07 May 2009


Just before the birth of our first child, almost 5 years ago, while browsing through the baby section at a book shop, I came across what turned out to be one of the most useful books I have ever read. It's called Baby Bliss by Dr. Harvey Karp. Prior to the birth of our first child, I had never spent even a minute with a baby alone. I really didn't have the slightest idea about how to take care of a baby, let alone calm them if they started crying or fussing. This book empowered me and allowed me to play an active role in the lives of both my children from the time they were born. For this, I am forever grateful to Dr Karp. In short, this book explains how to replicate the environment from which the baby developed (the womb), and it's benefits for the first three months, and even more for some babies. He calls it the 5 S's: Swaddling, Side/stomach lying, Shhhhhing, Swinging, and Sucking. If you want to learn more about this, you must read this book. I recommend it to all new parents, especially the fathers. However, this book does not include what I call the 6th S: Subluxation Correction. Dr. Karp does mention chiropractic in his book, but he says that he has found that it does not help. In my personal and professional experience, I have found the effects of chiropractic care on babies to be very effective in helping them deal with all of sorts of ailments, including colic. It simply helps them to function better, by releasing interference in their nervous systems. So it is essential to have all babies checked as soon as possible to make sure that their nervous systems are working well. In the end, it makes the start to their lives much easier, and gets your relationship with your kids off to a great start.

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