12 May 2009


Our bodies are interconnected in ways we have yet to fully comprehend. Now scientists are also verifying this. One example is a 2004 study published in The Journal of Neuroscience that found a link between chronic back pain and premature brain degeneration.

This landmark study revealed that those who suffered from chronic back pain for one year were more likely to experience a reduction of the brain's gray matter equivalent to the amount lost by the average person in 10-20 years of normal aging. Gray matter is the darker-coloured tissue of the brain, which is responsible for memory and information processing.

The reseachers concluded that "chronic back pain is accompanied by abnormal brain chemistry." They were not sure of the exact mechanism, but from a chiropractic perspective this is not surprising. The entire nervous system functions as one unit, so irritation in one region is bound to compromise the whole. Subluxations alter neuronal function and in particular, subluxations in the pelvis (sacro-iliac joints) hinders the rhythmic flow of the fluid that protects and nourishes the entire spinal cord and brain. So living with back problems not only causes pain, but also brain drain. Fortunately, we can help you feel and think better.

(Previously published in Healthy Habits Update, Spring 2005)

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