02 October 2022

Darebee.com: A Great Source For Exercise Routines

This is just one of the many examples of
exercise routines found at 
(click on image to enlarge)
According to Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist, Dr. Roger Sperry, "90% of the nutrition and stimulation to the brain is generated by movement of the spine."  Chiropractic care improves the function of your nervous system by restoring proper motion of your spinal column.  Keeping your body mindfully in motion is then up to you, and regular physical activity is the best way to do this.  Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce your risk of cancer by up to 50% and not exercising is worse for your health than smoking.  

Along with regular walking, there are many simple ways to exercise that also don't require much time or equipment.  One good example is body weight exercise and a great place to get simple routines for all skill levels is a website called Darebee.com.  They have a database of over 1,900 exercise routines that can also be filtered and searched based on your needs, along with short video tutorials showing how to do the exercises.  It's always best to get professional help with intensive exercise, but this is a good start for anyone to get your body in motion again.  Also, try to change your exercise routine every 2 weeks or so, just to keep your mind and body in a more adaptive state.  When you make time to function better, you can enjoy life even more.

by SJ NANA, DC, DrNana.co.za

For more information:

Please see my previous articles related to this topic:

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