07 November 2012

Healthy Exercise: Interval Training

Being physically active is what we are designed for.  Unfortunately, as modern life becomes more mechanized and computerized, more people are leading sedentary lives.  I recently read a book from the 1860's where the author was already lamenting the fact that people are sitting too much.  I'm sure he would cringe if he saw how things have turned out.  On the bright side, there are ways to exercise in short periods while also maximizing the benefits.  One example is interval training, which has been an essential part of training for elite athletes for decades.  In fact, even during my rowing days over 20 years ago, this was a key part of our strengthening and conditioning.  The principle is quite simple:  short bursts of intensive exercise, mixed with longer periods of moderate exercise.  By increasing the intensity in short intervals, this allows you to also shorten the total time that you are exercising.  The type of exercise depends on your preference and your fitness level, but it could be as simple as alternating between brisk walking and sprinting.    Interval training is a great way to get the most out of limited time, burns fat faster, gets your spine in motion, and makes exercising more interesting.  So stay active and enjoy the benefits.

For more information:

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