04 June 2019

Danger of Prolonged Electric Blanket Use

Many people are becoming aware of the harmful effects of long term exposure to wireless devices, like cell phones, towers, and wi-fi.  However, few people realize that long-term exposure to electrical currents can also be harmful.  Forty years ago, epidemiologists Drs. Nancy Wertheimer and Ed Leeper published a landmark study which found a higher rate of leukemia (a type of blood cancer) in children living near power lines.  More than 20 years later, in 2001, this extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation created by the flow of electricity was finally classified as a possible cancer-causing agent by the World Health Organization.  Many studies have shown an association with DNA damage, various types of cancers, depression, and also neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Motor Neuron Disease.  A study published this year found an increased rate of female infertility for women living up to 1 km away from power lines. While the strength of the electromagnetic field emitted by electric blankets is weak, spending the entire night in direct contact can have a cumulative harmful effect, which I have also seen among my patients who have used electric blankets.  The nervous system is also more vulnerable to all electromagnetic radiation during sleep periods.  So if you are using an electric blanket, be sure to switch it off before you get in bed, to allow your nervous system to get the proper regenerative rest required to function properly.

By Dr SJ Nana


Please see my previous articles related to this important issue:

23 May 2019

Chiropractic Improves Muscle Strength

As chiropractic care improves the function of the nervous system, the effects can be numerous.  One effect which has been confirmed by several
studies is on muscle strength.

While previous studies have shown that chiropractic care improves muscle function in the spinal column, more recent studies also show that spinal adjustments can improve muscle strength beyond the spine.  In 2012, a study from Brazil on professional Judo athletes, found improved grip strength after chiropractic spinal adjustments, compared to those that received sham (or fake) adjustments.  Another study from New Zealand in 2018, also showed improvement in jaw muscle or bite strength, as compared to those that received sham adjustments.  Both these studies also showed that the effect was not just psychosomatic, or in the mind, as the group that received the sham adjustments did not experience an increase in muscle strength.

Improved muscle strength is important no matter what you do in life; whether, you are a parent, grandparent, athlete, weekend warrior, or even a desk worker.  This effect on muscle strength also helps to explain why chiropractic can not only improve athletic performance, but can also help people maintain better posture, lessening the effects of prolonged sitting and standing.

Over the years, I have heard many patients say that they are feeling stronger after beginning care.  This research clearly shows that this effect is not merely in the mind, as chiropractic adjustments can improve the function of the more than 650 muscles in the human body, all controlled, strengthened, and coordinated by the nervous system.  Life is always easier when your nervous system is flowing better.


"Mechanical force spinal manipulation increases trunk muscle strength assessed by electromyography: a comparative clinical trial." JMPT, 2000 Nov-Dec: 23(9):585-95.

"Effect of cervical spine manipulative therapy on judo athletes' grip strength." JMPT, 2012 Jan: 35(1): 38-44.

"Chiropractic manipulation increases maximal bite force in health individuals." Brain Sci., 2018 April 27: 8(5).

15 May 2019

Foods To Protect The Nervous System

Most people don't realize that our man-made environment has placed our nervous systems under a nearly constant state of stress.  It's no wonder that most people cannot cope without the help of caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or even prescription drugs; all in an attempt to calm the nervous system.  While drugs may help you to cope, they are not the solution.  Consuming the right foods has been scientifically proven to lessen the effects of modern living, by decreasing the impact of oxidative stress and improving the function of your brain and nervous system.  The foods seen on the image above (along with most green veggies, berries, and seeds) will improve brain and nerve function, and should be a part of your daily diet.  With the added stress on the nervous system from our modern conveniences, these foods are more essential now than ever before.  No matter what diet you follow, most diet experts would agree that these foods should be essential for a happy and productive life.

For more information:
How To Slow Brain-Aging By Two Years
Four Brazil Nuts Once A Month
The Risk Of Fish Oil Supplements
Which Are Better: Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds?
What Do The Longest Living People Eat?
Cocoa Good, Chocolate Bad