26 November 2012

The Many Benefits of Yoga

I once read that yoga was developed through the observation of animal behavior.  If you've ever had a dog or cat, you've noticed that they do stretch regularly.  In contrast, aside from those that exercise, most people never stretch.  There are many forms of stretching for humans, but yoga is the oldest and most popular system, involving stretches, poses, simple meditation, and breathing techniques, to reconnect your mind and body.  In recent years, this practice has become more mainstream, as more and more studies are revealing that yoga is not only good for keeping you supple, but also helps you to function better.  The health benefits seem to be endless, as recent studies have shown that yoga can help to control depression, normalize blood pressure, reduce inflammation, relieve arthritis, and even to lose weight.  There are many places where you can learn from qualified instructors, including most gyms, but there are also numerous websites, videos, and books available if you prefer to learn on your own.  Regardless of where you learn and what you call it, you should at least develop a daily stretching routine that suits you.  It's important to make sure your spine is in sync first, as long-standing subluxations might worsen without proper care first.  The goals of chiropractic and yoga are similar and just another very important ingredient to add to your wellness lifestyle.

For more information:

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