04 May 2009


One of the most common questions I’m asked by patients is “What is the best mattress to buy?” Most people spend more than 60 hours a week sleeping, so it goes without saying that it is essential to provide your body with the right support. I had a first-hand experience last year while visiting my parents in the U.S., realizing that sleeping on a very soft mattress severely disrupted my recovery to an injury. A 2006 study from a chiropractic journal also showed that people with back complaints reported a 63% improvement in their symptoms with a new mattress.
Here are some tips to remember when choosing a mattress:
1. Your bed should be more firm than soft. Mattresses can be too firm for some people, however. A recent study found that the heavier you are, the more firm your mattress should be.
2. When shopping, lie down on your final choices for at least 5 to 10 minutes to get a good idea of its comfort level. If you cannot find a comfortable position, you probably have the wrong mattress.
3. Be sure to rotate and flip your mattress 3-4 times per year.
4. It should last you about 8-10 years, so be sure to buy one from a reputable manufacturer. And remember, simply because a mattress is endorsed by a medical or chiropractic association, does not mean it is necessarily better.
The pillow you sleep on is also just as important as the mattress. The latest research has found that the best sleeping position for your spine is on your side, and not your back as was previously thought. The ideal pillow varies greatly from person to person. It’s simply a matter of trial and error, until you find one that works for you. Be sure to take note of whether you end up sleeping on your arm tucked underneath or on your pillow. If this happens when you’re lying on your side, it’s a good indication that your pillow is not providing the proper support.
Proper sleep allows your body to recover and heal. The world is always more enjoyable when you sleep properly.

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