31 March 2010


After climbing down from the adjusting table the other day, one of my patients said with a big smile on his face, "Thanks. That was fun!" It's a common sentiment from many patients who seem to appreciate the experience they get here. I'm very grateful, because most people tend not to like going to doctors of any kind. I'm quite familiar with that fearful, apprehensive look that many people have on their first visit. But after going through the procedure, they are pleasantly surprised by the gentle nature of Activator Methods and the resulting effects of functioning better. On the same day, another patient marveled at how her eyesight seemed to improve right after the adjustments. So I'm glad that it is a fun experience for most people and always refreshing to hear so.

17 March 2010


In the last few years, I have seen more and more patients being referred to me by their general medical practitioners. While most medical doctors still don't refer, this trend seems to be slowly changing. This is mostly a result of patients telling their doctors about their positive chiropractic experiences. As a profession, we don't have an army of sales reps that call on the doctors, as do the pharmaceutical companies. So the only way that they can possibly learn about your positive results with chiropractic is if you tell them. Many patients suffer with debilitating symptoms for years before finally discovering chiropractic, saying that their doctor never told them about this option. Your story could help keep someone from struggling when simple chiropractic care can make all the difference.

05 March 2010


Many people "crack" or "pop" their knuckles or even their back and neck. It usually provides some relief from tension, but only temporarily. One misconception is that this practice leads to more wear and tear and can lead to arthritis. As you can see in the video below, this is not true. However, if you have to "crack" your own joints often, it does show that there is dysfunction in the way the joints are moving and the way the nerves are functioning. One of our goals is to restore proper spinal joint and nerve function. Once your spine is subluxation-free, the need to do this becomes less and your body will be able to correct any joint fixations in a much quieter and comfortable way.

(Click here to watch the video.)

04 March 2010


While studying chiropractic during my student years, I was uncertain of how much we could actually help elderly patients. After getting out into the real world, I was pleasantly surprised to see that we truly can make a big difference. The results are often very heart-warming as these patients greatly appreciate feeling and functioning better. In a recent survey of elderly patients in the U.S. that received treatment under the government funded Medicare program, 87% were very satisfied with chiropractic care, with 56% giving their chiropractor a perfect 10 out of 10. In fact, 60% percent said they received "complete" or "a lot of relief." I'm sure that the results would have been even better with trained and certified Activator chiropractors, since most chiropractors do treat their elderly patients with the Activator instrument, but seldom do the proper analysis. Making the right adjustment at the right place is essential.

(Click here to read more.)

02 March 2010


With more and more research, it appears that meditation improves your overall health. If you don't know how, a good start is a "walking meditation." All you need is a nice place to walk and you're all set. According to wikihow.com, follow these simple steps:
1. Set time aside for this particular kind of walking.
2. Choose a place to walk.
3. Pace your breathing with your steps.
4. Live in the moment.
5. Little by little, incorporate this practice into your daily life - taking three or four slow, mindful steps whenever you remember to.

Click on the link below to read more about it and watch the video:
How to Do Walking Meditation