11 June 2009


About a month ago, a mother brought her 9 week old baby who had been struggling with colic. When they entered my consulting room, I realized that I had met the mother before. She told me she came to me as a patient while she was having a challenge with falling pregnant. After reviewing her file, I recalled that I saw her in November 2007, and now, about 18 months later, she was the proud mother of a little baby boy. I can’t say if the chiropractic care actually helped to make her fertile, as she had been improving many different aspects of her lifestyle. Nonetheless, I was very pleased for her and her husband. Becoming a parent is truly a blessing and it’s always nice to see someone given that opportunity. I have heard of many stories of chiropractic care having a positive effect with infertility. One recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health showed successful outcomes for three women who were also not able to have a child. Spinal adjustments improves the nerve supply to the reproductive organs and also improves hormonal balance. Infertility is a growing problem resulting from many different factors, and improving the function of the central nervous system is yet another step that could help. (reference)

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