28 April 2009


One of the most commonly used hygienic products in the modern world is the trusty deodorant. It certainly works well, but did you know that deodorants are classified as an over-the-counter drug? No scientific studies have proven its long-term safety, yet its main ingredient, aluminium, is potentially harmful. Some recent small studies have shown that aluminium has cancer-causing properties. Also, aluminium in high doses has neurotoxic effects, potentially being stored in the brain and spinal cord. The area where the deodorant is applied has a large number of lymph vessels and nodes, so it makes sense that this is a vulnerable area, especially for women that shave their underarms, making the skin more penetrable. There are a growing number of alternative and more natural deodorants that do not contain aluminium, which you can find at most major local pharmacies. Remember, when you pollute your body less, your body will function better. (reference)

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