30 August 2012

Inflammatory Foods You Should Avoid

Inflammation is often a key component of many health problems, usually leading to dysfunction, discomfort, and pain. Many people resort to anti-inflammatory drugs to counter this problem, merely covering up a symptom.  By improving the motion and function of the spine and nervous system, we help our patients to deal with the inflammation naturally.  Lifestyle changes are also essential, as more and more studies are showing that diet plays an essential role in preventing and reducing inflammation.  The following foods are considered inflammatory, keeping you from healing properly, and should be avoided as much as possible: sugar, common cooking oils, trans fats, dairy, feed-lot raised meat, red meat, processed meat, alcohol, refined grains, and artificial food additives, such as MSG and aspartame.   Persistent spinal subluxation patterns can also be due to over-consumption of these inflammatory foods. So if you eat none or at least less of these foods, your spinal column will adapt faster and you probably won't have to see me as often either.