30 September 2011

Watching TV Shortens Life

My father always referred to the TV as the "dumb box," a sentiment that I agree with wholeheartedly.  According to a new study, it may be even more appropriately called the "death box."  Researchers found that watching one hour of TV can shorten lifespan by 22 minutes.  So a person watching 6 hours per day is likely to decrease their lifespan by 5 years!  Remember to minimize your TV viewing to specific programs, avoid channel surfing, stay more active and get out and enjoy the world first hand.


28 September 2011

Yawning Helps The Brain

Our nervous system performs numerous mysterious acts, which we may not understand, but accept and appreciate nonetheless.  One example is yawning.  We do know that this happens more when we are tired and appears to be contagious, so to speak, but new research has found that it may also play a role in temperature regulation of the brain.  It seems that this innate behavior, which is found in all animals with a spine, has a multifaceted purpose.  So the next time you yawn, remember not to stifle or block it, like we seem obligated to do, and allow your body to do what it knows best.


07 September 2011

Life On The Road Less Traveled

"And in the woods, two roads diverged.  And I -
I took the one less traveled.  And that has made all the difference."|   
~"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost

In forty years of my life, I've often found myself off the beaten path, as my major decisions were not always popular or mainstream.  There are many, but a few stand out in my memory.  For one, I chose the sometimes controversial, but often under-appreciated profession of chiropractic to help people, while most of my friends went to medical school.  Also, unlike most of my fellow humans, I have enjoyed a more eco-friendly vegetarian diet since 1998, and haven't looked back since.  Furthermore, I decided to return to my country of birth, while many South Africans leave for the seemingly greener pastures overseas.  And finally, I use a gentle and vitalistic method to empower my patients, while most chiropractors here and abroad tend toward a more aggressive and mechanistic approach.  These choices were never made for the sake of being different; I simply followed my heart and instinct.  It simply made more sense and just happens to be the road less traveled.  And it has truly made all the difference, for which I am truly blessed.

06 September 2011

Healthy Reading: "Jane's Delicious Garden"

“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”   ~Mahatma Gandhi

One of the best things about Winter, is feeling reawakened when Spring finally arrives.  Every year, I find myself yearning to visit our many wonderful nurseries and digging in the garden.  While I seldom have the time and energy to play in our home garden as I would like, I've found that the more you know, the more you can maximize limited time and space.  A couple of years ago, I discovered a wonderful local book by Jane Griffiths, titled "Jane's Delicious Garden" that teaches you how to grow a healthful, edible, organic South African-style garden.  While very informative, it also proves to be entertaining with interesting background information on the various herbs and vegetables.  Gardening is a wonderful way to get in touch with the Earth, soothes the soul, provides a great source of exercise, and is always relaxing.  Just remember, before any intensive gardening, it's always a good idea to warm up and stretch just as you would before any major exercise routine.  Also, be sure not to carry your cell phone with you. This book just shows us more ways that we can live and thrive with nature. 
