26 January 2011


As we continue to get bombarded with this seemingly never-ending rain, remember to take it slowly when you're out and about.  In an experiment I saw a few years ago, it was found that you get more wet when you run, rather than walk in the rain.  So be sure to walk calmly and carefully.  You will not only get less wet, but you are also less likely to fall, and less likely to require the services of someone like me.

25 January 2011


The other day, as I was adjusting one of my patients, her husband seemed intrigued by the Activator Method and remarked that it's amazing what sort of technology scientists come up with.  While this is true, scientists could not have come up with anything without the most powerful technology already within you:  the life force emanating from your nervous system.  And the great results we see only happens because of your body's innate intelligence.  Chiropractic care helps you to harness this power; it's up to you to use it wisely.

18 January 2011


Most people tend to use recreational drugs, such as those found in cigarettes, to feel better and relieve tension.  It turns out that one study found that people are actually happier and less depressed when they quit smoking.  And several studies have shown a link between smoking and depression.  The reason most drugs work in the first place is because we have receptors in our bodies that respond to the chemicals in drugs.  This also means that our bodies produce similar chemicals that have a similar effect as synthetic drugs.  So the physiological effects that drugs have on you can be elicited by similar natural messengers and transmitters created by your own body.  The greatest pharmacy is already within you, so there's no point in polluting yourself and the world around you.
