21 May 2021

Can Chiropractic Prolong Life?

     Chiropractic care can be life-changing, as we've seen people recover from a wide range of ailments and problems, allowing them to enjoy life more. But can chiropractic care also help you to live longer?  While there are few studies which have looked at longevity and chiropractic care, two very interesting statistical reviews found that in areas in the US with higher concentration of chiropractors, the disease rate (moribidity) and death rate (mortality) are actually lower.  This positive correlation was not seen in areas with higher concentrations of medical doctors, which is not surprising considering the toxic effect of traditional, allopathic medicine.  In a 2007 study of over 70,000 chiropractic patients over the course of 7 years, it was found that these patients required 60% fewer hospital admissions, 59% fewer days in the hospital, 62 % less outpatient surgeries, and 85% lower pharmaceutical costs, compared to conventional medical patients. Chiropractic can definitely add more quality of life, but it appears that it may also help to add years to life.

12 May 2021

An Overlooked Ingredient of Alzheimer's Disease

Image (B) shows occluded arteries of people
who had more severe dementia symptoms, as 
opposed to those in Image (A) who had more
open arteries, allowing better blood flow to the brain.
Like most diseases, modern health care does a poor job of preventing and treating Alzheimer's Disease.  Also, like most diseases, there is not one single cause to Alzheimer's. Diseases in general require several ingredients to develop.  This definitely appears to be the case with Alzheimer's, which sadly is on the rise around the world, even in younger people.  As reported in 2016, Alzheimer's is now a leading cause of death.  An overlooked factor is decreased blood flow to the brain.  One study from 2011 found that Alzheimer's patients with blocked arteries in the brain experienced more severe symptoms, including dementia.  This study clearly shows that the patients who had clogged arteries (as seen in Image B), resulting in poor blood flow to the brain, were much worse off than those with arteries which were more clear and open (as seen in Image A).  The best way to open arteries is by eating as many vegetables as possible, as these foods also contain a phytonutrient, called nitric oxide, that has been scientifically proven to improve blood flow.  This is vitally important for the whole body, including the spine and nervous system, as was discussed in a previous post regarding spinal degeneration.  Also, as seen in a case study published in 2015, by improving the function of the nervous system as a whole, chiropractic can also help to decrease the severity of dementia and Alzheimer's, while improving quality of life in many other ways.

by Dr SJ NANA, DrNana.co.za

For more information:

05 May 2021

Vaccines: One Of Our Biggest Health Decisions

Source: International Journal of 
Environmental Research and Public Health

(click on image to enlarge)
 The most common question I am currently being asked is whether I plan to get the new and still-experimental covid vaccine.  My answer is a definite, "No."  I have not had any vaccines in over 45 years, and I don't see any reason to start now, especially for a disease that has a survival rate of over 99%.  After being in practice for over 24 years, I have also seen enough vaccine-injured children and adults to know that vaccines are not completely safe and rarely as effective at promoting health as most people think.  In fact, over the years I have had the privilege of meeting children, and even some adults, who have had no vaccines, and they have been some of the healthiest people I have ever seen.  Most doctors believe that the science of vaccines is settled, with the benefits far outweighing the risks.  Sadly, the truth is being actively censored at levels I never thought I would see in our free and modern society.  I encourage you to do your own research and decide for yourself.  A great place to start is with the documentary "Vaxxed 2: The People's Truth," which is often removed from Youtube, but can be found on other video-sharing websites, like Odysee or Bitchute.  This is something everyone should watch, as it can provide hope and inspiration during a pivotal time in the history of mankind.

by Dr SJ NANA, DrNana.co.za

For more information: