have a wisdom tooth extracted, a stress that is usually well within the normal limits, but deprived of the adrenal hormone, he can go into shock.  A tooth extraction could even kill him."

Corticosteroids are the current treatment of choice for most people when they are admitted to the hospital with any respiratory infection, especially if they have tested positive for coronavirus.  Sadly, this approach is likely making recovery even more challenging.  Remember that your body produces its own natural steroids, such as cortisol, in the exact doses, at the right time.  It's up to you to avoid polluting your body with chemicals and other environmental stresses, and to make sure that your body is functioning well.


For more information:

21 May 2021

Can Chiropractic Prolong Life?

     Chiropractic care can be life-changing, as we've seen people recover from a wide range of ailments and problems, allowing them to enjoy life more. But can chiropractic care also help you to live longer?  While there are few studies which have looked at longevity and chiropractic care, two very interesting statistical reviews found that in areas in the US with higher concentration of chiropractors, the disease rate (moribidity) and death rate (mortality) are actually lower.  This positive correlation was not seen in areas with higher concentrations of medical doctors, which is not surprising considering the toxic effect of traditional, allopathic medicine.  In a 2007 study of over 70,000 chiropractic patients over the course of 7 years, it was found that these patients required 60% fewer hospital admissions, 59% fewer days in the hospital, 62 % less outpatient surgeries, and 85% lower pharmaceutical costs, compared to conventional medical patients. Chiropractic can definitely add more quality of life, but it appears that it may also help to add years to life.

12 May 2021

An Overlooked Ingredient of Alzheimer's Disease

Image (B) shows occluded arteries of people
who had more severe dementia symptoms, as 
opposed to those in Image (A) who had more
open arteries, allowing better blood flow to the brain.
Like most diseases, modern health care does a poor job of preventing and treating Alzheimer's Disease.  Also, like most diseases, there is not one single cause to Alzheimer's. Diseases in general require several ingredients to develop.  This definitely appears to be the case with Alzheimer's, which sadly is on the rise around the world, even in younger people.  As reported in 2016, Alzheimer's is now a leading cause of death.  An overlooked factor is decreased blood flow to the brain.  One study from 2011 found that Alzheimer's patients with blocked arteries in the brain experienced more severe symptoms, including dementia.  This study clearly shows that the patients who had clogged arteries (as seen in Image B), resulting in poor blood flow to the brain, were much worse off than those with arteries which were more clear and open (as seen in Image A).  The best way to open arteries is by eating as many vegetables as possible, as these foods also contain a phytonutrient, called nitric oxide, that has been scientifically proven to improve blood flow.  This is vitally important for the whole body, including the spine and nervous system, as was discussed in a previous post regarding spinal degeneration.  Also, as seen in a case study published in 2015, by improving the function of the nervous system as a whole, chiropractic can also help to decrease the severity of dementia and Alzheimer's, while improving quality of life in many other ways.

by Dr SJ NANA, DrNana.co.za

For more information:

05 May 2021

Vaccines: One Of Our Biggest Health Decisions

Source: International Journal of 
Environmental Research and Public Health

(click on image to enlarge)
 The most common question I am currently being asked is whether I plan to get the new and still-experimental covid vaccine.  My answer is a definite, "No."  I have not had any vaccines in over 45 years, and I don't see any reason to start now, especially for a disease that has a survival rate of over 99%.  After being in practice for over 24 years, I have also seen enough vaccine-injured children and adults to know that vaccines are not completely safe and rarely as effective at promoting health as most people think.  In fact, over the years I have had the privilege of meeting children, and even some adults, who have had no vaccines, and they have been some of the healthiest people I have ever seen.  Most doctors believe that the science of vaccines is settled, with the benefits far outweighing the risks.  Sadly, the truth is being actively censored at levels I never thought I would see in our free and modern society.  I encourage you to do your own research and decide for yourself.  A great place to start is with the documentary "Vaxxed 2: The People's Truth," which is often removed from Youtube, but can be found on other video-sharing websites, like Odysee or Bitchute.  This is something everyone should watch, as it can provide hope and inspiration during a pivotal time in the history of mankind.

by Dr SJ NANA, DrNana.co.za

For more information:

22 April 2021

"Suppression of Symptoms Drives Disease Deeper"

The following was written by Dr. Tedd Koren last year.  It's a message that people need to hear and understand now more than ever:

"Chiropractors, homeopaths, classical osteopaths, and many other empirical/vitalisitc healers like the quote by Hippocrates referring to symptoms: 'We call them disease, but they are the cure of disease.'

Simply put, fever, mucus, diarrhea, malaise, rash, sweating, and other yeechy symptoms are created by the body in order to detoxify, rebalance, cleanse and restore us to health.  They are good for us.  When we suppress symptoms with drugs (antibiotics, fever reducers, steroids, etc.) which is what the medical profession does, we are interefering with what the body is trying to do.  Suppression of symptoms drives diseaes deeper.  The symptoms may seem to go away, but the person is sicker, more toxic, and will have more serious health issues.

It's been long observed that the suppression of acute (temporary, dramatic) disease results in chronic (permanent, constant) disease.  If the disease is driven too deeply, the patient may never be able to externalize it.

By suppressing acute illness (with vaccines, drugs, etc.) we have created a generation with deep, chronic illness.  As of this writing, over half of all Americans have a chronic illness - that includes people from every age group.  They are always sick, always on something, always in poor health, always less than 100%.

Germs, micro-organisms, etc. are created or used by the body; they can only grow in fertile soil to help the detoxification process.

Our health is in our hands.  By using ancient knowledge, we can restore our population to radiant health."

27 January 2021

Can Chiropractic Help Prevent and Improve Recovery from COVID?

The nervous system plays a strong role with the development of nearly all disease processes, and it appears that this is the case for infectious diseases, including COVID.  A recent article by a group of German doctors explains that the hyper-inflammatory response, also called the cytokine storm, which is characteristic of severe covid cases, is linked to a poorly functioning vagus nerve, thus complicating any other co-morbidities.  They explain that "all these predisposing medical conditions have an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system in common." They conclude saying that "the modulation of impaired vagus nerve activity due to pre-existing conditions seems to be worth exploring further in covid-19 patients."  

One way that vagus nerve dysfunction can be diagnosed is by measuring heart rate variability, which chiropractic care has consistently been shown to improve, and we see this every day in our practice, as well.  A recent published case study showed improvement in low heart rate in a 74-year-old woman who had been struggling for 4 months. This positive health outcome was achieved using upper cervical adjustments, which has been shown to improve vagus nerve function.  Another case study showed improved vagus nerve function in a 43-year-old recovering from breast cancer.

We have helped many of our patients to prevent getting ill, despite other pre-existing conditions, during this stressful time.  We have also helped some patients recover from covid-related complications.  These recent findings help to explain why chiropractic can help, even with covid.  In my opinion, severe and chronic subluxations are a co-morbidity that is being overlooked and specific chiropractic care should be required, especially during times like this.

by Dr SJ Nana ( DrNana.co.za )

For more information:

Healthy Thought from John Lennon


01 January 2021

Lockdowns Are Creating More Problems

While the mainstream media focuses on the rising "cases," many other potentially more serious problems are rising.  Socially, economically, and psychologically, recovery as a society is becoming less likely as the current pandemic policies persist.  Many experts have publicly criticized the approach aggressively promoted by most countries, but unfortunately their voices have been silenced, as the social media and news agencies have actively censored their message.  One example is the The Great Barrington Declaration, which was created by professors from Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford Universities, and cosigned by thousands of other experts.  They have declared the following:  "As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing covid-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection."  The declaration has already been signed by over 700,000 citizens from around the world, more than 13,000 scientists, and over 39,000 health practitioners.  I encourage you to visit their website to read their full declaration and add your signature to their list.  Another group of mostly South African professionals, called PANDA (Pandemic - Data Analytics), have also stated the following: "Lockdowns don't work.  We can discern no sign in the data that general lockdowns have any beneficial impact on epidemic mortality curves.  International comparison reveals that stringency is associated neither with reduced deaths nor with increased duration to peak.  Experience varies massively among countries, but not because of interventions."  Many countries are incorporating lockdowns once again, despite the fact that more than 99% are recovering, and most of the "cases" are completely asymptomatic and also unlikely to make others ill.  
by Dr SJ Nana

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