09 December 2017

Wireless Radiation In Cars Disturbs Brain Function

One of the greatest conveniences of today is being able to use a cell phone while travelling in a car, even without having to touch the device.  Most people are not aware, however, that this exposes the body and brain to excessive amounts of microwave frequencies.   Long term over-exposure to these frequencies have been proven to be harmful, but are even more so when travelling in a well-insulated, steel chamber like a car.

An excellent case study by the University of Mainz in Germany showed the effects of this radiation, with an Electroencephalogram (EEG).  They were able to measure the electrical activity of the driver's brain and the effects are disturbing to say the least.  According to the researchers, "the brain is clearly under more stress" as this exposure "results in large scale activation in all areas of the brain, which can affect the ability to concentrate and general fitness to drive."  They go on to say that, "In the worst case, the increased long term stress on the brain can lead to symptoms similar to burnout, irritability, exhaustion, and tiredness."

Many people in Gauteng spend at least 2-4 hours per day travelling in cars with cell phones and bluetooth constantly emitting microwave frequencies.  To lessen these effects, you should avoid using the cell phone in the car, keep it on "Airplane/Flight Mode," and switch off the vehicle's wireless network.  This is especially important while travelling long distances.

Personally, for the last 2 years, when travelling by car, my wife and I usually keep our devices on Flight Mode, and we have noticed that we feel noticeably less fatigued while driving and have more energy upon reaching our destination. 

I encourage you to do an experiment for yourself and see if you notice a difference.

The short video mentioned above can be found here:    https://vimeo.com/244746945

13 November 2017

The Overlooked Benefits of Chiropractic

Improved Health Outcomes in a Multiple Sclerosis Patient
Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Vertebral Subluxation:
A Case Report & Review of the Literature
In our modern health care system, the body has been divided into its parts and seen more as a
machine, which can only be altered physically and chemically.  In reality, the human body is a much more complex system, possessing an integrating innate intelligence, which modern science is slowly starting to understand.  In our current disjointed health care industry, we have specialists for every organ system of the body, including some that only treat problems of one particular organ.  So if you have a nerve problem, you need a Neurologist.  If you have a sinus problem, you must see an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist.  If you have a bladder problem, you need a Urologist.  If you have a heart problem, you need a Cardiologist.  You get the idea.

So as a result, most people believe that you only need a chiropractor if you have a neck or back problem.  This misconception keeps many other people from benefiting from chiropractic.  As chiropractic care improves the function of the spine and nervous system, the pain does usually improve.  However, many of these patients realize that as their back improves, other seemingly-unrelated problems also somehow improve.  In recent months, we've had patients comment that to their surprise and delight, they've also experienced relief from constipation, restless leg syndrome, muscle cramps, excessive snoring, heartburn, headaches, knee problems, dizziness, heel pain and many other chronic issues which they did not realize was related to dysfunction coming from the spine.

Recently published chiropractic case studies have also seen positive outcomes with a wide array of conditions, including Meniere's Disease, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Autism, Sleep Apnea, Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and even chronic neurodegenerative diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis.

It's important to note that chiropractic care does not treat the disease or problem directly.  By locating and correcting the dysfunction in the spinal column (which we call vertebral subluxations), the nervous system is able to function better and heal more effectively .  It's also very important to remember that these types of conditions generally developed over years to decades, so healing will also take time.  While medical care can often achieve symptomatic relief quickly, the vitalistic effects of chiropractic usually requires more time, patience, and essential lifestyle modification.  Fortunately, the rewards are many.

by SJ NANA, DC, DrNana.co.za

Please see the links below to review the case studies mentioned:
Meniere's Disease
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sleep Apnea
Erectile Dysfunction
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Multiple Sclerosis

For more information, please see my previous articles about this topic:
Chiropractic Helps Reprogram Your Nervous System
Chiropractic Also Improves Mental Health
Does Your Neurosurgeon Know?
Chiropractic May Help Regulate Blood Sugar
Chiropractic Help For Migraines
Can Chiropractic Help With Infertility?

24 October 2017

Dr. Andrew Weil Recommends Activator Methods

Most medical doctors don't refer to chiropractors for various reasons, but mainly because they simply do not know much about the benefits of chiropractic care.  Fortunately, this is changing as more research is validating chiropractic care, while more medical doctors are realizing the limitations of conventional medicine.  Dr. Andrew Weil is one the pioneers of Integrative Medicine, which goes beyond conventional medicine's approach of managing diseases by merely alleviating symptoms.  While he says that in his experience he has only seen benefits under chiropractic care for acute pain, we regularly see patients improve even with long-standing, chronic conditions.  In this response to a reader's question in Prevention Magazine, he also recommends Activator Methods.  

16 September 2017

The Foundation of Healthy Eating

About 2 years ago, I attended a seminar sponsored by a company which sells dietary supplements.  The lecturer began his presentation by asking the audience of health care professionals, "Who consumes 9-10 fruits and vegetables every day?"  Out of the crowd of over 200 people, consisting of medical doctors, chiropractors, homeopaths, and physiotherapists, less than 10 people raised their hands.  His justification for this informal survey was to show that very few people, including health care providers, take this simple step to maintain their health and well-being, so it's even more important to prescribe supplements.  While certain supplements may be necessary for individual cases, consuming the whole, unrefined source of those supplements, is even more important.  Sadly, it's a crucial ingredient that most people overlook and many even avoid.  Numerous studies have shown the clear and definite benefits.  One study from 2014, found that at least seven servings (the size of a cup), reduces the chance of dying from all causes by 42%, which includes a lower risk of cancer and heart disease. Surprisingly, frozen and canned versions actually proved to be harmful.  Another study from this year, found that consuming 10 servings a day leads to even greater benefits.

There are many reasons that these benefits are possible, including the increased fiber intake, along with all the vitamins, minerals, and thousands of phytonutrients.  Many people have been misled to avoid fruit because of the high sugar content, but nutritional science has clearly shown that the sugar found in the whole, unrefined, and unprocessed fruit does not have the same harmful effect as refined sugar.  Many also mistakenly avoid fruit to prevent weight gain.  However, the rising rate of obesity is definitely not because of excessive fruit intake.  In fact, many studies have demonstrated that very few people consume even the minimum daily recommendation for fruit and vegetables, yet obesity is becoming more and more prevalent around the world.  An Australian study found that 96% of those from 22-44 years of age do not even consume 2 fruits and 5 vegetables per day.

After returning from a visit to the U.S., I was reminded of how fortunate we are here in South Africa. We are blessed with a wide variety of locally-produced and recently-harvested fruits and vegetables, which most countries have to import.  It's up to us to take advantage of this wonderful resource and enjoy the abundant health benefits.
- By Dr. S. J. Nana

For more information:

01 June 2017

Safety of WiFi in Schools is Unproven

More and more schools in South Africa are becoming "tablet schools," adopting the newest wireless technology in an effort to give their students the greatest advantage in an ever-challenging world. While technology in education is important, the long-term safety of wireless technology has never been established.  In fact, there are already more than 5,000 studies verifying the negative biological effects of electromagnetic fields, as emitted by cell phones, tablets, laptops, WiFi trasmitters, and cell towers.  Despite the lack of studies proving safety, many schools have incorporated wireless technology without considering the future health effects on children, as well as teachers and staff.   Fortunately, studies are now being published specifically documenting the harmful effects of WiFi, to allow parents and schools to make an informed decision about wireless technology in their schools.  The following is a brief summary of just a few of these important studies:

1.  Neurodegenerative Disease:  A study published in 2015 exposed rats to WiFi for 24 hours a day for one year, and compared their brains to a group that were not exposed.  The researchers concluded that long-term WiFi exposure "may lead to adverse effects such as neurodegenerative disease," which includes Alzheimer's.

2. Brain Physiology, Heart Function, and DNA Damage:  Various studies have shown a wide range of disturbing effects and have been published in peer-reviewed, scientific journals, including altering voltage-gated calcium channels, heart rate variablitiy, and damage to sperm DNA.  A 2015 study found that exposure to WiFi signals had a negative effect on heart function in rabbits, concluding "that exposure to WiFi affects heart rhythm, blood pressure, and catecholamines efficacy."

3. Neurobehavioural Problems:  A study just recently published in the journal Behavioral Brain Research found that WiFi exposure to rats while still in their mother's womb "adversely affected offspring neurodevelopment and behavior in adulthood."

These laboratory studies show the definite short-term effects of chronic exposure to WiFi, but the long-term effects are even more serious, which includes increased risk of cancer.  All electromagnetic frequency radiation, including WiFi, was classified as a class 2b carcinogen (possibly causes cancer) in 2011 by the World Health Organization.  Today, less than 15 years since the wide-spread implementation of wireless devices, brain tumors are the most common type of cancer among children and teenagers, in the U.S. and U.K.

Dr. Lennart Hardell, an oncologist and researcher from Sweden, recently said, "With respect to health implications of digital (wireless) technologies, it is of importance that neurological diseases, physiological addiction, cognition, sleep, and behavioral problems are considered in addition to cancer."  According to Dr. Martin Blank, from Columbia University, "The rollout of WiFi in schools is still very new -- too recent for any large-scale health impacts to have been reported.  So the epidemiological science demonstrating health effects in children from exposure to WiFi does not yet exist and may not for decades.  However, laboratory studies have clearly indicated potentially harmful changes that argue strongly for precautionary measures."
WiFi uses microwaves in the 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz frequency range,
the same as cordless phones and microwave ovens. 
However, microwave ovens use a lot more power inside a shielded oven.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this dilemma of providing state of the art education, while keeping children safe; by simply connecting devices to wired internet connections, children would no longer be exposed to electromagnetic radiation from the devices directly in front of them, along with the WiFi transmitters.

Unfortunately, the mainstream media, government, and schools are relying on industry-funded studies to decide the safety of all wireless technology.  I encourage you to research this very important issue and decide for yourself.

- By Dr. S. J. Nana

The following articles and webistes will help:
Environmental Health Trust: WiFi in Schools
Top Ten Facts about Wi-Fi in School
WiFi In Schools
Worldwide Countries Taking Action
WIFI-Free Schools
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.: Recent Research on WiFi Effects
Get Microwave-Transmitted WI-FI Out Of Schools—Use Hard-Wired Connections Instead

This short video summarizes this issue and also shows a practical solution:

Please see my previous articles about this overlooked environmental health hazard:
How Cell Phones and WiFi Harm Your Brain
Limit Your Electro-Smog Exposure
Videos Showing Wireless Radiation Effects
Cell Phone Safety Tips from AAP
Are Cell Phone Towers Harming You?
Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation

08 May 2017

Chiropractic Helps Reprogram Your Nervous System

Modern health care has become more and more mechanistic, treating the parts of the body like a machine, rather than a dynamic, integrated, self-healing, and self-regulated system. Unfortunately, as a profession, chiropractic has also fallen into this trap. When we adjust the spine, many people think that we are simply putting a misplaced spinal segment back into place. What actually happens is much more complex. Rather than adjusting misalignments, we are, in fact, attempting to improve unhealthy spinal movement patterns, which we call a Vertebral Subluxation Complex. The spinal column has one of the highest concentrations of joint nerve receptors, called proprioceptors, in the entire body. As a result, spinal problems have a significant impact on the nervous system, and vice versa.  The spine is arguably the most dynamic structure in our bodies, and motion keeps our spines alive and healthy.  Unfortunately, I've seen a very disturbing trend over my twenty years of practicing chiropractic.  As more and more people become less and less active, the subluxation patterns I see these days are becoming more similar and more persistent than ever before.  This is a direct result of the fact that most people spend the vast majority of their days either sitting, driving, standing, or performing repetitive movements. Most people are simply not physically active enough, with many spending most of their waking hours tethered to some sort of electronic device.  This inactivity results in persistent subluxation patterns, which can often take months or years to change.  This is the reason that ongoing care is often essential for many, but also the reason that changing your lifestyle is even more important.  This mainly means moving differently and being more physically active.  This can include a wide range of things such as walking more, playing sports, dancing, Pilates, yoga, swimming, calisthenics, aerobics, etc.  The possibilities are endless, and you are likely to find something that you enjoy, as well.  As the diagram above shows, it is possible to re-program your brain.  Chiropractic care also creates new neural pathways, rewiring your nervous system, and allowing your body to function even better.  This is why most people also notice other changes in their health, beyond having less pain, such as having more energy, feeling more positive, and simply feeling more alive.  Fortunately, as I've seen many people demonstrate over the years, it's also never too late, as long as you are ready and willing to begin transforming your life.

- by Dr. S. J. Nana

Was the 2008 animated Pixar movie, Wall-E, predicting our future?
Technology is not making every aspect our lives better, especially our nervous systems.  
Keep your spine in motion, and don't allow your life to revolve around your devices.

For more information:

Please also see my previous articles relating to chiropractic:
Chiropractic Improves Quality of Life
Stay Connected and Maximize Your Potential
The Power That Made The Body
Anti-Aging Effects of Chiropractic
Chiropractic May Help Regulate Blood Sugar
Chiropractic Also Improves Mental Health
Are Cell Phones Killing Us Slowly?

22 April 2017

Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation

Most people are not aware of the potential risks of exposing an unborn baby to wireless radiation, as emitted by cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi, and cell towers.  At one time, most people were also unaware of the risks of smoking, alcohol, and pharmaceutical drugs during pregnancy.  Many studies are now also demonstrating the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) exposure even in the womb. The largest study to date was published just this month, analyzing 83,884 mother-child pairs in five countries, concluding that, "Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy may be associated with an increased risk for behavioral problems, particularly hyperactivity/inattention problems, in the offspring."  Another study also just published, analyzed the effect of prenatal WiFi exposure on rats, and found "several behavioral and biochemical impairments at both juvenile and adult age of the offspring."  Alarmingly, these pregnant rats were only exposed to WiFi for just 2 hours a day!
Please share this information with all mothers-to-be and anyone who would like to be a parent one day, as many studies have also shown that wireless radiation adversely affects fertility.
- By Dr. Shailen J. Nana
The following short video explains the importance of limiting exposure of unborn babies to this seemingly harmless wireless radiation:

You can also watch this video here:  The Science of Exposure - Wireless Radiation

To read the studies referenced in this article:
Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child behavioral problems in five birth cohorts
Effects of prenatal exposure to WIFI signal (2.45 GHz) on postnatal development and behavior in rat: Influence of maternal restraint
Wireless & Men’s Reproductive Health

Please see my previous articles related to this important issue:
Possible Dangers Of Cell Phones
Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer
Are Cell Phones Killing Us Slowly?
How Cell Phones and WiFi Harm Your Brain
Limit Your Electro-Smog Exposure
Videos Showing Wireless Radiation Effects
Cell Phone Safety Tips from AAP
Are Cell Phone Towers Harming You?

07 April 2017

The Most Important Exercise

Click on the image above to see the various profound
and interesting effects of regular walking.
After 20 years as a chiropractor, I've noticed distinct lifestyle habits among my patients which strongly influences their self-healing capacity. One of the most important ones is walking. Simply put, the more my patients walk, the faster they recover and the longer they stay well. In fact, those patients who don't own cars or computers get better even faster. I remember one elderly man in particular, who was working for one of my patients, tending their garden.  He slowly developed sciatica, which is pain in the large nerve running down the leg. He showed all the clinical signs of a bulging or collapsed spinal disc and was in severe pain.  Amazingly, he recovered from this debilitating condition in less than 3 visits!  I believe that one of the main reasons for his quick recovery was because he is forced to walk long distances on a daily basis, since he did not own a car.  Even when he was in severe pain, he had to walk.  In contrast, the patients I've seen over the years who don't walk often, tend to take much longer to recover.  While they still recover faster that those that resort to standard medical treatment and bed rest, regular walking usually speeds up this process even more so.  Another patient who spent most of his time behind a desk, was diagnosed with a swollen disc and told that he required a back operation.  He diligently followed my recommendation to walk more, for at least an hour every day.  He recovered quickly and was able to avoid the risks and low success rate of the operation.  Fortunately, his example is not isolated, as I've seen this success repeated many times.  It's also important to note that the benefits of walking go far beyond treating and preventing back pain (see the chart above).  When you walk, a kinetic chain is initiated from your feet to your legs to your pelvis, and subsequently through the whole spine, even the neck, thus improving the vitality of the entire spinal column.  As the spine improves, so to does the function of the entire nervous system, allowing your whole body to function better.  It's easy to see why walking is as essential to your well-being as breathing, eating, and sleeping.  Make this simple act a regular part of your lifestyle and enjoy the benefits for a lifetime.
- by Dr. Shailen J. Nana

For more information regarding exercise, please see my previous articles:
Keep Your Spine In Motion
Avoid Sitting When Exercising
Healthy Exercise: Squats
There's Always Time To Get Fit
Healthy Exercise: Interval Training

27 March 2017

Saving Our Wildlife, While Saving Our Health

The following is a letter I sent to Getaway Magazine, in response to an article about the rapidly decreasing lion population.  Most people don't realize that the choices we make a on daily basis are affecting the existence of all our fellow Earthlings.  I am very grateful that they published this important information in the May 2016 issue, as the winning letter:

In the February 2016 issue, it was alarming to hear of the dwindling numbers of lions, as described in the article "Is Lion Hunting Viable?"  While hunting would be the obvious culprit in the 90% decline in lion population in just 60 years, habitat destruction is arguably the primary driving force.  Furthermore, habitat destruction is largely due to the fact that most of the usable land is now being occupied by the animals that humans consume, along with the vast amounts of crops which are grown to feed these animals.

As a society we have been misled to believe that we require animal products to be strong and healthy.  Ironically, the opposite is true.  Unlike lions and other carnivores, which are anatomically and physiologically equipped to consume copious amounts of animal protein and fat, we are not.  As a result, the over-consumption of meat, dairy, and eggs is the main driving force behind of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other chronic diseases.  As a health care provider, I see first-hand the ill-effects of a diet centered around animal products.  Few people ever realize that their chronic inflammation, early degeneration, and illness often results from their food choices.

Sadly, our food choices are also leaving little space for our biodiversity.  While you pointed out in the same issue in your article entitled "Your Water-Wise Travel Calculator," that "the meat industry is water unfriendly," it is also "land unfriendly."  For the generations that follow us to continue to enjoy our rapidly dwindling wildlife population, we must all start by changing the way we eat.  Not only will this help your own health and well-being, but will also save our wild animals from disappearing completely.

- Dr. Shailen J. Nana

For more information:
Biodiversity Conservation: The Key is Reducing Meat Consumption
How Eating Meat Hurts Wildlife and the Planet
Reducing Meat Consumption Has Multiple Benefits for the World's Health

Please also see my previous articles related to this important issue:
The Overlooked Cause of Spinal Degeneration
Where Do You Get Your Protein?
Is Heart Disease Naturally Curable?
The Most Effective Way To Save Water

26 January 2017

Are Cell Phone Towers Harming You?

Wireless communication is one of the greatest technological achievements in the history of mankind.  While this technology has certainly improved our lives in many ways, is this modern convenience also coming at a price? The companies erecting these towers insist that they are safe, but independent scientists have been questioning the safety of the microwave frequency radiation being emitted by these towers for decades.  The current public safety levels of this non-ionizing, electromagnetic radiation is primarily based on short-term, limited-exposure, industry-funded studies, which don't allow sufficient time for the biological changes to manifest.  However, these biological effects have been consistently demonstrated by thousands of studies from independent scientists around the world.  These effects include damage to DNA, increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier, increased oxidative stress leading to premature aging, sleep disturbance, and infertility.

This non-ionizing radiation was, in fact, classified as a possible carcinogen in 2011 by the World Health Organization (WHO).  However, more recent studies have prompted hundreds of scientists to encourage the WHO to upgrade this classification to a probable carcinogen.  According to Professor Dariusz Lesczynski from Finland, "the current available scientific evidence from epidemiology and animal studies is sufficient to upgrade the carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation from possible carcinogen (Group 2B) to probable carcinogen (Group 2A)."

Inline image 2In July 2016, the European Academy of Environmental Medicine published exposure limits for non-ionizing radiation, as emitted by all wireless devices, including cell phone towers (see chart to left).  The daytime limit from 4G cell phone towers is 100 microwatts/m2 for less than 4 hours per day.  The nightime exposure limit is 10 microwatts/m2.

These safe levels are far-exceeded by cell phone towers, even from a distance of half a kilometer. With the aid of an RF/Microwave Meter from EMF Solutions, I have personally measured levels in excess of 250 microwatts/m2 while standing 500 meters downhill from a cell phone tower.  This radiation increases exponentially as you approach the tower.

The effects of this radiation are subtle, yet slowly harmful, leading to effects that few people will realize are even related.  Many people are experiencing the effects, but have not yet made the connection with the radiation being emitted by their cell phone, Wi-Fi transmitters, or cell phone tower near their home or work.  In a review of 10 studies, which specifically evaluated the health impact of cell phone towers, researchers "reported increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or cancer in populations living at distances less than 500 meters from base stations." Furthermore, they state that "None of the studies reported exposure above accepted international guidelines, suggesting that current guidelines may be inadequate in protecting the health of human populations."

Sadly, as we've seen time and time again in modern history with various environmental toxins, including asbestos, lead, pesticides, and smoking, millions of people must first develop severe and fatal illnesses before government takes action to protect the public, rather than corporate financial interests.

In my professional opinion,  prolonged electromagnetic radiation is definitely harmful to humans, and the most harmful source of this radiation is a cell phone tower within 500 meters of your home or work, as it is always radiating, exposes the entire body, and the exposure levels are out of your control.  As no independent, long-term studies have been performed to prove the absolute safety of this prolonged and consistent exposure, we are all part of what neuro-oncologist, Dr. Leif Salford, calls "the largest biological experiment in the history of mankind."  The effects of of this prolonged radiation will only be evident in decades from now.

I encourage you to research this important issue and decide for yourself.  The following website is an excellent place to start:  http://ehtrust.org/science/cell-towers-and-cell-antennae/

- by Dr. Shailen J. Nana

This chart from a survey clearly shows a direct correlation with distance
from the cell phone tower and symptoms, with the most common being
fatigue, sleep disturbance, headaches, feeling of discomfort,
concentration difficulty, depression, and memory loss.

For more information: http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/?page_id=542