01 June 2022

Do Microwave Ovens Make Food Unhealthy?

The plants in images D, E, & F were fed water
that was exposed to microwave frequencies
 for just 1 hour and certainly did not fare well.

Source:  Advances in Bioscience
and Biotechnology
I am often asked if microwaved food is unhealthy.  Considering that overexposure to wireless radiation,
which uses microwave frequencies, has been proven to be harmful, it only makes logical sense that the cells of food would also be damaged by microwave ovens.  While some studies say the nutrient value and chemical composition of foods that are heated in microwave ovens is quite similar to food cooked using other methods, others tell a different story.  For instance, a study found that microwaving broccoli destroys 97% of an essential nutrient called flavonoids, while another found that microwaves damage protein.  Few studies, however, are being done on the health effects of consuming something that has been exposed to microwave frequencies.  While not easily found on most internet search engines, studies have been published more recently verifying that microwaved food, as well as water, is potentially harmful for both plants and animals.  

In a 2020 study from Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, researchers showed that pepper plants that are watered with water that sat next to a WiFi router for just one hour "exhibited marked decrease in health index" compared to unexposed water (see image above).  It's important to note that WiFi uses the exact same frequency as microwave ovens, 2.45Ghz.  Other studies on plants have also been published with similar startling effects, which I've linked below.  One study even showed harmful effects to plants with water microwaved even for just one minute!  This effect was also confirmed on animals, with a study on rats fed microwaved food showing changes in blood characteristics, including a decrease in red blood cells, white blood cells, less blood cell volume, and a lower hemoglobin concentration, as compared to rats fed food that was not microwaved.  In a follow-up study, all the rats fed microwaved food had lower levels of antioxidant enzymes, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E in their blood, with the authors concluding "that consumption of microwaved foods resulted in a significant decrease in antioxidant protection and may be implicated in the pathogenesis of oxidative stress and degenerative diseases."  In conclusion, it appears that microwaved foods can possibly accelerate the aging process, with microwave ovens likely turning healthy food into junk food and should be avoided.  Also, to preserve the natural state of nutrients in food, try to consume as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible, as this is the foundation of healthy eating.
by SJ NANA, DC, DrNana.co.za

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Please see my previous articles related to this topic:

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